First Bath Following TKR

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Hi Everyone x

?I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow post TKR surgery and I have a real hankering for a bath. My knee is still quite swollen and feels like it has a tight band above the knee but I believe this is normal. Does anyone know if a warm bath would make the swelling worse or is it just trial and error?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    A bath is fine but it is getting out of the bath that is the problem. You cant bend your knee enough to take your bodyweight. You cant turn over as you cant kneel. Unless you have some one who can physically lift you or a bath lift it is safer to have a shower
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    I found that warm baths really helped relax my muscles. I am 8 weeks post op and although doesn't help much with swelling my leg always feels a lot looser.



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    I waited till 6 week after seeing the surgeon it's lively to get back in a bath feels like heaven

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    Kat, I agree with what's already been said. But you need to picture yourself getting out of the tub. If you've got good upper body strength you might be able to pull it off (literally). If you can't get up off the floor, I advice you to not give it a try, unless you have someone who can help pull you out of the tub. Now I understand the fancy tubs that you walk into, close the short door and sit on a built in seat. The heat will feel wonderful and it should be enough time for it to not impact any of the healing. I had such tight bands behind my knee that I didn't even wait as long as some say I should have to put a heating pad or hot water bottle on my felt wonderful!


  • Posted

    We have a hot tub and at 5 weeks I was dying to get I did. It as the best. Then I waited another week until I had my check up and the surgeon said it was all good. Maybe at a pool somewhere there is a hot tub you can get in. There as a thread or discussion on here about getting in the tub and not able to get out. It was funny but hilariously true. It happened to me before I had my 2nd tkr and because I didn't have the strength or mobility I needed my husband to help me out. It was a laugh after but I have not been in the bath tub yet. 8 wks po. 

    • Posted

      I have a hot tub and I was told I can't get in it until I'm 12 weeks out.

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      A hot tub sounds like a great idea. Definitely a little easier to climb out of.
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    Much of the swelling in that area is created by the tourniquet that is applied to control bleeding during surgery. As long as the wound is completely healed and all of the drainage has stopped and scabs are gone there isnt any reason you can't enjoy a soaking bath. Ice, excercise, elevation and hydration will probably do more good for the swelling but psychologically, the bath may help your mental state. It won't do any harm.

    You are still very early in the process of healing, regardless of what Dr's and therapists try and make you believe. Keep the same system of pain meds, excercise, icing, elevation. Work hard on the quads and IT bans. You'll get there but don't overdo it. Slow, steady and with patience...

    Stay with this forum and you'll get advice from those that have been through it. There is the text book story and reality. Reality is here.

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    if if the wound is healed the bath is OK.  Before I took my first bath, I went fully clothed and tried getting in and out of tub.  I did get myself stuck in a lawn chase before that....I was too low to get out on my own.

    just an FYI for u.  If you can't do the tub, try a warm shower, I did a warm rinse off at night before bed.  Helps loosen thing up and helped me to rest.


  • Posted

    Thank you all very much for all your advice it really helped. I love this group. People are so friendly and give such brilliant support.

    I did have a bath and I have to tell you it was just the amazing. I did manage to get in and out by myself but hubby was around just in case there was a problem. The warm water really soothed the aches and I'd recommend a good soak in the bath to anyone if you're safe to get in and out.

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    as as said before getting out of the bath is the issue.  Make sure you try getting in and out of tub first.  I did this fully clothed and had to wait a little longer, because I could not get out of tub.

    i had already got myself stuck in a lawn chair in the in no problem...could not get out on my own.


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