Finally coming off Tramdol

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Hi there Im from the UK and have been using 50MG Tramdol for around 10 years Im 22nd years old I had or have a back condtion that used to give me alot more pain than it does now. Ive decided that enough is enough with tramdol and been tapering for a while Im down from 8-10 a day to 3 now, however with tapering I have found that Im already having the withdrawl. So I have decided to suck it up and do cold turkey from Monday the 26th of Jaunary I started this forum cause Id like to go though the experince with people documenting my experinces live so to speak so people can either learn from my mistakes or learn from something I did right I really feel I need to document how bad this drug is! As of this monday coming im going to taper down to 2 at night before bed then as of the 26th as I have some pior engagaments that I can attend in withdrawl mode I will cold turkey as of them using some ingrdients from the thomas recipe. One thing I will trying that i expect to be judged on is using Medical Marijuana there is a few reasons why I understand that some people are agasint this drug but I really do think it should be tramdol banned not weed anyway the reasons Il be using this as follows 

1.Im a firmly behind the use of Medical Marijuana and want to see if it works for me as withdrawl set in.

2. I once took a weekend trip to Asterdam where I lets say dabbled in local culture alot I acutally relised when I got home that I hadnt taken my tramdol for the 3 days I was there and that was when I was on 8-10 days.

3. There is data to back this up working from top doctors around the world in fact some countries unforuntaly not the UK are now prescribing Medical Marijuana for withdrawl.

4. I dont want to leave one pill for another I.E a sleeping pill or another pain killer I acutally wanna experince a day in my life without any drug of any kind and after 10 days or so I hope to try this that includes not touching the Marijuana again.

I completey understand If you dont want to follow my journey because of the fact Im going to using Medical Marijuana as a tool to hopefully help Ill certainly be trialing it the first couple of days I fully expect it to help with restless leg sydrome and sleepless nights.

Other things Ill be using from the 'Thomas receipe' are 

VITIAMS of all kinds 


Im also going to drink alot more water than I normally do please if you have any tips for me please let me know. would love to hear opinons 

I would like to add about 2 years ago I tried to cold turkey off the 8-10 a day and it didnt go to well i relaspsed after 6 days after basically not being able to move I wasnt prepared I used nothing but baths and water to help and I hope being on 2-3 and being alot more prepared and having what people see as a secret ingrident in Marijuana.

Anyway hope I can help anyone with doing this and rid people of this horrible drug!


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15 Replies

  • Posted

    yes, M does help a lot. As do vitamins and re-hydration salts, imodium, iron tablets when the nausea is settled. The M helps the nausea, the shakes, the panic and the anguish. It can also help to use an opiate for three days to go through the mental symptoms first, and then use the M for the physical symptoms. The thing everyone needs to understand is that withdrawal is only the first hurdle. The depressed state and the sudden anxiety and the restlessness that cycles for months can be hard to handle simply due to the long drawn out experience. M is not helpful past the first two weeks. The rest is either up to you to let your brain change back, or get an anti-depressant of the SNRI catagory for 6 months. 

    It will be interesting resd your posts and be able to follow your withdrawal. 

    • Posted

      Oh Im glad im not the only one who is using M! Thought people might get a bit judgy and yeah i expect this to be a long game adjusting my life to tramdol after! Its just im so blessed to live a good life my only downside is tramdol so its time to buck up and come off them thanks for replying and your help!
  • Posted

    Good to hear someone else liberating themselves from tramadol. You should congratulate yourself on your strength of mind - the decision to come off is the hardest step to take. I'll be interested to follow your posts, I sincerely wish you as smooth a journey as possible.

    Don't let people pass judgement - tell them it's a negative emotion that's bad for their health wink 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone'. haha there's a whole range of comebacks you can prepare yourself with! I used weed to help with withdrawl. It was miraculous for chills and anxiety but unfortunately didn't help me sleep (although being awake was less torturous for it). Might be worth investigating other aids for insomnia (there's lots of info on forums for people coming off opiates like heroin and methadone) - I used everthing from valarian root and hops tinture, Gaba supplements, sleep hypnosis iphone apps, binaural tones iphone app etc etc not sure anything worked convincingly but they helped somewhat.

    It might be worth researching Kratom too. I've not tried it but it sounds like a useful, natural, legal product that can help with coming off opiates. I only did my research once the withdrawl symptoms landed (I was blissfully ignorant till my world turned upside down!) but that is something I would have tried if I had a stock of it.

    Look after yourself.

    • Posted

      Hi cheers for the support! Im not at this moment worried about the lack of sleep last time I had ok sleep during cold turkey im more worried about the aches and pains and keeping myself sane basically I take all your advice on board I will proably try some weed for the sleep aswell it normaly works like that for me anyway.
  • Posted

    Hi Frank, Mary Jane definitely helped me while cutting down from almost 20 a day to 3 a day for the last few months. I'm kind of at the same place as you, would like to stop cold from the 3, but I feel like it mighy be best to go down to 2 then 1 before stopping, so interested how it works for you. I was also put on Zoloft which I feel helps. I couldnt do the cold turkey from a high dose. Didnt sleep for 5 days before giving up. It's just too much of a shock to the system. Please post your updates. I'm right there with you.


    • Posted

      I'd like to know how long you were on Zoloft before stopping tramadol, and how much you think it helped. This information could be VERY helpful to others.
    • Posted

      I was on Zoloft for about a month before I tapered down to 3. Now Ive been stuck at 3 for about 3 months. That's what the Dr gives me. I feel balanced right now, so it's hard to taper more, but I want to be free from it.
    • Posted

      I can relate to the feeling balanced on 3 tramdol like you said I feel great on it! Im still doing the withdrawl next week as planned Im going to try crack the best withdrawl programs I can other people doing it
  • Posted

    Im trying the cold turkey option for a number of reasons I have the free time at the moment and I just feel if I can last 5 days or more when i quit from 8 i can do the 3 we will soon find out Im glad people are replying hoping to document this as best as I can so people know the truth its very shady on the effects of cold turkey so Im going to give it a try! Im not kidding that ive already been experincing side effects from withdrawl Struggle sleeping and so fourth I had a slight vision impairtment or basically saw something with has never happned to me before but it was only once so if Im feeling like this now I might aswell go for it. hope I can help anyone either way!
  • Posted

    I've been prescribed tramadol but scared to try it due to the side effects "this tablet can slow or stop your breathing when you first take it"? Would really appreciate others views and advice on this please as i'm in serious pain.
    • Posted

      Hi sorry to hear about your pain! anyway erm I didnt experince any breathing probelms when i first took tramdol and they prescribed me them when i was 12. probelm is with tramdol it will heal your pain so quickly but being addcited is like being addcited to herion, Id say if your pain is bad take what youve been prescribed but the second you feel better does down do not get addcited if you can help its a horrible cycle!
    • Posted

      Breathing problems may arise from an overdose. You'd have the same problem with any narcotic pain meds, but I would think Tramadol wouldn't be as bad. Regardless, just take as prescribed & that shouldn't be a problem. I'm not a Dr but that's common sense, "take only as prescribed".
  • Posted

    Hi frank17901 ...i will follow your discussion ..i would like to know how this all works out for you. I never took morr then 4 a day on a bad day. I have just recently started to taper and am only taking 2 a day.....i tried cold turkey several times..and didnt make it i just hated how horrible i felt. So i decided to stick to my doctors orders and taper. I sweat pretty bad at night my doctor has prescribed me zofran for nausea which i take before bed because my body seems to withdrawl during the night . I would use the mary jane as often as you need to ..anything that helps you get off the tramadol..and like you said you dont want to take another pill in place of tramadol. Good luck to you ! I hope things go smooth and you come out on top!
    • Posted

      Aww thank you everyone is so kind on here! and yeah sometimes it is best to taper the cold turkey experince can be a stressful the way I see it as I live at home Im only studying at the moment too so I can have a free couple of weeks basically Im sure most people on here have jobs and maybe even kids to look after so I would reccomend cold turkey at all.
  • Posted

    Coming off of Tramadol is extremely tough.  The withdrawals are horrible, and they last for weeks.  But it is possible to stop taking it for good.  I was dumb enough to do it twice.  The only way to come off of Tramadol is to slowly taper off a little at a time.  If you have withdrawals, coming off cold turkey feels nearly impossible.  One of the worst withdrawals is the extreme restlessness, making it nearly impossible to sleep for weeks.  Tramadol stays in your system for a long time.  You will need to taper off slowly until you are down to a half a pill a day.  Then you may need to take that 1/2 pill for over a week until you are albe to come off it 100% and not have bad withdrawal symtems.  Or you can see how long you can eventually go without taking a pill, and then only take a 1/2 pill when you feel the withdrawal systems coming back.  Again, tramadol stays in your system a long time.  This is not a quick process, but I promise, it's doable! 

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