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maria76995 golddlocks
Hi goldlocks, I have a history of fibroids in the family when I turn 50 I discover I had 3 cm one on my uterus cavity hanging like a stalk I had it out soon after it was discovered I'm ok now.
deb20286 golddlocks
sophie76397 golddlocks
Hi Goldlocks - I've had a long history of fibroids - apart from causing heavy periods they shouldn't be causing too many problems. 12 years ago I had seven sizeable fibroids one of which was 20cm in diameter - equivalent of a four month foetus. As I wanted children, I had to have a myomectomey to reduce the risk of miscarriage. It wasn't a fun operation. I continue to have fibroids that have came back since - I have 3 now approx 1cm to 3cm although they are starting to shrink as I am progressing thru peri to full menopause. They are causing me no problems. If they are bothering you, go and discuss with a gynae - otherwise try not to worry about them. Hope things improve for you soon. I get mine checked out every year with a pelvic scan.
gailannie golddlocks
Many women have fibroids and never even know it. Their growth is supported by estrogen, and this is why they often shrink and even go away after menopause.
If you have a question and concern, a vaginal ultrasound can locate, count and measure them. I just had one done last Friday. Please don't worry it's really a "nothing" of a test. Only takes maybe 10-15 minutes.
juanita93228 golddlocks
My doctor discovered my fibroids at 48. He decided against surgery because I was so close to menopause and they tend to shrink. I didn't even know I had them. My old gyno retired and my new one did a ultrasound and the fibroids are holding steady. The largest one is about the size of a grapefruit. I still can't feel it. They aren't growing and they aren't causing me any issues. They run in my family. Both of my sisters have them.
Lotti1966 golddlocks