First period after myomectomy

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Hi all

It was 2 weeks yesterday since I had my open myomectomy and this morning I woke with the worst period pains ever!! 😫

My tummy hurts so much particular at the sides of my scar and my back....if it hurt before, now it's seriously hurting!!! Is this normal??? Did anyone else experience this? Is it a one off because my op is still fresh or will my period always be like this from now on? I'm in agony and keep bursting into tears 😪


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    Hi everyone, 

    I had my myomectomy on 11/10/16. Today is 10 weeks since surgery. The week of me surgery was supposed to be my period if you went by my birth control. I bleed very lightly the 2 weeks following my surgery. My doctor let me go back to work sooner then expected because i was doing so well. One day back at work and i started bleeding very steadly. it was to much for a pad. After talking to my doctor she said that i may have done to much and hurt myself. so she put me on some medication and said that if it didnt let up i may need another blood transfusion. I have had 3 prior to surgery. it let up. the next few weeks was light spotting her and there. at one point i only had the brown discharge (sorry to be graphic). Now month 2 i am about a week away from my period if you go by my birth control, and i started bleeding again. It is very hard not to get emotional about it. I really want to go back to a normal life. My doctor said that i still may need a hystorectomy but we will wait and see how my recover goes. I havent had hardly any pain. I get what feels like llite cramping if i stand to long, but it is the dark red blood. some one please tell me that my life will go back to normal soon. 

    • Posted

      Hi there. I really hope you are doing better. I had a bikini incision myomectomy on 03/09/2017. The whole experience has been awful. I had 5 fibroids and 1 cyst removed. My regular gyn said my case was complex and would be consulting with a sr gyn and let him be lead surgeon but she would be in the room and assist. HORRIBLE! The surgery was on a Thursday. He sent me home that Sunday after advising the nurse to remove my staples. BUT he did not even look at the incision since he did surgery. Staples were removed. That following Monday after I was released I woke up to find myself covered in blood from the incision bursting open. Called dr he said it's fine no need for worry see you at 2 week follow up. So 2 days later still bleeding and developed a temp with extreme pain. Went to ER. The dr on duty called the surgeon who was also in the hospital making rounds but he refused to come look at incision and advised ER dr to send me home. Since I had a temp the ER dr took a sample of blood/liquid coming from incision. 3 days later still pain & bleeding with temp. I went to the ER in the next city from me. That ER dr wanted to admit me but stated he had to call dr that did surgery to let him know. ER dr came back and said surgeon said release you and follow up with already scheduled appt gave me antibiotics & stronger pain meds. So 2 days later still bleeding pain & temp. Got a call from hospital lab and 3 different bacterias were found so I needed stronger antibiotics. So called my original regular gyn and she refused to see me stating have to follow up with lead surgeon. Fast forward 4 weeks lead surgeon finally admitted he removed staples too soon but said the nurse who removed them should have been able to see the incision wasn't sealed. Fast forward it is now 05/15/2017 at last appt on 05/10/2017 surgeon released me saying I was healed. WRONG my incision still isn't closed completely and still bleeding lightly. lst cycle came on day after surgery while still in hospital. It was a breeze, bled for 5 days very few cramps. 2nd cycle in April bled for 2 days kinda heavy no cramping. On 3rd cycle now and have been bleeding for 3 days now. VERY heavy with excruciating cramps worst than pain after surgery. I don't know what's going on or what do. Somebody please advise if you experienced this!!!

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      OMG, I am so sorry you had to go through that.. my dr used derma bond & stitches to seal my incision. Have you spoken to a lawyer at all? Some one needs to get some answers from that Dr!!

      Praying that you recover soon and are in less pain 💕💕

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    I had this same issue as i had my myomectomy on 27th jan n i had periods now with pain

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    I have had my second period and it was refreshing. A little pain as I always had that, I'm thankful I don't have stains every 30 minutes as my flow has normalised. I'm 8 weeks post op tomorrow....

    Getting ready to tacke intimacy

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    I'm 5 days post op and I'm bleeding like never before. I was due for my period and my doc said it's normal. However this is Day 3 of bleeding and I'm concerned about the amount -left a message waiting g for callback. Is this normal?

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      - yes it's normal, by your second and third cycle it will be better, I'm 3 months+ post op and its all regular with almost non existent pain

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      I saw my Doc this past week and after a second awful period. He said its normal and offered me medication that would prevent me from ovulating 😳Ummm no thank you! The point of this surgery was to get rid of the bleeding and pain. However since the surgery seems it's gotten so much worse. I'm hoping it'll slow down by the 3rd even 4th. Sigh- wish me luck.

  • Posted

    Hi ladies

    I had an open myomectomy just over 2 weeks ago.. But I'm panicking about when I'll have my first period!

    I had 3 lots of the decapytl injection to shrink my fibroid... The last one was 3rd feb.

    Could this delay my period by a lot?!

    I'm 38 and so worried that after all this it could have pushed my body into the menopause!! 😞xx

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      Hey Becky. .. Anything sign of Aunt Flo? Don't worry. Hormones can sometimes take their time to get back to where they should be. I'll be praying for you.

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    I am going thru the same thing. I had my second myomectomy 5 weeks ago and they removed five fibroids. 2 days later I started my period that was due around that time. It was very heavy and I thought something was wrong. I called a resident at the hospital and she said it was likely my period, so I calmed down a bit. But it was still very heavy and even worse because I couldn't use tampons. Yesterday after a few days of bad cramping, I started my second cycle post surgery. This one is still very very heavy and it's the same type of cycle I had before the surgery. I am leaking thru a super plus tampon in less than an hour. I am going to take some ibuprofen since it helps stops the bleeding, but makes my cycle last days longer than normal. I am utterly depressed and have no support since I live alone. My faith is gone and I am really hating my life right now. I don't have any children and I'm wondering if a hysterectomy is is in my near future. I'm sorry I sound so down but I I'm tired and just want to live a normal life.

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      Hi Dani, hang in there girlfriend. I went through a very similar situation after my surgery. I had six large fibroids removed during A open myomectomy last Nov 2016. I want to say my first two cycles were worst then pre-surgery. I was in so my pain, and passing large clots. I went to the er about 3 times & hung out on my Drs nurses line due to all types of issues after the surgery. I remember thinking to myself I would probably have to get a hysterectomy. I also got very depressed, I was 35 with no kids and didn't think it would be possible. Then came my third cycle which had eased up a little bit, wasn't as bad as the first two.still not very hopeful that things were progressing. I knew a hysterectomy was in my future.. I want to say around 5 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Now 22 weeks expecting a little girl. Let's just say there is hope at the end of the tunnel.. everyone's body is different. It may take 3-6 cycles to see an improvement. But I'm sure it's on the way for you!!!! Praying that your faith is restored very soon & u can enjoy life again. Your body is ridding itself from all of the storage it's been carrying all of those years. Give it some more time. XOXOXOXO we are here for you!!

    • Posted

      Hi Dani!

      I had a nyomectomy in March 2017. My period was due 3 days after the surgery, it came and was HEAVY. Worse than before the surgery. My next 3 were heavy but only lasted 2 days and my last one was normal. No cramps lasted 2 days and I was fine. Your body will adjust. Remember, it's been through a traumatic experience and like yourself, I was very concerned. Give your body time to heal. I understand about feeling down but trust me, it does get better. I too lived alone at the time and found that prayer meditation and listening to hopeful music helped. Be well.

    • Posted

      So glad to see this forum is still active and to know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel! Congrats on your upcoming addition exciting! My story is similar to others in the glad to know I'm not alone and all this is normal!! I'm three weeks post-op. Think my period may have happened immediately after surgery, hard to tell but the timing lines up. Either that or it skipped a month for the first time ever. Regardless, I'm counting yesterday as the start of my first Real period and OMG!! For a couple days prior, I didn't sleep well- had night sweats and discomfort. Now I figure it was probably linked to my period starting. Feels like my stomach is in knots and the bleeding is real heavy. Using a heating pad - found that using it on my back helps far more than placing it on my stomach. Trying to stay off the heavy meds since I've been going to work for a couple hours a day this week, and also I don't like feeling loopy or groggy. We'll see how I feel a bit later though, took a couple Midol, I may have to bite the bullet and pop a percocet. I haven't taken any percocet at all (filled the prescription though just in case) since the surgery, just motrin 600mg which helped a bit with the post-surgery discomfort but is doing nothing for this period pain. I didn't loose much blood during the surgery or after, so this is the most bleeding I've had and seems similar to the bleeding with my fibroids (before I got Mirena)...which sucked. Anyways, just wanted to share my experience to help others know they have a partner in this and to thank you all for sharing!!!

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      Hallo, good to know yours was successful. Mine is next week. Please I will like to know how many days one will be at the ward after the Op. Please any idea?
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      Hi Keshia, it will get better hang in there!! And thanks on the blessing XOXO
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      3rd cycle post surgery started 22 days since the last one sad Still very heavy but this time accompanied by chest pains, which means my anemia has gotten severe again. It's like I didn't have surgery at all.

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