Fissure what to do
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So I've had a fissure (I presume) for about a week. Story is I've been on a bulking diet meaning I'm in a caloric surplus as well as lifting heavy weights four days a week. This has never been a problem but one time I was at the toilet and I was straining really hard cause my stool was quite big and when I wiped I found fresh red blood on the paper but not in the stool and every time for about 3-4 days it hurt and stung after I had finished but lately the blood has stopped if there is any it really isn't much and the pain isn't there much anymore however from time to time I get really itchy not severely but it's just more annoying than anything else. I've been applying aloe Vera and washing it everyday but it's still quite itchy so any advice would be appreciated.
I've been quite scared that it maybe cancer cause i heard that it can cause similar symptoms to a fissure which freaks me out and me being 18 I'm quite embarrassed about it to.
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Laura3333 tom28804
It's highly unlikely to be cancer, or even a fissure.
You just split while passing a large stool.
Stop washing so much. Use a toilet wet wipe for sensitive skin instead, leave the aloe Vera alone, keep the skin dry, it will heal better.
Drink more, especially if you are doing stress excercising and sweating more.
It looks like it's already healed, the itching should go if you keep the area clean and dry.
clive85043 tom28804
Sorry that you are in discomfort i totally understand how that feels,.you must not worry i am not a Doctor but from what you have told me it seems that you may have an Anal Fissure.
I had a bad attack about 2 years ago bought on by me straining myself,i went to my Doctor who then told me what is was.
He prescibed an ointment called RECTOGESIC which certanly helped also taking Hot Bubble Baths ( Not to hot though ok ) eased my pain.
Because it was not healing as quickly as he thoughyt he made an appointment for me to see a Consultant, he was AMAZING, explained eveything to me, his parting words to me were that if the pain returns carry on using the oinment
I was pain free for 3 Months in that time i totally changed my life style can i suggest that you may have to do this as well.
Breakfast --- Fresh Fruit and Yoghurt.
Lunch--- Maybe a sandwhich.
And drink a lot more Water.
Dinner-- Nothing to heavy and maybe half the intake that you would normally have.
I also do a lot more walking as i am lucky to live very near to an amazing Park, im sure this helps too.
Yes occasionally i get discomfort so i then use the RECTOGESIC ointment,
i hope that i may have suggested things that you can do to help yourself.
Pleasae go and see your Doctor if its persists as then you will have peace of mind rather that going through all the worry.
Clive ( Birmingham ) UK
mmarcus151910 tom28804
So sorry to hear of your troubles. As someone else said,, I highly doubt its cancer but that does not mean to rule it out. Given that you are 18, I would assume it is just a normal anal fissure from straining too hard. Here are some suggestions I have for you to help you through:
1. Try somee zinc oxide in the form of calmoseptine which has menthol to soothe the area down there as well. Calmoseptine can be bought at almost any local drugstore and can be bought online too.
2. Try squatting when going on the toilet instead of sitting. This is a much helathier position and the poop sometimes will just slide out, no pushing or straining involved.
3. I would definately take a fiber supplement, specifically metamucil is what I take evveryday, in ordr to allow your stools to be soft and to allow them to pass thorugh easily. THis being said, with any fiber supplemetn, you must drink lots of water when using them, or they will not work veffectively. Also, do not take too much as too much fiber can irritate your bowels on the way out and diarreah actually does worse down there.
4. I would recommend getting a sphicteronomy surgery if htings dont get better. I waited it out, gave up, had the surgery, and was able to heal within about two weeks. I had a chronic fissure, so I knew where you are ocming from with v all the pain and discomfort.
Try listening to music to distract your mind a bit, especially when going to the bathroom. If you are in writing pain, distract yourself with a movie or TV show right after.
Hope this helps!!!
greg82314 tom28804
clive85043 tom28804
I have sent you a reply hope you teceived it, please tell me thanks.
Clive ( Birmingham ) UK