First day of physio

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first day out of bed after op yesterday had to use azimmer frame togetmyself tithe bathroom which wasn't too bad then had to do exercises said I done well but now bruising is starting to. Come out and is very sore

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Well done!  I was useless to begin with . . You are already  getting it together!  
  • Posted

    Keep your eye on the goal! You will have good days and bad. Eventually the good will out number the bad. In the first few days sleep was an issue. Keep on top of your meds or you will find it hard to get back under control. We are here for you!
  • Posted

    You're doing well, Sharon! The day after the op is the worst, and getting to and from the bathroom on your own is a real plus! You'll soon be swapping the zimmer frame for crutches, and there'll be no stopping you.


  • Posted

    My brusing took quite a while to come out. Some people bruise more easily than others. I was only on zimmer for first day then crutches.

    Also I did not get out of bed the first day after op so you've beaten me!

    Keep smiling and keep in touch

    Take care


  • Posted

    My husband amused himself by taking pictures of my bruises to send to the family - they were quite spectacular for two weeks - and that is only the surface bruising.  You sound like you are working really well to get the new knee going - well done.
  • Posted

    Thank you all have practised stairs today ready for discharge tomorrow have got an 80 per cent bend very stiff and sore at the moment physio showed me how to use the walking stick to help get leg on and off of bed which was very useful hope everybody else is doing well 

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