First seizure - advice needed
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Hello, my partner is in good health and unexpectedly had a tonic clonic seizure 2 weeks ago. Seizure lasted about a minute and he took about 25 minutes to become fully alert again.
This was completely out of the blue and we're desperately trying to find answers to our growing list of questions. What I've already learned is it's highly unlikely the majority of these can never be answered. A&E were happy to discharge him, and his GP hasn't done any further tests.
He's waiting for an appointment for the 1st seizure clinic but at A&E bloods all came back normal. So we're in limbo at the moment. We are hoping this has been a once off and won't happen again, but equally we are preparing ourselves that it might and what we can do if it does.
He's informed the DVLA, and has been told to avoid rockclimbing and open water swimming (not that he did either anyway). He's not to have a lot of alcohol but it's given him a fright that I doubt he'll drink at all anyway.
Are there any activities people would advise us to avoid?
Also, I'm looking for advise on how best to support him. I know what he went through because I was there, but mentally I have no idea what it's like to wake up and be told something terrifying happened to me that I don't remember. Is there anything your friends/family did to support you that really helped?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks
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julie30428 emma45434
I just got finished typing a page and my Wi-Fi went offline while sending! Soooooo........I'm going to say what I said earlier but really shortened. I'm sorry about your partner. They may never have another one. I had said that a lot of things can cause one. If they have had an MRI than you know it is not a tumor or lesions. Other things could be....lack of vitamins and/or minerals, chemical imbalance in the brain, stress, not enough oxygen to the brain.... The list can go on. And just bc the blood work says all levels are within normal range...might not be normal for them. Most doctors could care less why you have them, they just want to give you medicine. Just try not to be fearful. Your partner can't drive for 6 months so they don't have to worry about that. God knows all and just pray. If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer. Acupuncture has also helped in many cases but no everyone can afford it or think it is fake. I pray you two can relax and not get too stressed. Like I said, it may never happen again.
emma45434 julie30428
Thank you so much Julie, he's not had any scans just bloods and an ECG. We'll just need to see how the next 6 months go. We'll be felighted if it doesn't happen again, but if it does then we've dealt with it before and we can do it again. Driving is going to be an inconvenience for him but we would much rather his health! Thank you for your kind thoughts
sharonj emma45434
Hi Emma. Exactly the same thing happened to me last year.(I'm 55) One minute I was sitting watching TV and the next I was laying on the floor waiting for an ambulance. Luckily my husband was home and was able to help me through it. I have absolutely no recollection of it and was arguing with people when they told me what had happened.
I was sent for an MRI which found a small lesion on my brain which is monitored . However it's unclear if this had anything to do with it.. I've also had scans for epilepsy which I don't have. My consultant put me on anti seizure drug Lamotrigine which gives me reassurance that the chances of another seizure are reduced.
Thinking back, a couple of weeks beforehand I do remember having some deja vu episodes which I can only explain as seeing a sign and knowing I'd seen it before but it was at the back of my mind and I just couldn't bring it to the front. It made me feel a little spaced out too.
I must admit that initially I did wear a talisman bracelet with all my medical details in.. I think all you can do is assume it was a one off, especially as no cause has been found.
It is scary at the time but the fear does fade after a while. It does worry me occasionally but you can't let it rule your life, obviously don't put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation - I'm not allowed to drive.
Best wishes to you both, hoping he remains well.
emma45434 sharonj
Thank you so much Sharon, we're just taking things a bit slower at the moment which is understandable with it only just happening!
I mentioned a medical bracelet if that would be a comfort to him but I don't think he wants it at the moment. He wants to put it to the back of his mind so a bracelt would be a constant reminder at the moment. If it happens again, it'll be a good option.
I can only imagine Sharon. Like your husband, I was just there, it wasn't me that went through it so I'm trying to guess how he feels so I'm not constantly asking "how are you now? What about now? Are you feeling ok? Are you sure?"
I hope you're in good health
Thank you very much for this