Finding it hard to work
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Hi ladies, is any one finding it hard to go to work ,been peri for over 4 years the first 4 months did not go to work anxiety was bad but then got back and was doing fine but this last year and a half has been hard
Had to change HRT as my symptoms came back .
I only work part time I do 2 hours on a Tuesday I am a cleaner 5 on wed , Thursdays I pick my nieces up from school have them for3 hours and on Friday I do a cleaning job
I get so tired and my knees ache
Had to have last week off as I was on antibiotics and had a bad reaction too them , feel ok now so going back to work but I start to get abit anxious as I did not go last week ,just get so fed up of it all , I feel like I don't know how I am any more
will be so glad when this is all over but it just not knowing when it will be. My doctors are nor that helpful the lady doctor that deals with this told me what do I expect at my age 50 in July and that ladies in the past just got on with it.
Thank you ladies for been here it is so help knowing you are not on your own.
Take care
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claire38123 paula20385
I feel for you i was hit hard in jan with anxiety hot sweats,palpitations and feeling really ill blood tests shown i was in peri after having a hysterectomy 7 years ago at 39 but i kept my ovaries i was on the sick for 2 months then went back part time, i work for asda on the counters iam now back full time 3 8hr shifts and 1 7hr wed to sat and its killing me iam so shattered from night sweats and anxiety in the night and dread going work at dinner knowing iam not home till 8.20pm but been told i will be on report if i have a sick day within next 26 weeks big companies should understand more about how much the menopause impacts on lives and to make it worse we have someone on the sick so 2 days last week i was running the department on my own which is far to much for 1 person let alone with someone going through the bloody menopause so i hear you its crap time of life and i would love nothing more than to give up work and just try to get through this sodding rubbish menopause but bills need paying and thats the only reason i work its not that i enjoy what i do so big hugs to you and i hope you feel a little better again soon xx
paula20385 claire38123
That is horrible how you are been treated, it is not your fault it make me so mad, we have enough to put up with .I am lucky the people I work for have been really understanding,
like you if I could afford not too work I would not , I feel I need too get my self sorted then I would be able to cope again
Hope you feel better soon
take care xx
anxiousface paula20385
i find it hard in work too and this has been going on for the last seven years for me. I work 28 hrs now but im in the office everyday and i get anxious because im on my own with a lot of responsibilities which is scary as sometimes i cant even remember my name or spell.
iv was so much better last month but now im hit with a sinus infection which is horrendous pressure in my ears and head. i went to A&E last week as i thought i was having a stroke, body went all tingling and lost balance, couldn't think straight. i just want me back but iv been through so much i cant see that happening. i wouldn't manage without all you supportive ladies so thank you for that and i hope we all feel better soon.
sunaina1983 paula20385
Hi dear
Sorry to hear ur suffering alot
Ur not alone dear
I left my job because of peri symtoms.
i worked in private starting i took leave for 1 month but my symtoms become worse ..Head pressure and dizziness is too much..i started feeling off balance too then i left my Job and in home only. I feel unsteady in class .not able to concentrate ..soo have to left my job.
Perimenopause made me Home bound..not feel like going anywhere.
suffering from sooo many physical and emotional symtoms of menopause.
Its tought phase of life
Hang is there.
paula20385 sunaina1983
Sorry you had to leave your job it so unfair, no body tell you what going to happen all people talk about is the hot flushes. Hope you feel better soon x
sunaina1983 paula20385
Thanks dear
Hoping for better days
kelly55079 paula20385
I'm 50 and very useless. I work part-time and wouldn't be surprised if they fired me. When I see other women doing their job and so on top of things, I'm just shocked and wonder how they can function. I'm a bit jealous.But yes, I"m having a tough time as well--- sleep, vision, headaches, etc.... Hopefully this will pass soon!!
paula20385 kelly55079
Hi kelly , I feel the Same when I here people talk about work and they are older than me I think how do they do that , make me feel bad .
I all so started with headache, do not sleep well ,just hoping it will end soon x
cindy17746 paula20385
I have contemplated going on sick leave many times. I am a teacher and I love my job, but somedays, I just can't do it. i have gone to work, and then had to go home, many times. And have cried many tears when that happens. One thing I have discovered, thanks to peri, is that we women are resilient. We keep moving forward, even when faced with this. I hope you know you are not alone.
rebecca_68782 cindy17746
I am a teacher too. It is really difficult some days. I really love my job, but with peri, every little thing seems to take more energy....
cindy17746 rebecca_68782
Rebecca, I totally agree. LOVE my job, but it's not a job where you can quietly hide away when the day is rough.
ampat1 paula20385
You're not alone dear, this is exactly how I felt in the beginning of my peri almost 18 months ago. I had to take many sick days and even on days I worked it was pretty much impossible to get through 8hr days. My anxiety was worse in the beginning plus the daily headaches which are still with me 🙄😰. I took some medical leave and stayed home. I am back to work fulltime now, it's somewhat better than before, maybe my body/mind has learned to cope with it better??? I'm still going through many peri symptoms especially headaches, pressure in my head and ears, muscle aches . I hope we find our normal selves back soon. Take care
staci88515 paula20385
I can't even think about working, I am so dizzy, I can barely function. I want my old life back. I just want to sob and sob and sob some more. How much can one person endure?!
paula20385 staci88515
Hi staci, was at work yesterday and was dizzy with me been a cleaner bending down felt really dizzy it can be so hard sometimes
just wish it would end
take care x
staci88515 paula20385
So awful. It has to get better....I hope.
I forgot to ask. Do you also suffer from anxiety?
paula20385 staci88515
yes I do, not been too bad lately been too see a counsellor and I did a anxiety course which has help .If I don't feel well that is when i get anxious but I talk too my self telling my self I will be ok it and do some breathing exercise seems to work .
staci88515 paula20385
Thank you for replying. I am trying to figure out what is real and what is anxiety. It is hard to tell.