fibromialgia and coping with heat and sweating
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i have ordered my cool vest cant wait till it comes hope its all it says it was because i cant do much more of these tempertures ,its killing me i think i will be wearing it in doors as well. at this rate will let you know if it works .i am get cool .
apperently we will catch the end of an hurricane so they were saying on the news
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Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
summer is the worst esp this year , the sweat is just pouring of me dont have to do anything , and the heat in my body is just awful,
i will let you know if the cooling vest works, [i hope so]
why dont you try in the mean time a chillow pillow that you feel with water you can put it in the fridge then take it to bed with you ,you supposed to put it in side your pillow case but i hold it to me like most people snuggle a hot water bottle,
have you tried one of those neck scrafs that have beads in them you soak them in cold water with ice if you have some for a few minutes till the beads swell and take on the water, then you dry of on towel so its not dripping and tye it round your neck as the water evaporates it cools you,they are about £5 on ebay ,
you can wear them any where and always pop to the loo and refresh them under the cold tap, it might not last as long as it does normal folk mine dosent but it should get you thru the washing up or a meal
.worth a will sweat more on the head as that is wear your heat escapes from , you can get injections on the nhs for excsive sweating but i shouldnt think they would be suitable for the head area,
i have also found on ebay , a blue natrual gel its for cooling muscles but it really makes you shiver so on the days i have had to go out in this heat iv applied it all over it does work . if your interested i will get the name of it and the seller and let you know. i no its a misery but you just have to keep plodding along . i get precious little support or understanding , from my son and husband , and i have no friends here mostly because i cant get out about. i am just glad i can chat on here.
and hopefully help someone.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
i know what you mean about support from people. My ppartner was really great for a while. Now he just seems to ignore me and I wonder if its resentment. I sometimes think he thinks I am exaggerating the pain! Blimey for what reason!? I would much rather be out and about enjoying myself! He just cant get his head around it, how something can come on so suddenly. We had bad news at the vets yesterday about my dog and basically we need to have her put to sleep tomorrow or Friday. The stress of that visit I am sure was what caused a new pain that just suddenly started last night in my knee, felt like a piece of glass was in it, its that sharp, but there is nothing there. He said it looks swollen and I must have bumped it but I know I havent. I am sure you are helping lots of people on here. You seem to know the products to buy etc, so well done! X
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
it . somewhere .
no the whole street no's when i have banged a part of my body it hurts like hell. i think i would remember.
if he does anything ,its iv done the stairs for you iv washed up for etc, when i fell and broke my nose the other year,he said you have caused me a great deal of inconveience now. [really made me feel good] just because he had to ring up work to get a week of , because i had slight concusion and small broken bone in my hand that had to be in a well as my nose,.being broken.
I AM SO SORRY to hear about your dog i can feel your pain seriously even the thought of having my dog put down brings me to tears can i ask what it is she has, if its not to painful a question ,
i know this is going to sound a really silly thing to say,but try not get to stressed up i did when my dad died and i had an awful bout of shingles that lasted months
i only know about stuff because i am for ever searching for answers
i wont take meds , because i dont trust doctors, so i have to find other answers.
once again i am so very sorry about your dog , god bless her and you. your laugh at me now .because i am crying for a dog i dont even no how crack pot is that.
i suppose if you love dogs then anydog is like your own.
esp when a story in the paper yesterday shows you the other side
of people ,a puppy was tied up in a carry abag and put in a council bin thank god someone found it and its save and well.
i liked to do the same to that person but i tie the bag really tight.rotten horrid people in this world .
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
my brother lives in france and so far each time he lost a dog that he went over with ,his come across another stray to take its place, they went over with two a king charles , and rotweiler both have since passed on ,vets arent as caring over there as they are here, he now has 5 because people just dump them there or have them put down , waynes like me a big softee just cant let that happen ,mind you he does have a large house and a lot of land , he now has a rotweiler, scottie, a hound, yorkie,and a border terrier, and a cat.
i expect he will attract more his like the pipe piper only with dogs.
think of the pain shes going to be in sweet heart , and just bite the bullit i know its really hard , and i know that given the choice you would rather find her gone in her sleep in her bed ,rather than have to have her put to sleep, i will be thinking of you ,god bless ,
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
i keep saying I cant get another pet, as its just too painful going throughh this each time, but if one finds me then I would never turn it away. All of my pets over the years have managed to find me, rescued in one way or another, except poor Marvin who was my kitten-he came from my next door neighbour, probably why he was so happy all the time, he was 7 weeks when he came here, a tiny bundle of love and energy. I feel he may come back to me so I will be looking out for a kitten in need over the next few weeks. Just seemed far too soon for him to leave us.
good on your brother. I would do exactly the same thing if I had the space. I always say if I won the lottery I would buy land and look after all the unwanted, neglected peta and have a llearning disabilities day centre and mental health drop in and would pay them to help look after the animals, as well as other projects to keep them occupied, growing fruit and veg, making crafts to sell etc. i used to work with learning disabilities and also in mental health and I know how much services are needed here now after so many have been shut down and the need for them to feel helpful etc. well, I am going to see if she wants a walk, if she is up to it
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
i always get dogs from rehoming kennals,to .
iv never found one but if i did and couldnt find its owner , i woould keep it.
we have my daughters dog at the moment and i am going to get upset when we hand him back in a couple of weeks , we have had him since feb, and although his a bit of an handle full his such a little charector
i will miss him.
i said i would take him on if he wouldnt resettle but i am not sure i can as it seems to be affecting my dog ,shes depressed nearly all the time ears down tail down, and scruff has attacked her a couple of times quite nastley . so not sure what to do .
i hope you both enjoy your walk, [sorry to ask but is here absolutly nothing they can do for her] i hate to be in your position. try and have a good couple of days .we must be a couple of peas in a pod i always said that if i won some money that i would collect up all the strays i could find and give them a really nice home and loads of love and cuddles.
i have Aspergers syndrome so does my son ,and middle brother , its alonley life as people dont like others who are differant.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
i know people with asperges and lots of people with mental health problems and I know the prejudice that a lot if ignorant people have. They're the ones with the problem though, not you, so dont let that get you down. I do not like ignorant people who judge without even knowing someone, really annoys me. I have to take Jess to see my ex soon so that he can say goodbye. We visited my parents last night. Seeing her sat in the grass enjoying the sun earlier on our walk just broke my heart and I couldn't help crying for the duration all the way back.
going to try to get her to eat again now. Take care x
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
its her time to go in piece and with love , give her a kiss from me to ,
i am sorry i must sound like a right nutter, but i cant bare it the pain of saying good bye, the pain you must be in , as well as her.
even when my sisterinlaws dog died i cried buckets i wrote him a poem and sent it to her with a plac for his grave that she could put his photo in
i suppose when you are treated like a reject in socity and i have trust me and now i am watching my son being treated the same way you feel for others in any kind of pain. proberly more so than normal people.
please dont think that i am being cruel when i say this but i hope you have alovely ev ening together and tonight she goes in her sleep so that you dont have to do that painful thing even though its best for her . rather than sufering
.you take care . and i know either way its going to be a loving release. for her. shes had some kinda of life. because she has been some kinda of dog. god bless x
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
its awful that you have been treated like that and it must be dreadful watching your poor son going through it too! My son drives me mad at times. He can be very selfish etc but I cry for him if he gets upset for any reason and my daughter too. All we want is to see them happy isn't it?
well Jess has eaten a bit this evening and she enjoyed her visit to my ex who I am still good friends with. She wandered around the pub beer garden saying hello to everyone as she always does, so gently. Her tail was wagging like mad when she saw my ex too. It just all seems very confusing right now. I still havent phoned the vet, but i suppose I must tomorrow.
thank you for all of your lovely words of support xx
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
i dont believe in god like most people,but i believe in a higher being and the love , wonder and power of the universe.
i am glad jess had a good visit ,
god bless you both.x
LindaC49 Xxxxxtttttttttt
LindaC49 Xxxxxtttttttttt
tiswas24537 LindaC49
they cost about £5 from ebay and there are a few english sellers but becareful alot are from japan, iv just ordered another . i can give you the sellers details if interested.
if thats not enough buy a cool vest ,iits what MS sufferers use.
but designed for out door sports man.and manual workers.
theres several types, ones that work like the scraf but i dont fancy damp on my back,thru evaperation .
or the most popular type is a waist coat type with lots of pockets that you put little blue ice packs in after freezing that should keep you cool while out an about.hard to find and not cheap i ordered mine from a german ebay seller
, but there are some on AMAZON and they also sell on line in sport and moter cycle shops .but its a nightmare searching ,because so many are from the usa , and the one english one i found wanted all your details so they could just bombard you with emails , so i brought from germany .proberly be here sooner than if i brought from the uk any way.
hope iv been of some help. anything is worth a try.
Xxxxxtttttttttt LindaC49
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
you will know when, but i am still hoping for you both that she just goes in her sleep.
remember sometimes people and animals suddenly improve just before its there time .
my nan did bright as a button she was sitting up in bed in the hospital , everyone thinking she would be fine, the next day she was gone. just like that
. go with your instincts we all have them if it dosent feel like the right time then wait, worst comes to the worst the vet will make a home visit even at night, so hold back and do what you think is right. i lite a candle for her last night and asked the universe to take jess quitley in her sleep when it was her time. thinking of you both .take care x and one for jess X
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
from ebay seller
you can buy a smaller bottle 200ml or a sample bottle but its something you wont notice its working till you have been taking it for a couple of weeks ,
so your best of going for the 500ml you should feel the differance after the bottle is compleated, theres also info on both nanno gold and silver on this page just scrhool down.
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
i to shall ask the angels to rock her to sleep when its time.
i am very much a believer in angels and what you put out you get back, my friend and my tarot reader says , that i am what they call a SENSISTIVE.
i feel very deply other peoples saddness and while that is very hard at times ,being a sensistive has kept me safe as well
i know when i am around bad people i sense it. unfortuntly it makes for people thinking that you are a bit weird , i told my friend that the man she was seeing was dangerous but she wouldnt have it ,
some months later he had her hanging by her feet over a railway bridge, luckly the guy she is now with. was passing by after late shift, and came to her rescue. it can be a curse to care and feel to deeply , but i rather that then not care about anything
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
yes, it can be a curse sometimes knowing when people are not nice and with there being so many around, it sometimes feels like we are very much in the minority. I used to read tarot cards for people in work and I found out a lot more about them than they were happy with! Lol
thanks again for your caring and support and I do hope you are feeling well at the moment xx
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
not supposed to be allowed any more on ebay.
iv been having readings with her for 3yrs we have a connection regarding our mams who were the worst , didnt show any interest in us so she knew how i felt, and i knew how she felt,
we were both close to our grandparents and missed them terriabley
lainy had two sisters , called karen and deborah there my middle names,
. theres loads more connections with us plus shes been so right many times , she even knew before steves daughterinlaw knew that she was pregnant ,how about that,
she has predicted a new man in my life soon in the futrue ,whos going to make me happy, because all i have ever wanted is to be is loved and wanted something my parents never made me feel thank god for my lovely ,grandparents.
steve dosent either its not his fault just the way his made , his not a bad man dosent beat me or anything we just dont connect .
i even said to lainy your making this new man up ,just to keep me sane ,
she said nope clear as abell, his waiting for you, with the same interets and belives
, she, said that like you shes had people ask in desperate sitiations is there anyone new coming into my life and she sometimes has to say no, but if there in any danger she always gives them keep them safe but she never lies ,
so fingers cross my white knight will appear. i dont watch tv anymore we removed the airel ,but before that i to never watched the news and never read newspapers, i dont watch any horror films or supernatrual stuff either it messes with my head and i constantly replay the it in my head ,
and a big one for jess X and hug to. candle ready to be lit tonight .for jess.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
well I do hope you find someone that you have a good connection with. It makes all the difference and you deserve it!
Thanks again and goodnight to you xx
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
so you can swop them over when you get to the shop and put the other one in while your shopping, so when you come back and need to drive home ,you can take that one out and use another cool one , proberly help on a trip out , as well as long as you keep the bag sealed the ice pack shoul stay semi frozen .keeping the scrafs cool.
if you order one dont be put of thinking theres hardly any beads init i thought mine was faulty but it swelled up as it should have. when i put it in water.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
my hips are painful at the mo because iv been housebound with the heat so they have seized up a bit from sitting to much, my elbows are always tender, and neck tight, but bearable.
hows jess today, . i fell asleep last night after a visit to my daughters with her dog, sad or what, i woke early hours to a reall down pour, went in kitchen for a cuppa , and there sat a toad , had to look twice ,had to get steve to get him out because they scare me,
and i was afraid if the dogs gaught him ,because although they scare me ,i still wouldnt like to see it hurt. but it was funny ,this toad just sat there looking at me,
steve shooed it out , and it just sat under our canopy . ahhhhhhh
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
jess seems ok in herself, talking to me, sitting in the sun etc. but has not eaten yet today. We went out for tea lasy night and I got sausages just so she could have them! She did enjoy them, but not today it seems x
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
arhhh poor jess she must be getting so tired now bless her she knows shes loved by you and dosent want to leave you , bless her . hope she picks up later , i don tknow what else to say . except your both in my thoughts.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
Yes it must have been near the loo seat and as I sat down felt something slimey on my bum! Lol I jumped up quick and the poor thing splashed into the toilet so I had to fish it out quick and take it to the garden. Luckily it seemed unhurt, was a hell of a shock though! Lol
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
i dont do it from scratch anymore i dont like cooking, to be honest .i love baking because its creative, but cooking i dont enjoy , unless i am experementing, i have war time cook books and i love trying them out when i am up to it.
i love my slow cooker i just bang it all in and switch it on , bang some spuds in my electtric steamer and iv got a meal with out chopping .and hassel. i still have fresh brocli and cauliflower and cabbage but i get tehm allready prepaird . hope you and jess have a nice evening .
i will say another pray for jess.tonight.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
sounds nice. I used to love cooking too, I would be happy spending hours in the kitchen before it all got so bad x
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
so i fell asleep in chair woke up feeling sick and the pain worse, then was sick ,pain seems to be greatly reduced to day.
but this is the 2nd time in 3months , i do find it hard in the hot weather because i am so restricted with foods all the great summer foods that i love and want to consume and will be light in the heat i cant eat .i dont want stew and dumplings in summer so i eat tinned meat and cheese alot which is really bad for anyone.
it is worrring but the inflammed tender feeling around the bottom of my ribs has almost gone so ia m sure its linked to the fibro ,but this bloody condition has so many symptoms its a nightmare . to know if its something eles.i am glad that jess had a good night and that she seems pretty much the same today. she certainly is a fighter . bless her. try and have a good day.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
jess is certainly a fighter. She does not want to give in to this at all, its obvious.
Hope you have a good day too, thanks x
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
but as long as shes not in pain theres not a problem and you hang on to each other as long as you can.every day is a memory
if you had listened to the vet she wouldnt be here now , every day is precious .
did you ever read a true life story called tuesdays with morrie ,its a film as well .
brillant ,sad but uplifting book , about an old man dying and a young man through his weekly visits to him, learning how to live and what really is important. in life.
i read it in a day couldnt put it down.
i also loved a film called first do no harm ,about a mothers fight for her sick child, true story. happy outcome thanks to her fight.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
I havent read those books, I tend to avoid sad stories to be honest but the first one sounds interesting indeed, I may look that up. Its quite amazing how so many people never get what is really important in life. I first read about Buddhism about 13 years ago and it completely changed my outlook and in fact my whole life. I am not materialistic and am never happier than when walking or sitting in a beautiful garden. I cant wait yo go to my next Nt garden. Bodnant is my favourite, but chirk castle garden is so beautiful, just on a much much smaller scale. If it was nearer I would visit probably 4 times a week! Lol
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
, and the same can be said for first do no harm , its inspiring that she fought for the right to have her son treated by a special diet at a epelaspsey ,treatment clinic.rather then being wierd up in hospital being pumbed full of drugs that made martters worse
its a high protein diet ,which in may cases helps suffers to lead a near normal life , they even used some reall life sufferes in the film as clinic staff, it was a very positive film , another film about the after life which i thought was so positive and interesting was is called What Dreams May Come Robbie Williams .
i have never read anything on buddisuhm iv started them but found them abit to complex , maybe i am just thick. i believe tina turner become a buddist and it changed her life ,
i hope you have a lovely day together , the rain is pooring down here ever since about 10am we have thunder and lighting as well
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
now i just dont care like you i wear what i want ,not fashion , if i had a figure i would live in vintage clothing from the 1930s such fantastic stuff
alot of
people today think gothic is new and hippies were new they were far from it , the freedom movement started i think in the 1930s mostly for the rich i admit but they wore long dresses and robes and ties around they heads and spoke of phlosphey and a new way of life.
and we all know goths arent new.
i hate fashion and especialy that essex look , i just do my own thing ware what i want
, i tend to stay in black thou because i am fat but i add colour i like colour and i add trims and sew on appliques .i like studs to
.my hand s have been to bad for sewing this year but shall start again when the weather cools
, i cant ware heals now so i always go for studs on my boots and buy clip on bling for my shoes. i keep all trimings and buttons even black leather studded tassles from a handbag ,old jewarly anything that i might be able to add to something to make it differant to anyones eles . if i am going to be classed as afreak due to my aspergers might aswell play up to it. i say. mind you at 54 iv had many arguments with women who say i am not that old , i think they need there eyes looking at myself,
but its nice to get a compliment.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
iv given up on jeans I carry most O f my weight at the front,so i look pregnant , its a horrid reflection, really upsets me
, because i am not lazy like your self i would walk for miles and be on the go althe time if my body let me, so i get up set with the frustration .
i try to think well sod them but inside it really hurts, thats another reason i dont want to go out, because i am legS arent slim either so dosent really help , i ware a size 20/22 and all my life iv been what i call normal 12/14 then 14/16 after my kids , now in my mind i look hiddius . i try really hard not to let people get to me ,but words do hurt .
no matter what the rhyme say's .
i will look for some basic books on buddisum .have you any titles you can suggest.
have you ever seen the film TRULY MADLY DEEPLY i love that film must be my faverite film its out of print now i had it once but sold it by mistake with some other dvds i was selling,
it stars julliet stevenson , along the lines of ghost but far superior, its so funny and touching . and another of my favs is city of angels nicolas cage. oh well not much eles to say , X AND A HUG FOR JESS .good night god bless to you both.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
i will have a look through my collection, when I can find them, my place is such a mess at the moment! And I will try to recommend some. I know there was one I bought that was such an easy read. I have books by the Dalai Llama too.
i havent seen that film,maybe its available second hand on amazon? My favourite film is 'as good as it gets' with jack nicholson. I lost the video (yes I still have a front loading video player! Lol) so got it really cheap on amazon or ebay, for 99p I think.
i love Nicholas Cage too!
Thank you I will give Jess a big hug, she has eaten well today!
Goodnight x
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
you sound a very confidant lady thats one thing i lack ,i will stand up for anyone eles rights , i think thats courage not confidance .i dont like bullies and have always fought back for others but i dont find it as easy to do for myself, i w as bullied thro juniors and 3 yrs of seniors untill i snapped , then they left me alone , it was an all girl seniors so you can imagine.
with all this new way of dealing with bullies it still goes on in schools my pet shop lady has a daughter whos 15 and because she is a book worm she gets bullied some awful ,
but she just sticks her heels in and studies more to annoy them , shes going somewhere . and gues what when i listened to her mum describing her ,i said, bet shes a capricorn and she was only just thou the 19 jan. so am i .
i got no respite from it because i got it at home as well ,plus i couldnt tell my parents because my mum would have been disinterested and my dad would have made my life even more of an hell and i proberly would have had a smack for being a whimp so i just kept it to myself ,at juniors i faked 7 weeks of with mystery stomach pains thou because i was so scared .
when the doc said if it was no better by next week i was to be sent to hospital i gt better, and went back to the bullies. all i wanted was to be left alone.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
iv joined other groups and peopel just dont get how you cant do somethings i dont want to keep explaining so i say nothing and end up suffering, i slipped on a dog biscuit this morning now i keep on getting sudden stabbing pains across my back , how perfected is that.
i am just a complete and utter mess, emotionly which impacts on my well the physical sense. will try and have a good day ,
you and jess make some more memories.
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
thats proberly why we are drawn to him we can feel his pain, you can see it in his face.
i think its lovely that you still have a vidio recorder my old man is always updating tvs and stuff i just learn it with my aspergers and brain fog then its time for something else .drives me mad
i had a black and white tv portable for years when i was a single parent as that was all i could afford never bothered me.
i hate the way they tell us to recycle are rubbish ,then try and sell us a new tv every 5 mins, and i wish they wuld bring back the good old fashioned milkman with glass bottles that were reused,instead of horrid plastic things.
that go to landfill. this world will never make anysense to me.
Xxxxxtttttttttt tiswas24537
i hope you are feeling a little better by now. I am exhausted as I have been out all afternoon trying to sort out a car. My old one was just about to pack in, so we needed one desperately. I live out in the sticks and getting anywhere is very difficult without a car. So we want to take jess to one of her favourite places tomorrow while we still can!
hope you have a good evening x
tiswas24537 Xxxxxtttttttttt
she really is a very lucky dog,bless her .
in the respect that she is so very much loved.
it sounds like you live out some where like the tv serise VERA is filmed
i love that show shes so like me , wants to be long but dosent quite get it.and the senery is beautiful shall be serise 4 this week because i couldnt watch it when it was on because of the add breaks, i like to really get into dramas, foyles war is one of my faverites any thing where the acting is superb. .and where actors look like people you could meet on the street. i loved bletchly circle , and call the mid wife to .
i will have to get both on dvd now ,as we have cut the airel so we cant get live tv. and dont want it.
i will pray for jess again tonight , feels like our prays are being heard
and i am so pleased that you both get this extra time, its so precious .