Fight or flight?

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Is anyone else experiencing random periods of extreme anxiety? I was just driving in to work and out of nowhere felt this surge of...something. Can’t call it simply energy because it wasn’t a good feeling! It felt more like fear. Suddenly my  heart raced, my arms were tingling, I was a little queasy and dizzy. Honestly feared i would pass out. It felt like an episode of low blood sugar, but I had breakfast. Is this what’s described as a fight or flight response?  Is that typical of menopause? 

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16 Replies

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    Hi Teri 

    I have this on and off all the time , sometimes you can be low on iron or mostly it’s your hormones . It’s an awful feeling and nothing seems to take it away . I use rescue remedy quite a lot does it work .. who knows , peppermint tea, you just have to see what’s good for you . 


    • Posted

      Clare what you just experienced is called an adrenal surge. The adrenals glands has a rise in cortisol when this happens. As you mentioned it felt like a low in sugar episode. Yes, perimenopause is definately all conected with insulin too.. ( insulin is a hormone also) . If you you tube Dr. B--g ( i dont think moderator will allow me to mention his name) but he explains very well how everything come into play with perimenopause. This is pretty much ongoing for me, but ive gotten it under control alot since I know the adrenals are the culprit so im treating my adrenals. No, my dr. had the slightiest idea, their way of treating it was with anxiety and depression meds. A naturopath is the one that explained to me what is happening and why. I hope this helps you.
    • Posted

      Thank you! I’ve used rescue remedy for my dog! I’ll have  to try it. I focused on the feelings today so I could relay the info to a doctor later. Still having trouble recovering from it though. It’s harder at work, where I’m afraid it will happen in a meeting!!
    • Posted

      Hi Mary 

      Yes I had to find all this out by myself, self research as my doctor wanted to give me anti depressants and Valium . I really don’t want to take anything at this moment so that’s why I done my own reasearch I have a high level of cortisol caused by stress . 

      Can I ask how you are treating your adrenals ? 


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      Hi Mary!

      Can you please inbox me the Dr.'s name on YouTube. I would like to see the video. Thanks!

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      Aside from trying to minimize stress and doing a little yoga daily I’m not sure what else to do. I’ll do some research though. 
  • Posted

    This happens to many females ,I agree with Bach rescue try it ,you can buy it any chemist or supermarket . It's scary when it first begins , tell your Dr this has happened . Hope it doesn't go on for to long . It's simply hormones, you can talk to females guarentee they will say they have this going on . Hits out at odd times and you don't feel it coming that's the worst about anxiety/ panic attacks . Try and destruct yourself when it comes along and keep saying "It's hormones " but do tell your Dr . 

    • Posted

      Mine all started whilst driving ( why still a mystery to me driving of all things ) took several drs visits initially being put on meds ,until finally an oldest Dr in that practise said lets have a look at menopause ( 48 at the time ) he was spot on he was into his 60's , seen and heard it from women hadn't he ,the other 4 drs in their early to late 30's . Don't teach them signs to look for in med school,not like old Dr . Blood test later yes menopause the culprit ,what I will tell you is palpatations  some get them some don't , again hormones playing mean tricks on women . Try and see old drs or female drs most likely to be menopausal age . Your be okay ,don't let spiteful hormones get at you . Chat to women if your worried ,like mum ,aunts , cousins , girlfriends ,even female neighbours . All females end of the day Teri . 

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      Thanks! Good advice! My mom had a hysterectomy in early 40s so her experience wasn’t typical. And it was at a time when doctors prescribed HRT automatically. That was hard on her body she says. This too shall pass right?!
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    Hi Teri. Oops! Sorry i address the pisting to Clare instead of you.
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    I get that while driving as well. It comes on quickly and I have to shake myself out of it. It’s scary and I feel like I could pass out but I never do, thank God!

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    I'm post Meno nine years and have experienced this at night..along with shaking and trembling..I think I get some symptoms now as never had any when my periods stopped at lasted a couple of mths and interfered with my sleep big time...had lots of tests that came back fine..although I'm still dealing with insomnia because of it..

  • Posted

    The best thing you can do is talk to your doctor about your anxiety. Find out how to manage it and whether or not there are any considerations you need to make to improve your physical and mental health. Join support groups and talk with other women whenever possible.  Don't forget to stay positive. Look for activities and events that keep you focused on how great your life is and how great your life will be, not simply the fears you have about the future.

  • Posted

    Yes to everything you are saying. My period are very irregular the last year and I am noticing a correlation between the worst anxiety being the week or so before I have a period. Hang in there. We are all in this together.
    • Posted

      I’m 18 months since my last period, but the anxiety level daily is right up there with my worst PMS days. 

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