Fibroids and Menopause
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Hi everyone. I am new to the forum. Menopause started for me at 50 and I'm turning 54 this month. When symptoms became unbearable (severe hot flashes, drenched after them, terrible moods, suicidal thoughts, not sleeping) and really affecting my work, I sought help from the GP. I did try alternatives first like black cohash, st. johns wort, excercise, diet, but nothing helped to the point that I could function normally. The doctor was hesitant to put me on any HRT because of breast cancer in my mothers history. But I didn't care. I needed relief. I was put on Livial. There was immediate relief.
Now, 2 years later, I had pains in my side and had tests, scans etc, and they found what was described as a 'tiny fibroid'. I said well surely that is what is causing the pain. I'd never had a fibroid before but it had to be. I got one doctor who said it could not be the case. Instead she changed my HRT to the most expensive one on the market Prempak-C. With this one yout get a 'period' every month. She wrote out a 6 month perscription which I refused. I tried it for a month. But asked to see a gynocologist. I was referred to one and got a quick appointement. The gyno said the Prempak-C was not the best choice as periods would exaserbate the firoid. So she took me off of it and prescribed Kliovance. She also prescribed a weeks' antibiotics incase there was any infection.
Needless to say, the pain ensued. No change. So she wanted to do a laproscopic surgery to have a look in. We did that only for her to tell me that it was indeed the fibroid causing the pain. She took me off HRT, told me I'd have to manage the symptoms and hot flashes somehow and that the fibroid should shrink in 3-6 months.
I am left with the pain and now the symptoms of menopause. The flashes are back, albeit not as severe as before. I can gradually feel my mood lowering so am considering seeing the GP about antidepressants. Now is not the time for me to be depressed. I am job hunting.
So I wondered if any of you have heard or experienced similar circumstances. Any advice or comments will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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jayneejay patricia60ko
you will feel up and down as well due to the HRT changes and coming off etc
hormones declining then HRT boosting them back up again ,..
take a while to adjust ..
if you have come offcompletely then peri kicks in again
i will say get some good B6
like a good quality mega B 100mg B complex with at least 100mg of B6.
Menapol plus is good x 2 daily
Jarrows B12 5000mcg cherry ' red label ' for energy boost
we lack these big time in peri
amongst other things
i take umpteen supplements
i had a natural but very long 9-10 peri menopause.
i am now post menopause just .. Age 50 ..
they say fibroids may shrink after menopause as estrogen declines .. So lets hope
big hugs
jay xx
patricia60ko jayneejay
Thank you so much for this very helpful information. Wow, this is really enlightening for me. I had not idea Peri would appear again, just thought it was 'before' menopause. I thought there was a strict chronological order. Education is key
I was looking at supplements today, and I will get some B^ and I like the idea of B12 as well for energy boost. I slept most of yesterday, but today feel much better and more energetic. So much so that I'm about to tackle sorting out clothes and closets. Yesterday the thought was just a distant goal!
Once again, thank you so much.
Best Wishes,
jayneejay patricia60ko
yes the docs dont explain do they but its actually self explanatory..
peri starts... some ladies take HRT during or after..
peri the body naturally wants hormones to decline .. finish... shut down the reproductive cycle..
HRT puts all these hormones back so your back to square one..
body confused... hormones trying to decline and then replaced..
so when ever HRT is stopped.. the decline starts all over again and the symptoms ..
some ladies say worse than before they started HRT
jay xx
annieschaefer patricia60ko
I can relate to your experience, other than prior to trying a course of HRTS, I knew I had a few fibroids along with fibrocystic breasts. I only lasted a little over a week on the Combipatch due to developing a pretty good sized cyst on lt. breast. I knew the HRTS were going to make things worse in that respect. I wasn't on it long enough to see if it would help my mental status, which had recently went into some type of funk that I could not understand.
Long story short, I did go to my GP and went on the antidepressant Sertaline of which I have been on for several months. It actually has helped with the insane anxiety attacks and sad moods, even though there still are times that I feel like I'm still not totally myself.
But everyone else around me says I am greatly improved. I'm not a big fan of taking them but if they help during this time, so be it. I recently started taking the supplements that jay has mentioned. I also go to Yoga several times a week and really am trying to use my treadmill and exercise bike at home on a regular basis to help out as well.
This is a really frustrating time, I can't believe how at times I don't feel like myself. Only thing that really keeps me sane is knowing that this will pass in time.
I feel for you when you mention you are going through this while job hunting, that is a bit of a challenge. As I have learned, what works for one, may not for another, but you may want to talk to your GP about a short course of antidepressants to get you through this period.
xx Annie
patricia60ko annieschaefer
Thanks so much this is really helpful. Isn't it amazing how much your mood can affect you? And how up and down it is? No one tells you these things. And how negative I feel sometimes. I'm so aware of it. Others say I'm not negative at all. But that's because they are used to me from all these years. Now that its all changing I'm keeping the negative thoughts to myself. But they are there
Quick example, I'm watching something on TV, and if someone's hairstyle is a certain way, I roll my eyes. I know it sounds petty, but for me, it's a huge change. It's not normal. For me anyway.
I want to try something that has helped some people which is a natural 5-HTP for serotonin levels first before I look into anti-depressants. I certainly won't rule them out. But I'll have a go and see what happens first.
My older sister had fibroids and ended up having a hysterectomy and hasn't had any problems since then.
I hope you are doing well now and that all is clear with fibroids and cysts. Thank goodness they die out or die down with time.
Once again, thanks for your helpful comments. I will try the supplements.
liz53953 patricia60ko
Maca is a powder from health shops it helps regulate your hormone levels and relieves depression
Marjoram leaves two teaspoons added to a cup if 7 ounces of water let it soak for 24 hours add honey it has a calming anti depressive effect
Anything is worth a go it just takes time to kick in hope some if this helps you. As jay says vitamin b and everything else she has suggested is good also magnesium . Keep your chin up x
patricia60ko liz53953
Thanks for this, its amazing what great advice I'm receiving, and I'm very grateful.
Yes, walking, yoga, I love them all. I was doing yoga daily along with cardio until it became to painful with the fibroid. But I hadn't felt like doing anything recently. I've gained 2 stone as well. I'm so fat now. When I saw my GP last he said 'You're gaining weight'. It was funny though because he is so lovely. He just retired so I miss him. But nevertheless, you all have inspired me.
I will walk daily. Sounds like a mantra, but I'll try it! And a bit of yoga in the evening. I've been thinking of starting again, just not motivated. But with the op done now and I know what it is, and I just have to live with it now. I can do it. And like someone said, it's not forever.
I'll give it a few months and hopefully the fibroids will die down. I'll monitor my moods, try the 5-HTP. If no change I'll see the GP and consider something else. I think the excercise will help with my moods.
I like the idea of Maca and always loved herbs and I actually have Marjoram so I will try the mixture you mentioned.
Like you said, anything is worth a go and it will take time.
Thank you so much for all your help. I'm so grateful.
jayneejay liz53953
Maca is good
i took the capsules when peri first started years ago
but you need a break off them every now and again.
i have taken them for 12 years.. and just having a minth break from them.
i now have the Rain Forest 5.1 Maca Root capsules from Amazon Uk
good for menopause, Libido and energy ..
peruvian Ginseng
jay xx
liz53953 jayneejay
patricia60ko liz53953
Feeling alot better this week and have been walking every day so far. I had a headache yesterday and its back but not as bad today. Now I am looking at my diet. I don't eat meat so I need to add more beans which I love. Cutting out the sweets is always the hardest for the first 2 weeks and then its fine.
I think my biggest issue has been that I need to just accept that I cannot eat the way I did when I was 25 or even 45. It's all changed!!! I need to get a grip on that, and it's a chore. But the family is helping. But telling me I don't look 53 does nothing for me. I know I don't.
But the outside and the inside are kind of having a tug-of-war. I'm calling a truce.
So each week for the next 4 weeks I will incorporate something to do daily. Bit by bit I'll get there.
Thanks for all the great suggestions, which I'm trying.
jayneejay patricia60ko
dont know if you got any B6 ot B12
B12 good for non meat eaters and B6 helps with weight etc as well as lots of other benefits
jay x
patricia60ko jayneejay
Yes I ordered B6. I will now get B12. I do take a multivitamin, but I will take extra for now and monitor until I get the combination right. Supplements have helped me in the past for other things.
Thanks for the suggestion of the B12.
patricia60ko jayneejay