First Rib Resection - understanding side effects after surgery
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In October 2015, I underwent a first rib resection after being diagnosed with Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (Subclavian Compression v. Nueral Compression). My case was fairly urgent as the blood flow was limited to roughly 10% thru my subclavian vein. I was very lucky as I did not experience any typical symptoms such as a swollen arm due to clotting. I originally went to the doctors because I had a pain in my lower abdomin, which I thought was pneumonia coming on. I tested positive for D-Dimer (results around 2.0+), therefore my doctor immediately sent to get a CT Scan to rule out a blood clot. I did not have a blood clot, but this is when they did discover the unusually narrow vein. The doctor advised I see a Thoracic specialist.
The surgery went well. I was in the hospital for 2 nights. Recovery took about 4-6 weeks before I could go back to work full-time. I underwent PT for about 2 months, starting 1 month after surgery.
However, since October I have experienced a number of side effects including:
1. Horner's Syndrome. My right pupil (side of surgery) is still noticably constricted.
2. Numb arm due to damage of the long thoracic nerve, a constant roller coaster of sharp, acute pain and soreness near my right breast bone (I had my right first rib taken out). I want to understand if the pains I am feeling 6 months later are a normal part of nerve regeneration and if anyone has a similar experience, how long they last? The pain seems to come on and off all day. Some pains (acute/shooting) mainly in the mid-section of my right arm. The under side of my arm is still numb to touch.
3. Another pain I experience is near my second rib, where it attachs to the breastbone. A lower position then where my first rib was taken out, so I find this strange, the irriation would be lasting this long.
4. About 2 months ago, I started getting sharp pains in my upper lung (is the best way to describe it). When I drink cold water or other beverages it sends a sharp pain to the area. It is very strange.
5. Stuffy nose at night. Since surgery I can not breathe through my nose fully. It feels stuffy and not clear.
I have been to a few typical follow up appointments but my surgeon has not been able to identify a detailed reason for these pains besides a side effect of surgery. I understand my body underwent an intrusive surgery and needs time to heal, but I often get worried now something else is wrong, since the pains come on so suddenly and sharp, six months later.
We do not know the reason for the development of the VTOS. One of my surgeons suggested it happened when I was young, as the network of blood vessels around the vein were enlarged and carried much of the blood not flowing through my subclavian vein. The main surgeon thinks it may have happened within in the last 5 years. Typically trauma or excessive overhead movement causes VTOS, however neither of these applied to my case.
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eddie25439 Ski2016
Just like you I underwent a first rib resection after being diagnosed with Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in October 2015 and I had angioplasty due to a blood clot in my subclavian which didn't fully heal 6 months on Xarelto. The surgery went well considering I had a collapsed lung but 6 months I'm randomly (about once a week) feeling shooting pain from my chest area to my elbow (where they went in - angioplasty), sometimes it’s just localized to my chest area, and I've felt it twice from my abdomen to my left shoulder so I too was wondering if these symptoms will gradually subside. I had no idea what Horner's Syndrome was until I just googled it and I too have my left pupil a bit constricted which I've only noticed last month and had no idea that it actually had to do with the surgery
Hopefully our symptoms get better with time and I wonder if anyone else would be able to chime in regarding our concerns.
Ski2016 eddie25439
Thank you for the reply! I just read the entire thread below. I too have been avoiding heavy arm exercises since surgery which seems to help. Prior to surgery I was very active and lifted regularly, but now it's just going to take patience to rebuild strength and not injure my arm further. My PT did say it's very easy to aggravate the healing nerves so until your body has little Pain in that area not to over stress it. Good luck with your healing! I have yet to try acupuncture but I heard from multiple people it helps a lot!
leah14886 Ski2016
I had a first ribb resection about a month ago and am also experiencing these the shooting pains in my arm and chest. I am also suffering from a lot of panic attacks
I don't have much to offer besides comraderie and am interested in the same things as you are, to be honest, of all the threads I have read about this we seem to be (thank goodness) having easier recoveries than many others. Hope you all are feeling well today
eddie25439 leah14886
leah14886 eddie25439
eddie25439 leah14886
I haven't done any planks or burpees in years but I noticed that I stopped having the shooting pains ever since I stopped working out my chest and triceps although I do continue to work out my back. Im taking it super easy at the gym as well so it kind of sucks not being able to put in 100% but in due time I think I'll be able to do all the exercises that I've done in the past! Good luck to you🤗
Ski2016 leah14886
leah14886 Ski2016
IndigoBall Ski2016
I am curious to know what method your surgeon used surgery or VATS? ...and the location(s) of the incision (s).
leah14886 IndigoBall
Ski2016 IndigoBall
roger45144 Ski2016
leah14886 roger45144
roger45144 leah14886
eddie25439 roger45144
I hope all your symptoms subside with time man, I haven't experienced any more shooting pain/chest pain since I stopped working out my chest and triceps. I guess I'll just take it slow for now and give my body some extra time to heal. Im on the east coast as well and had my first rib resection and angioplasty done at weill cornell in Manhattan. I see an acupuncturist in Darien, CT from time to time and I feel that it's helping me heal a lot quicker.
leah14886 roger45144
eddie25439 leah14886
Ski2016 roger45144