Fibroids and Emotional hurt? A holistic perspective

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Hi everyone!

This post is related to holistic healing, so please do not disregard it and please forgive me if you are a hard core scienst based person, but I have to share and ask...

I have been reading a lot about fibroids from a holistic point of view for self-healing. A lot of the holistic practitioners talk that fibroids arise from a disconnection with our feminitity. However, I also found a practitioner who talks about fibroids appearing as a big hurt from a partner or as something emotional. 

I know my fibroids have been with me for around 5yrs - the lady that did my scan told me. Well, this timing coincides with a really bad break-up I had. I was wondering if anyone else had a big emotional hurt around the time their fibroids started to appear. 

I am asking this cuz I also reading about the body code and the emotion code as alternative healing methods, and I am trying to find a connection to naturally heal the fibroids or help in shrinking them quicker.

Thank you for sharing your experiences and opinion! smile Cheers!

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7 Replies

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    Hi neshira. I have a couple of thoughts but not any real insight about holistic therapy for fibroids. Firstly I don't know about other people, but the idea that fibroids might have something to do with women being out of touch with their femininity seems somewhat insulting and extremely dubious. So that's all I'll say about that. Moving along to an emotional connection, I think it might be possible, in the sense that stress can play havoc on one's body and wellbeing, and perhaps lead to imbalances which promote fibroid growth. I personally went through a dreadfully stressful time the year prior to diagnosis. But I had been having symptoms for much longer. So if stress perhaps exacerbated them, I don't know but am open to the possibility. Healing wise... I have changed to a vegan diet and am feeling much better. But I'm still going to get surgery because I haven't had kids yet and don't want to leave it to chance that a more holistic approach might sort it out for me (I'm 35 and the clock is ticking for me). Destressing is a good thing to do anyway, as is trying alternative methods of healing... but I don't think you can necessarily look to it to reverse the problem, whatever the real cause might be. Good luck finding your answers and best wishes for the future. Rosie.
  • Posted

    Hi Neshira!

    Just like you I think my fibroid started growing about 5 years ago and at that time I had a really bad work situation and an emotional draining friendship. So I'm quite sure that that's when it all started. My body went havoc.

    I have been offered hormonal treatment or a subtotal hysterectomy but since my fibroid seems to be growing slowly right now I am trying out alternative, holistic methods first. And by that I mean a good diet, good friends, a good job, yoga, doing more of the things that makes my soul happy.

    Even though I don't believe that this will shrink my fibroid very much or make it disappear I do hope that taking good care of myself and destress will make it stay the way it is and not aggrevate it to grow rapidly.

    Take care and have a great day! smile

  • Posted

    A very interesting perspective, strangely my fibroids were diagnosed about  a year after my father died, and I was going through a very emotionally difficult time caring for my mum, who was living in the UK alone whilst I was living in Spain.

    I have quite a difficult relationship with my partner, he is not supportive or sympathetic, and can't understand why I don't just have the surgery, so am stressed out a lot. 

  • Posted

    Interesting perspective. I think life for all women is stressful! And it varies to the degree of stress u r going through at the time. I have never thought about it before.

    I do feel that if we can help our symptoms or get rid of the fibroids naturally then clearly that is better for us. By the time i recognised what the fibroids were doing to me i felt that holistic methods would work too slowly so i opted for surgery. But following surgery i do have fibroids remaining and want to try natural holistic methods to shrink these.

    I wish you well in your health drive. Living healthy(as long as ur not extreme) can only be a good thing😊👍

  • Posted

    Hi Neshira, I am open to the approaches you state as I am open to all theories because none of us can really prove / dis-prove 100% anything. I will take on board what I can from any holistic theory after all they promote wellbeing. I am beginning to think there is a link to what happens in the body from what is going on in the mind. I have seen evidence around me of people being diagnosed with illnesses following upsets in their life. (Seems unfair though because people who are hurt emotionally can then be affected physically - what a double whammy !) if this is true. I have also seen to the contrary people who do not get upset or hold grudges for example living a long  life without disease despite holding habits that are not considered health promoting ( i.e smoking and not eating veggies etc).  When I finish my next course of esmya I will be trying the holistic/ complimentary route. Even if it helps you to manage the symptoms and help with pain reduction that would be beneficial.   I think the disconnect to femininity I read about was just as a result of being emotionally rejected by a partner. It does sound far fetched from a scientific point of view but who knows !


  • Posted

    Thank you so much for replying ladies and sharing your points of views! 

    I am explore this as I been trying to shrink my fibroids naturally the last few months, and I have my scan in a few weeks- the moment of truth is coming :P fingers crossed. I do not want to have a surgery but also a bit annoyed at how my quality of life has changed, so I am weighing my options.

    I wish we knew more why the fibroids maybe happening in our bodies so we could tailor our treatments to the symptoms instead of just discovering we have them after having annoying treatments.

    Sending you all warm healing hugs! <3>

    • Posted

      I agree absolutely neshira, I wish I knew when I was eating or doing the wrong thing, and what it meant when I get a particular pain or pattern of bleeding, and how to improve things. There's so much conflicting advice out there. I am trying the Apple Cider Vinegar with 'mother' and Blackstrap Mollases from next week, when it arrives from Amazon, it can't do any harm anyway, and it's a lot cheaper option for me than Esmya.

      I wish you all the best with the scan!

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