first ever post but getting desperate
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Hi Ladies
Im 50 and over the last 6 months but particularly the last 6 weeks ive been experiencing some awful symptoms. I have an implanon (which is due out in january and never going back in) and not had a period for over 9 years so unable to gauge whether i am menopausal because of a lack of periods. I am normaly extremley active and never been prone to anxiety or depression but over last months i feel like my legs wont hold me up most days, i feel shaky inside and I have burning pain in my muscles (mostly at night), i sweat at night (not every night). i feel off balance and unsteady and feel sooo anxious i can barely drive or go into a shop, complete lack of sex drive much to my partners frustration. blood tests, ecg,blood pressure, brain mri all absolutely fine which is a relief. Im sure my doctor is getting fed up with me over last few weeks , he has not mentioned hormones/menopause but obviously im at "that age". i stumbled across this forum and so many of your symptoms match mine. Its literally driving me mad and just want to feel like the person i was 6 months ago again..
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Sassyr12a samantha32442
Hello Samantha
It's lovely to hear from you. It certainly sounds like your hormones have dipped. Possibly the implant has kept everything ticking over, and this is your crash into menopause. Your symptoms match what we have experienced, and for me this kind of happened quickly too and so it's a big shock. It's good to know that the tests the doctor has done are clear, but I would definitely return for blood tests to check your hormone levels, and then talk about your options. The symptoms can be so hard to deal with day to day, that you may benefit from hrt. I've been on bhrt since March, and whilst it's not perfect, it's a lot better than it was and it's manageable. In the meantime, just look after yourself and try to stay as positive as you can. What helps me is exercise, yoga, homeopathy, rescue remedy, kalms and mindful meditation. Hope you feel better, and please don't worry about bothering your doctor... Go with your gut xxx
Guest samantha32442
beth54337 Guest
This sounds just like me.I was freaking great 2 months ago,bubbly loved joking and having fun with my kids,then boom all of the sudden a whole new me.Anxious,jittery,not sleeping well,crying one minute,feeling ok the next.I feel like I don't know who I am anymore and it sucks.I just hope it doesn't last forever and I can be me again,or at least some what like the old me.I will be 43 in November.Hang in there,it's got to be better someday.
Guest beth54337
beth54337 samantha32442
Don't cancel your trip.Go and try to enjoy it.I refuse to let this stop me from enjoying things,I am going out of town soon and I will enjoy myself,even if I have anxiety attacks,I will not let this stop me,and neither should you.Dont let it control you,you control it.Do what ever it takes to go and have a good time.
God Bless
Sassyr12a samantha32442
theresa53424 samantha32442
Samantha, I cancelled my vacation because of my peri menopause. I don't regret it because Honestly there was no way I was going to make the trip. I did reach out to my OBGYN and she wanted me to try Paxil, I was a little hesitant because I'm allergic to SSRI's, the side effects are horrific but she said with my body changing the Paxil might work. I have heard it works for others but not for me. My symptoms worsen after 3 days of being on it, My anxiety heighten, panic attacks, sweating profusely, my blood pressure spiked and I fainted. I stopped the Paxil immediately. Called her, and then she wanted me to try another anti depressant. I said, absoluty not! Last week i went to the Pharmacy and I bought Estrovan, and another natual menopause product. I take a AM pill, and sometimes I'll take a second AM pill in the afternoon. At night I take the PM pill along with the Estrovan. I can honestly say I feel like myself and I'm finally sleeping. I've been sleep deprived for over a year now, extreme anxiety, Hot Flashes 24-7, night sweats, body jerks, Brain Fog, dizzy, off balance, flu like symptoms, stomach issues, bathroom issues, heartburn, the list can go on and on..... This has been daily for a year and 1/2 but this summer was the absolute worse. The humidity got the best of me, even with a fan and my AC on I was putting cold packs on my body during the night every two hours. Then I felt like I was loosing my mind because I couldn't stand living like this, honestly my life had no quality anymore and my work was starting to suffer from it. If these over the counter products continue to work then I will be one happy person. I also lost 40lbs. I had blood work done and once again it all came back normal. If you try these over the counter products then maybe you can go on vacation and really enjoy yourself. I wish I had tried this before I cancelled my trip to Myrtle Beach. My family lives there too and I had to tell them that my Menopause was so bad that I couldn't make it. Keep me posted and good luck.
Finny2018 samantha32442
Samantha - I am so sorry you are going through this; when I read your post it's as though I'm reading MY first post on this forum in July. I had to cancel an annual trip I take each year with my hubby and kids. I had so many symptoms and they hit fast and furious and I could barely get a handle on them each day. You will likely hear from other women on this amazing forum that have also had to cancel amazing trips. If you can do it; wonderful and it would be such a gift for you I am sure. We all know our limits. It was so disappointing to tell my hubby and kids but I knew my limits and it was the first time at age 49 that I had to make that decision. I spent that time getting as much bed rest as I could and trying to educate myself on this nightmare and all of my options. The women here in this place are a Godsend - I am grateful each day for this forum. You are not alone. I was just reading another medical journal and it confirmed what I started going through; their words: Perimenopause/Menopause can produce some frightening symptoms. When I read that it was so validating; my symptoms were so frightening. You are not alone, Samantha. Take comfort in knowing you have found a place of wisdom and encouragement!
Finny2018 theresa53424
Theresa - I was just looking at the box of Estroven yesterday at the store! Can I ask which one you are trying? I see there is one for Maximum Strength & Energy, Weight Management, Sleep Cool & Calm, & Stress Plus Mood & Memory.
Like you I also have no regret canceling my trip this summer; there was NO way I could manage all that was going on because it was all NEW. I remember a fellow forum friend, Lori, posting that if someone offered her an all expense paid trip to Paris and a shopping spree she couldn't do it. When I read that I could so relate as that was the condition I was in; there wasn't a single thing I was interested in as I was trying to get a grip on the overwhelming physical and emotional symptoms that hit like a freight train.
I spent HOURS on this forum taking notes and gathering ideas and options. As of now I am doing that over the counter progesterone cream and due to some vaginal dryness I am trying the Estriol as well. I am doing SO much better than June and July; oh my. It was awful, horrible, frightening; I could continue the emotions but am grateful I am not where I was. IT'S A NEW SYMPTOM EACH WEEK! The old ones sometimes show again but it seems my hormones are on a tour and visiting every part of my body. I enjoyed your post, Theresa. Glad to know we can inspire one another with our experiences and options.
theresa53424 Finny2018
I have the Sleep Cool & Calm and I'm using Natures Bounty Menopause AM and PM pills. Over the counter. This morning was rough on me. I had a good 5 days but I'm sure they wont always be good but I'll take what I can. What does the Progesterone Cream do for you and can I get this over the counter? I'm so thankful for this forum. So sad to think that we have to suffer like this..... It really does cripple you emotionally and physically. I hate the anxiety that goes with it, this overwhelming fear is horrible. Glad we can be helpful to one another. Theresa
Guest samantha32442
Oh Samantha...don’t cancel your trip! I wish I did more stuff before all this hit. Now, my vertigo is so bad, I can’t even walk up my driveway somedays! Enjoy your trip, takes lots of pics! 🤗
lori55712 samantha32442
samantha32442 lori55712
Thank you .I went back to my gp surgery this morning and insisted on seeing a female DR.She was wonderful, listened to me and said that due to my age and symptoms it is hormonal and took me through my options and recommended various websites .im now on HRT (my decision) and she said i should feel differently in a week and to see her again before I go away .Im so glad I found this site ..I have my fingers crossed 😊
Guest samantha32442
Oh that’s wonderful samantha! Hope better days are ahead for you! 🙏🙏🤗🤗
lori55712 samantha32442
Happy to hear am sure you will start and feel better Sam. It may take a while to feel the full effects but you'll be rocking that holiday xx