Fingernail fungus
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Has anyone had any luck treating fingernail fungus, I've read that the anit fungal meds have some nasty side effects and you have to take them for months. Other than having the nail removed any suggestions?. I have found to herbal type treatments recommended on the net but they are mail order.
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julie15839 jane14277
I'm using a prescription cream called ciclopirox. I got it from my dermatologist. No oral meds. It's working, slowly but surely and no side effects. I've read that you can use vinegar soaks, but I haven't tried them. Good luck.
jane14277 julie15839
Thanks for that I have an appoimtment with my dermatologist in a couple of weeks for something else I'll see him.
I've read all those vinegar soaks peroxide etc don't really work and I wanted to get on it fairly quickly
Guest jane14277
Ciclopirox is also available as a medicated laquer. It can help with mild infections that do not affect the whole nail.
Beware of ordering 'herbal type treatments' of the net. You are much better off going through previous posts on this forum and you will find suggestions like tea-tree oil, marrigold oil, etc.
If the whole nail is affected a medication-free alternative would be laser treatment.
jane14277 Guest
Thanks Dan I was a bit wary of ordering on the internet that's why I asked
I'm seeing the GP this week so I'll ask him for it so I can get on it a bit quicker. Its not the whole nail so hopefully its only mild at the moment