Fish oils, why?
Posted , 8 users are following.
Why are some of you ladies on here taking "fish oils" how does that help out in meno or our hormones period?
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Why are some of you ladies on here taking "fish oils" how does that help out in meno or our hormones period?
1 like, 29 replies
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Sochima822 Guest
Because there's medical evidence that it helps with menopausal symptoms and that it reduces depression and hot flushes.
Guest Sochima822
Great, I just started Salmon fish oil. Can ivory bar soap cause you to get raw on innner side of vagina. I been using it this last week everyday washing there. Tonight when in shower of course I used it again at the time didn't feel raw (wash rag not soft) but anyways I urinated after wards and it burned like fire when I wiped with toilet paper was streak of blood can that cause rawness ( freaking out again) on one side ?What soap is good to wash the inner lips and opening of vagaina with? Could I have gotten raw from using that bar ivory soap everyday for the last week and on one side.,? Did'nt feel raw in shower until I got out and potted when urine hit it and wiped toliet was streak of blood :-( What can I use down there to help with rawness on the one side. ANY blood in that area scars me silly!
Sochima822 Guest
crosado, my doctor told me to wash with water. To avoid soap because of the sensivity to the vaginal area during this time. Use the soap only for your behind. However, there is vaginal soap you can buy at the store. I personally didn't like it because it also burned me. I just showered with water until things calmed down. Used a very soft towel to cleanse that's what I ended up doing. Oh and for the rawness to clear up I used polysporin. Hope this helps.
Guest Sochima822
colleen90305 Guest
Sochima822 Guest
I don't use soap now. I just put a little soap on top of pubic area and rinse really well with water and a soft towel. I used a cotton swab, and used a very small amount of polysporin where I was able to see it was raw.
Rg4673 Guest
You could use baby wash. If it's good enough for a baby it's good enough for us.
Guest Rg4673
Sochima822 Guest
Try that then and see if it doesn't irritate you. I'm going to buy some too then I forgot about that.
looloo43 Rg4673
michelle_79406 Guest
Usually doctors tell you not to use soaps fragrances as its a very sensitive area., but bathe in warm salt water to keep infections away. Even baby soaps can be quite harsh and even when you bathe a baby you don't put soap s directly on their private areas . It's just a quick douche over with what ever is in the bath. And the fact now that your slready sore and burning you need to be extra careful what you use as you don't want to make it worse .
But Sudocream rubbed in very well works wonders to ease this as long as your sure it's not thrush or anything. But rub Sudocream in really well.
Guest michelle_79406
Sochima822 Guest
michelle_79406 Guest
Sochima822 Guest
That's strange question. Don't you wipe with toilet paper after urinating? My doctor said do not use soap in the vaginal area. So I don't and I don't have anymore issues there. When I start to use soap again, I start having problems so I avoid it altogether.
michelle_79406 Guest
Guest Sochima822
of course I use toilet paper lol i'm asking is that the area you are talking about to not use soap?
metamorphed Guest
Sochima822 Guest
Guest Sochima822
Sochima822 Guest
You're welcome hon. We can blame it on peri, lol.
Guest metamorphed
Well I have ALWAYS scrubbed the inside with soap like digging for gold! I never knew any differents I cannot stand to smell or feel yucky there so scrubb scrub lol. I will try the soap only on outside and avoid the inner to see how that goes hopefully you can teach an old dog new tricks :-) BUT if that makes me feel not clean or something then i'll have to go some kind of femine wash!
metamorphed Guest
yes, leave it alone! and it will clear up for you.