First time ulcer, confused about pretty much everything :(
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I am 29 and I have been suffering from too much stomach acid and bad heartburns for years and most recently have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer.
My GP has not performed any tests for the h. pylori bacteria and I have only been prescribed omeprazole tablets for a month along with a bland diet. I am about to start the course today but having read hundreds of websites and numerous forum I am very confused.
I read that 8 out of 10 ulcers are caused by the h. pylori bacteria. Should I go back to my GP and ask for the test? She said that if I still feel pain after I finish the tablets I need to go back and they will have a look inside my stomach but hasn't mentioned the bacteria at all.
I am also confused by the different advice online and advice from my GP.
For example she said to drink a milky drink before bed but some people say dairy aggravates their symptoms. This opinion varies online also with people saying yogurt and half fat dairy products are good to have.
The advice available online is really confusing me one website says to eat cabbage and broccoli another to avoid it. Same goes for cucumbers, green tea, and onion. Is it really trial and error journey and what works for some doesn't work for others?
To wrap this up I am truly confused about a lot but there's a thing that I cannot seem to find an answer for anywhere...
Will I have to follow this bland diet forever or until my ulcer heals?
I understand I will need to be careful and probably not have very spicy or greasy foods in the future.
What would I like to know is will I always have to stick to fish and lean poultry now? Will I be able to have a small lasagna once in a while and not feel pain in my stomach or get another ulcer?
Any advice and personal experience will be much appreciated.
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gordon13756 julia50406
Hey, I've had several ulcers during my life and my advice is this. Ask your doctor for a medicine called sucralafate. This coats the stomach lining and gives the ulcer a chance to heal. Also milk is not the answer, it soothes for a while, but actually causes more acid to be produced and this aggrevates symptoms. It's true that most ulcers are caused by h pylori, but not always. Do you take aspirin or any anti inflammatory medicines? These also cause ulcers and can cause them to bleed. The doctor will probably arrange an endoscope examination to find the position of your ulcer. The nurses take a biopsy and check for h pylori. My advice is avoid alcohol, anything spicy, coffee and pepermints. Omeprazole won't cure an ulcer on it's own.if h pylori is found you will receive anti biotic to clear the infection.also don't eat anything for at least a few hours before you go to bed. Also if you can raise the head of you bed slightly so you are not lying completely flat when sleeping. This will stop the acid coming up as the incline and gravity will keep it down. Be aware of stool colours(poo) if they suddenly turn black then go to hospital straight away, as this could mean your ulcer is bleeding and needs immediate medical attention. The sucralafate medicine should help alleviate symptoms. Also an ulcer can cause nausea, so if this is a problem ask the doctor for cyclizine. It's an anti emetic and will help also. I'm not a doctor, but have lived with ulcers for over 20 years. Please don't worry. If you need anymore advice then please ask. Take care
julia50406 gordon13756
Hi, thank you so much for such detailed advice! As it happens I do have few more questions
Would I take the sucralfate instead of omeprazole or on top?
I don't think I ever took aspirin but would take ibuprofen or paracetamol for headaches occasionally. I am not sure if the amount or the length of time matters but I have not had ibuprofen for a while and would never take it longer than 2 days. I suspected I have stomach ulcer before being diagnosed yesterday- I've had a dull pain in my stomach that lasted 1 day the first 2 times, third time it lasted 3 days and this time had it for 5 days now, with 3rd day being the worst, getting much better today but still sore.
Should I wait a month and see if I get better on omeprazole before asking for the h. pylori test or other meds?
As you mentioned yourself you have lived with ulcers for over 20 years. I know everyone is different but how do you know your ulcer is healed?
Should I avoid dairy altogether or just have in moderation?
Finally, does this change your diet forever or once you healed just need to be a bit more cautious?
Sorry about the flood of questions
Thank you in advance!
mj1986 gordon13756
Hi Gordon,
I'm being tested for h pylori. I've had symptoms for 3 months after taking antibiotics. The first night I experienced anything I was sick. Since then I've had acid reflux, burning in the esophagus, oral thrush, a choking and gagging feeling in my throat, a feeling of pressure and fullness when I eat normal portions (like how I used to eat ). I didn't have nausea originally but I do now. This has become more frequent over the past few weeks. After a bad boutique of it I felt like my stomach was burning, I've not had an appetite, and even when I'm hungry I fill up easily. What's going on? My doctor said I don't have red flags but I feel like I'm dying. Not enjoying food and only eating it to survive is so bizarre.
natalie34877 julia50406
You have to request a referral for a breath test to know for sure that you have a pylary bacteria! I had it and drug was around $200.
Also, when you have rid of the pylary bacteria, start eating a Sauerkraut made in a barrel or homemade. Eat with onion ,olive oil and white bread and you will forget about stomac acid.It is an excellent Antioxidant .
But don't take drugs without a test as it is not easy to kill pylary bacteria and should be prescribed a specific drug.
Good luck to you.
julia50406 natalie34877
Thank you Natalie! Will try the sauerkraut
natalie34877 julia50406
You are welcome. Yougurt is also probiotic like a sauerkraut so you will not go wrong with it but avoid milk and cabbage(it is not the same as sauerkraut with olive oil which heals your stomac). Advil is dangerous for your stomac.... I would say for anyone stomac. Drug companies just are making profits with this drug.
I don't know where you live but the breaath test will show what you actually have. This is the most accurate test .