First colonscopy. Now what??
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So I had my colonscopy done yesterday. I was so scared to death of having cancer or let's put it this way knowing I had cancer (like 99% sure). My syptoms where all of these.
Blood in stool- Saw red in mucus , maroon on side of stools and even saw a tarry small stool that I even examined with q tip. It was for sure tarry blood stool. Not pure black but different then any of the stools I have ever had before.
This stools as year went by I started noticing more mucus on larger stools when they happened even notice small pencil thin stools and pencil thin stools that where long. Some even looked like tator logs of you ever had those.
Left side dull pain and left side back pain- The back pain I even felt sometimes like when driving my car or laying in bed. Like there was something swollen or making it more firm on my back
Muscle compared to my right side.
Constipation and diarrea - I use to go about 10-15 mins after eating. I mean daily and never constipated. Well lately I been going every few days and very constipated. To point I have to take stool softener to get it out. Even went 5 days without going once. Even had constipation followed by diarrea in same bowel movement
Crazy gas- like rumbling in my stomach even when not eating. Burping more. Even hard to pass gas out of my rectum.
Feeling full after not eating much and not eating as much sometimes. I even lost 40 pounds this year.
So let's go back to my story of past hell of a year. It all started I guess when me and gf was at the casino around New Years gambling it up. I remember eating some greasy pizza they had there. Well after I got left side pains that last like 2 hours I mean pain pain. Not dull but not enough to make me fall to the ground but enough to know I never felt that before and it hurt to me like a 7-10. Well it went away and gf said probably gas. So I went on with my life. Then few weeks later I noticed I started burping a ton like I would burp every few mins like I couldn't stop. So tried the acid reflux pills and started googling (which might have made me how I am today ). And I went from throat cancer to heart problems. Waking up sweating and arms numb and even woke up to panic attack which I never had before couple days later I checked my blood pressure at the Walmart blood pressure machine and it was very high like 150/90+. I don't remember exact pressure but it said to seek care now. So I started to panic and ended up at a convient care place which the nurse checked my vitals And blood pressure and stuff which was still high but not as high. I was for sure on high panic that whole day. She offered to do a EKG on my heart and I said ok so some other nurse (looked like she was training not sure) came in hooked it up and ran the test and I remember this like it was yesterday. She goes back out to main nurse and I had room right across from where they had their computer I heard the main nurse says I've never seen that before!! And asked if she had all the plug things stuck to me good. Or that's what the lady said as she came back in to do it. Which freaked me out even more! I had no clue what was going on. So she reran the test and then few. Mins later the main nurse came In to give me results and said one of my waves was not peaking like it was suppose too. To me I was already in panic mode I had no clue what that meant. So she said she could do blood work or send me to ER they can get it back that day. She knew I wanted answers and my anxiety was high.
So long story short I got sent to the ER they did another EKG and blood work the whole 9 yards and doctor listened to me and doctor told me they send everyone to ER if they don't know something. The convent care place is part of hospital. They have same name just one is convient care. Doctor said all blood work is fine everything look fine so I asked about the EKG he said it was t wave and some viarables are not uncommon. So $3500 out of pocket to get scared even more about my heart. He sent me home with no recommendation to go see cardiologist or anything he said he did not see the need for me to follow up with anyone. That my discharge papers said I had. GAD. Generalized anxiety disorder.
So over the next few months I was worried sick about my heart I am only 32 with no history of heart disease or anything in my family. Not overweight by much. I do not smoke or do drugs and I do not drink. So all this anxeity over my heart must have been causing more syptoms. I started to get muscle twitches all over. Legs, arms, sides, fingers, feet. I still get some to this day. But it led me to thinking I have ALS or MS. Which I guess is common for anxeity to give those syptoms. Needless to say this went on awhile and I saw a doctkr my mom uses 4 times over the past year and always told I was fine. I have had 4 CBC blood test , 1 urinalysis over the past year which was all fine.
So let's get to later in the year I started worrying about my bowel movements they was pretty much yellowish diarrea first half of the year now they are constipated more but still some diarrea after constipation.
So I'm really trying not to write a book here but it's been a hell of a year for me and has put stress on me and my gf a lot. I use to be completely normal and fine. Idk what clicked or happened for me to go like this.
So anyways I finally seen a gi doctor last month. I mean my symptoms where bad and I was 99% sure I had colon cancer. He asked me bunch of questions and did rectal exam and didn't find any hemmoroids which was second time I had that done this year and neither found any. First time was by regular doctor second was by GI Doctor. But I was still bleeding and having symptoms. So he said he wanted to do colonscopy so I schedule it as soon as I could which was dec 16th. Remember I don't have health insurance so it was $1100 more paid out and not including the hospital bill.
So I go get colonscopy scared to death. Knowing I had a tumor or colon cancer blocking me up on my left side. It was really hard on me emotionally. My grandmas had it around 42 and died from it my mom said they doctor was not sure if it started their or not it was also in her lady parts too. I was young when that happen so I don't remember anything.
Anyways I get the colonscopy done and remember waking up and Doctor coming in to give the news (which I was still looney from the meds). He said no cancer not even any polyps. But external hemmoroids and nonspecific inflammation in rectum. I am to follow up with him Jan 3rd which I was told by one the ladies putting in my IV that was normal before the test was they will schedule me a follow up even if everything was fine. She could tell I was nervous and it was my first ever colonscopy.
So got it done and got the papers and I notice in the pics it jumps from 1-3 on the number of the pics like number 2 is missing?? And two of the pics are the same pic. And I notice he does not have a pic of the upper left side where it bends to decending colon? Which is where I get the dull pain. And the external hemmoroids pic looks almost like it was taken internal? I mean maybe he could just had the cam right as rectum was opening and took the pic? And the nonspecific inflammation in rectum looks like it was taken 2 inches away can't really tell much to me.
I'm trying my best not to doubt any of it. That if he saw something that worried him he would have said or got pics of it. He didn't do any biopsies he said. And said I wouldn't need another colonscopy for 10 years. The pics of my colon look normal even say normal on all of them
Besides the hemmoroids and nonspecific inflammation pics.
But how could I get all these symptoms and not be blocked up or having something blocking my colon??
Just makes no sense to me and I'm happy I'm all clear but it really puts a toll on me and my family and gf because I been getting told I'm fine all year but have crazy symptoms that make me think I'm not fine. And like the bleeding my brother was like your just constipated it's hemmoroids but the blood was maroon in color sometimes even once tarry. And Google says any blood should be consulted by doctor.
Anyways I follow up with him on Jan 3rd and he has been a GI doctor for over 30 years. He knew I was worried and anxious about cancer from our first appointment I even cried at end of the appointment just talking to him and my gf. So I guess I'm asking what do you guys think? He wouldn't not tell me if I had cancer right in my upper left side colon? Even if I don't have insurance or was worried to death about it?
I'm trying to be positive and tell myself that wouldn't matter they would say and help me if I did have it. Or something wrong.
Sorry for this long book post. I hope I don't bore you all with it.
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sue162 Impulse2010
Hi Impulse,
how are you? Your post was long lol. I myself think if anything is suspicious they know straight away and do biopsies. It is one test whereby so long as the prep has worked they can see. I think your follow up you should ask the questions. I had Colonscopy done in August and was a wreck with worry and it's really easy to be positive to other people but hate taking advice yourself. My Grandma died of colon cancer and had indigestion, gurgling etc just like you. I think the worry does really bad things to us and I believe the indigestion burping one is one thing it does, I had it more like air coming up and burping under your breath rather than outloud burping. Have you looked at your diet? I was eating too much fruit, oats, nuts and cut things out and bloating and burping went. When I was worrying a lot I got pin prick chest pains. I honestly think anything suspicious would be spotted especially surely in the rectum the camer goes up there. You were lucky to be asleep, I was awake the whole thing the sedative didn't seem to do anything for me, I hope you have a good Christmas, I can't only go on what worry did to me at the time I would bring up your worries maybe write them down and ask for reassurance at your next appointment x
Sorry I typed wrong just read it back I had indigestion, etc not my grandma sorry I've no idea of her symptons she never had tests etc like us you've had it done so I don't believe you could die of this as this test lasts up to ten years.
Impulse2010 sue162
Yeah it's a long post lol. It's been a crazy year for me but after the colonscopy I am feeling a bit better with less worry. I mean I don't think they really missed anything. He said he didn't find any polyps and I won't need another for ten years. So if I'm having problems still and it's not from stress or worrying it's not from my colon. I do have lots of acid reflux and I also kinda gurgle burp some. So next spot I will be checking if this acid reflux does not fix me will be my stomach. I know they can run a camera down and look at that also. I also read a enlarge spleen can cause stomach issues too but I would hope if I had that out of both doctors checking my stomach and side they would have been able to feel it.
I just know with pretty much clean colonscopy I got that out of the way and i can start to look at other areas. I was so scared getting the colonscopy because of my grandma getting colon cancer at 42. I need to go get my prescriptions filled and hopefully it's acid reflux.
sue162 Impulse2010
glad you are feeling more positive. If you can do a Colonscopy then endoscopy will be much easier. I think we deserve a pat on the back having one done as the relief we get from the good result makes the worry a lot less. It would be easier to just run a mile. No polyps is good. Maybe the acid reflux will take time to settle down, like you say see if that settles down and feel pleased your result was good.
Impulse2010 sue162