fissurectomy/hemorrhoidectomy experience
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I wanted to share my experience with both my fissurectomy surgery (aug 2019) and my hemorrhoidectomy surgery (may 2020) in the hopes that this might be helpful to others. My fissurectomy was a year ago so i’m a little hazy on the details but will try my best.
A little background on me: I’m a 27 year old female who’s been dealing with hemorrhoids for the last decade (ugh). They were internal but would prolapse during a bowel movement and would have to be manually pushed in. I tried adding more fiber to my diet but I don’t think I tried hard enough and basically just said ‘I’ll be dealing with this for the rest of my life’. I was too embarrassed to talk to a doctor about it, and they got worse over the past ten years (more of them, bigger in size, more difficult to push in, etc).
The straw that broke the camel’s back was actually not that my stools were too hard but rather too LOOSE. I had a bout of diarrhea that lasted for a few months (I know, that’s a long time) and that, combined with the hemorrhoids, gave me a fissure in june 2019. The fissure was the most painful thing I ever dealt with and because I didn’t undertand what it was – and thought it maybe was from hard stools – I took laxatives and that tore the fissure even more. It stung during a bowel momvenet and for the entire day after, sometimes 2 days after. it caused spasms in my anus. I was so afraid of pooping, I only pooped every other day (I usually poop every day). I had to drop out of a lot of commitments due to pain and I was constantly shifting my weight when standing/sitting because I couldn’t get comfortable. I was in such pain that when I saw my surgeon and she tried to schedule me for a fissurectomy a week away, I said it had to be sooner than that and started crying. She obliged.
My colorectal surgeon scheduled me for a fissurectomy in august 2019. As for the hemorrhoids, she suggested we do a few banding sessions in the coming months to get rid of them to avoid invasive surgery. My fissurectomy surgery itself was painless – I went under twilight anesthesia and didn’t feel a thing. They also did the first series of banding while sewing the fissure. The pain I was in after the surgery was bad– I actually found he painkillers (percoset) did less for my pain than just hot baths and extra strength Tylenol. Finding the schedule was key - I kept on a scheduled of 2 extra strength Tylenol every 6 hours and baths throughout the day, especially after a BM. I would wake myself up in the middle of the night to take my tylenol and a bath. I also took 2-3 stool softeners. I remember having a BM the day after surgery and it was SO painful – felt like my fissure was still irritated and I felt the rubberband around my hemorrhoid. I took a laxative (milk of magenisa) to get it going. I had to strain because I hadn’t yet figured out how to fix my diet. The BM’s afterwards were less painful, but still some pain to them. A horrible stinging pain and some blood. It really sucked. The good news is a week later I was able to resume my activities, but I still had a stinging sensation throughout the day. I also only wore dresses because shorts and pants irritated the wound. And pooping still gave me anxiety because I knew it would hurt during and sometimes afterwards for the rest of the day.
The most frustrating part of my fissurectomy honestly were the months where I was recovered enough to go back to work etc but was still in stinging pain for the day after every BM. this lasted…I’m sorry to say….for a year. It was better at times and worse at times, but I still felt it, with the exception of maybe a month in january where I was ok. The reason for this is that I had prolapsing hemorrhoids WHILE trying to recover from a fissurectomy. So every time I had a BM, the hemorrhoid would pop out, irritate the fissure wound, and it would prolong the healing process. Additionally, my surgeon couldn’t do any further banding surgeries until my fissure was more healed. So I was kind of stuck in this cycle where my hemorrhoids would irritate my fissure, my fissure couldn’t heal, we couldn’t band my hemorrhoids, so the hemorrhoids would irritate my fissure, my fissure couldn’t heal, etc.
A few things really helped me during this time (keep in mind my problem was LOOSE stools not HARD ones):
1)FIBER GUMMIES – these changed my life. I use the sugar free fiberwell ones I found at cvs. I take 2-4 a day. I found so many posts on this site talking about how to combat HARD stools but my problem most recently had been LOOSE stools. Fiber (don’t take WITH water) helps this issue. They make the poop easy to push out and more solid.
2)HEATING PAD – everyone says apply heat to the area, but they usually just mention baths. I found a small heating pad (like a little blanket you plug in) and would just lay on it for hours at a time. This was especially helpful when I was in the middle of something and didn’t have access to a bath. This helps speed along my recovery.
3)APPLE SAUCE – the trick for me was really getting my stool to be the right consistency. Too loose and it would irritate the fissure. Too hard and it would hurt the hemorrhoids. It was a verrrry tricky balance to strike and I mostly failed. But apple sauce helped firm up the stools and made them pass quickly.
4)IMMODIUM – in times of intense bowel trouble (I traveled to the Dominican republic and had diarrhea from the food there) i took this anti-diarrhea medicine. You might think it would constipate you completely but combined with the fiber gummies it acutally just made my stool the right amount of solid and easy to pass. iron pills also work for this issue, as does pepto bismol sometimes.
5)HOT BATHS – obviously, cant get enough of them. I only use water in mine, no salt. Took them every morning after a BM. But also make sure to invest in a portable SITZ BATH that u can bring with you on vacation or to a friend’s house or wherever there isn’t a bathtub. I got mine on Amazon (it’s pink!).
6)C-DILTIAZEM OINTMENT – my surgeon prescribed this ointment when it was clear my fissure was taking a while to heal. I didn’t like to put it on right after a BM when the wound was kind of open because that stung and hurt for the rest of the day – I would put it on at night and let it sit.
7)BABY WIPES – no toilet paper. Use something softer like baby wipes.
Now, it took me a while to figure out all of these things – so my fissure healed reaaaaallly slowly and we weren’t able to resume banding surgeries until mid November (again, my surgery was in august). I had a really bad week in october with some loose stools and very bloody BM’s and pain for days, where I thought I would never recover. But using everything above (Especially apple sauce and heating pad) helped.
I should also note that - with a few exceptions – incorporating the fiber gummies into my diet meant I spent around 10 min on the toilet. That was awesome. I was still able to eat almost everything I wanted and drink and even do the occasional drug lol. And have sex! Although probably taking those things out of my diet may have helped me heal faster…..hindsight’s 2020 lol.
The banding surgeries helped – they definitely shrunk my hemorrhoids, which meant they stopped irritating the fissure! We did about 8 bandings, 1 every 2 weeks. A note about banding surgeries: I find if they’re successful (as in you really band off a significant part of your hemorrhoid), they will hurt that day. It’s not a horrible pain but it’s a cramping feeling, and it does decrease over the hours. the first hour can make u feel kind of sick. you’ll likely be ok either that night, the next day, or at the very latest 2 days after. Sometimes the banding didn’t hurt at all and I was able to go right back to work – but that usually meant it wasn’t a very successful surgery.
After about 8 of these, it became clear that my hemorrhoids – though smaller than they used to be – would not go away without a hemorrhoidectomy. At this point, I was fairly pain free but still wanted to get rid of them, as they still prolapsed during a BM. So in early march, my surgeon scheduled me for a hemorrhoidectomy that would take place in late april.
Then, coronavirus hit lol. So the surgery got rescheduled for late may. While waiting for late may, I began to experience pain again. The thing about banding surgeries is that they sort of ‘shift’ the hemorrhoids down there so to speak. So while my original fissure had healed, the hemorrhoids were now pushing up against the right side of my anus and causing another stinging pain. I thought maybe it was another fissure, but that seemed kind of extreme. It also could’ve been that the skin on the hemorrhoid itself was irritated and was causing some blood and pain. I picked up taking baths after every BM and sometimes only pooping every other day. The pain increased over the months but luckily I knew this surgery was coming up so I didn’t have as much anixety.
The week before the surgery I stopped eating meat and stopped drinking (this was hard, I love to drink). I had read all these blogs so I was really prepared for THE WORST. I gave myself a Fleet Enema the morning of my surgery, so I was all cleared out and didn’t have to take a BM that day or the day after.
The surgery – again – was painless as I was under anesthesia the whole time. I got home and felt alright. I took my first hot bath and took out the gauze packing which was uncomfortable but ok. as the anesthesia wore off, I started to feel the pain. It was more like a soreness/sensitivity rather than the stinging pain of the fissure. I preferred it. I took an oxy – which didn’t really help – but then had to wait to take tylenol. I took multiple hot baths and ate only fruits and vegetables that first day/night. The first night was rough because I wasn’t staying on top of my pain with medication – oxy wasn’t working but because I took an oxy, I had to wait another 6 hours until I took a Tylenol. That was torturous. As soon as I figured out my pain med schedule (2 tylenol and 3 advil alternating every 4 hours) pain, things began to get better. Additionally, the 1st day and night that area felt VERY tight and I felt super bloated – even passing gas was hard and I could only do it if I strained a little and was in the bathtub (a stitch came out this way – not sure if that’s normal or bad….). I was like how am I EVER gonna poop?? But the next day I felt a little less bloated and the next day even less after that.
So now I’m on day 2 (if surgery was day 0) and I had my first BM today – it was very small and I had it in my sitz bath and then hopped in my regular bath after. It felt like I was passing a much larger stool but when I looked it was small. It was uncomfortable and sore afterwards but I have to say, after the experience of the fissure, I think I’m equipped to deal with this kind of pain. It was easier than fissure pain, much easier. There was some blood but honestly it was all right. When I pooped with a fissure and right after fissure surgery, I was screaming in pain. This time I was able to be quiet 😃
Right now, I still cant really sit up unless I’m in the bath, moving causes some pain and discomfort, but if I’m lying down I don’t feel pain at all. Which is kind of incredible. I have slight bleeding but nothing terrible. I’m a little worried about getting backed up and wondering if I should attempt to have a BM every day or every 2 days. Ive also been eating very lightly so as not to have a painful BM but my weight is very low and when it dips below a certain point, things start to go haywire.
So far, here is what has helped me
1)TYLENOL EXTRA STRENGTH AND ADVIL – my painkillers didn’t get rid of my pain, only made me feel high which was fun but not was I looking for. I alternate taking 2 tylenol extra strength and 3 advil every 4 hours. A doctor I know said this is the max u can take in a day (6 tylenol xtra and 9 advil) but its been working.
2)HOT BATHS – as I said above, they’re the best thing to decrease swelling and pain alleviation. Taken 3-4x a day at LEAST.
3)HEMORROWEDGE – these are icepacks sold on amazon specifically for hemorrhoids. They’re small and squishy – wrap them in a baby wipe and stick them in your butt and hold them there for 10-15 min. they are AMAZING for relieving pain. They don’t do much to decrease swelling but they help in the moment pain. I couldn’t fall asleep the first night because I was in pain but I stuck one of these in and was able to fall asleep for 4 hours.
4)DIET OF FIBER GUMMIES, FRUITS, VEGGIES, NUTS AND STOOL SOFTENER – my poop this morning was small and solid but easy to pass. I think this is due to me eating like a freaking rabit.
5)PORTABLE BIDET – I am not wiping after a BM at all. I ordered a spray bottle on amazon designed for pregnant women.
6)SQUATTY POTTY – put one under your feet when you have a BM, helps it come out easier.
Overall, I’m not necessarily glad I’ve been dealing with these issues for a year but I am glad I had my fissurectomy surgery before my hemorrhoidectomy because I am so much more equipped to deal with the pain and I know so much more about my diet and bowel habits. I would say if you’ve been through the pain of a bad fissure, this will feel much easier.
I’m not even going to get INTO skin tags yet because my butt has looked so weird since my fissurectomy and they kept saying it was because of the hemorrhoids and the extra skin, so we’ll just see if it looks normal when all this is done. I heard someone say that wherever you’re at in 5 weeks is likely what you’re stuck with. We’ll see.
I’m pretty sure the new stinging pain I was experiencing right before my hemorrhoidectomy was a hemorrhoid and not a new fissure – theres certainly pain in my butt right now but none of it feels like that pain. Time will tell
I will update in a week or so, hoping that recovery continues to be alright and I continue to improve. Really glad I found this website, it helped me SO much, so I’m trying to pass it forward. Feel free to respond with any questions or any guidance! If youre going through it at the same time we can be penpals!
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Olga86 reb1993
Hi there, wow that was a long story but very informative 😃 but frankly am so amazed at your strength. well done, it's all now behind you. good idea to stop using toilet paper - it's much cleaner with water and less painful when butt is very delicate. Good luck with recovery and be patient!
reb1993 Olga86
thank you!
bella04946 reb1993
Hi reb1933
Thanks for sharing your story.
I found your hem symptoms interesting as I am experiencing similar.
Had banding. Not sure want happened. It didnt work or as you said just pushed it lower as Im experiencing more prolapsing and pain episodes more often now. My pain can vary in intensity and can be raw / burning / stinging / feeling like something in my butt. During worst flare up I was about to go to hospital emergency but it was the middle of the night and I had no one to come look after my four year old son. It gets worse with activity and/or BMs. I dont have a problem with constipation rather I go every day sometimes up to three times a day!
Seeing two surgeons.
General surgeon said i had fissure (gave me cream and later said it resolved) and then did banding. Week later huge flare up he said it was thrombossed hem and it should clear up. It got better for a week but then came back and hasnt gotten better. Now because of covid he is only doing video consultations. He says its a fissure. I say hem. I can see it sometimes. He just put me waiting list for hem surgery.
Went for second opinion. Colorectal surgeon says i have internal hem but in his opinion it shouldnt be causing pain like i describe. He suggested phenol injections to help reduce it which i had four days ago. Hoping they help but who knows?
Hope I wont need surgery but as the last resort might have to just do it and get rid of this thing.
Its good to hear some positive stories. Please update us as to how you are recovering post op. Hope its still going well for you.
reb1993 bella04946
hey bella04946 -
yes! that sounds similar. i'm so sorry you're going through that. i'll be honest - i had a really great colorectal surgeon (highly rated, did a great job w both my major surgeries) and even she didn't anticipate the pain i was feeling with the shifted hemorrhoids after banding. your pain is the surest thing you know, and it sounds like what you have is not a fissure since it wasn't fixed by any of the fissure medications.
also, if it in fact IS a fissure, it's really hard to heal that while you still have hems.
if it's any consolation - so far, the most painful parts of this hemorrhoidectomy recovery have not been anywhere near as painful as what i experienced with a fissure. what i'm feeling right now is the stitches dissolving and coming out so during a BM there is a sharp pain where the wound is, but that feels similar to a fissure pain, not worse. and everything else has been more manageable also, since your hems are already reduced in size, the surgery recovery likely will be easier.
hope this gets taken care of for you!!
bella04946 reb1993
Thanks reb1993
Im sorry youre having to go through all this too. Youre lucky to find a good surgeon. I mean how do you even know?
Im not having a good day today. So sick of it. Thinking just to have the surgery and get it over with. Suffering anyway.
Hope things just keep getting better for you and resolve once and for all.
What country are you in? Im in Australia.
reb1993 bella04946
hi bella04946 - thank you 😃 i'm in the USA (NYC). my surgeon is the one that all these rich people go to so i figured she was good and in general, nyc has good hospital staff. i would ask a doctor you trust for a recommendation for a good colorectal surgeon, that's what i did.
i remember those days, those are rough 😦 i really really think the surgery is worth it - i can say that now even though i'm only on day 5 and still in some pain. i think 1) if you've had a fissure you will be more than prepared for this pain and 2) it sounds like since your hems were thought to be treatable by banding and have shrunk already, they will be easy to remove and recovery will be like mine - hard but not as hard as everyone says.
i say get the surgery! it also helps that here in the US coronavirus is everywhere so all work is being done remotely, and i don't have to rush to be back in an office. i'll see how i feel but i think one would need to take at least 2 weeks off
I’m a week in and I'm doing pretty well!
over the course of the week I got the pain meds down to taking 3 advil before i sleep and 3 advil when i wake up (with occasional advil in the afternoon). i can lie in a bunch of different ways but still don't love sitting up or walking around. The soreness/rawness feels very under control. the stitches have started to dissolve over the week or come undone – not sure. Either way, they’re barely there anymore. I believe this is normal as I haven’t been straining during bowel movements – in fact the BM's have been the east to pass in my life – solid but easy to pass which is ideal. i hope to continue this post surgery! i think the stool softeners are helping a lot.
around day 3/4, when the stitches were first coming out, it caused for painful bowel movements (more painful than day 1/2, sort of similar to fissure pain), but now that the stitches are more dissolved, the bowel movements are almost painless! i've been having them in a sitz bath, then hopping in a different bath right after, then putting an icepack wrapped in a baby wipe on the area for 10 minutes. today, however, i had a BM straight in the toilet, hopped in the bath, and no icepack after! really almost no pain! this is SO different from the fissure issues i was dealing with for months - much less painful BM's this time around and a quick soak in the bath gets rid of the pain.
over the week i decreased my food intake substantially because i did not want to have large BM's. i also found that for most of the week, 30 min after eating i would HAVE to go to the bathroom and theres no stopping it. going twice in a day was painful and set back my healing, so decreasing the food was necessary. I have 2 small meals a day – mostly veggies fruits n other things w fiber. For ex – one morning I had oatmeal w bannas and then beans, kale and brown rice for din. Both half portions. i also decreased my water intake for same reason. there were times when i had to just lie down, take a deep breath, and suppress the urge to have a bm - that helped. now i can confidently say that i do have to go when i wake up in the morning, but the rest of my meals stay down and digested. one BM per day, easily.
Things that are helping me: eating only high fiber foods, that being mostly fruits and vegetables (still no meat or alcohol); advil and/or ibuprofen; 2 colace (stool softener) + 3 fiber gummies + 32 oz of water a day keep my stools the right consistency; hot baths; ice packs. I mostly stay in bed though lie on my back, side, or stomach with ease – day 5 night I got up to eat dinner w my family – I was lying on my side on the couch, then felt good enough to walk around and do some dishes but aftrewards had more bleeding so, that probably wasn’t great. In general my discharge has been minimal and I think that’s because im not moving and stretching the open wound very much.
right now, my pain seems to be concentrated in one place which is a mix of a skin tag/sewed up hemorrohoid. it's a slight stinging pain, but not bad and unoticeable unless i'm sitting up or moving around. can't tell if it's that the wound is healing and closing or if there's irritation from moving around. i wore a pad in my underwear last night to see if keeping the area even dryer would help, and i also put Balneol (over the counter relief cream) on the area to clean it. i'm also obviously still taking multiple baths a day. hopefully time will heal this thing too.
overall this surgery recovery is STILL much better and faster than I thought it would be. I start work in 3 weeks so hoping to at least be able to sit up for hours at a time then
bella04946 reb1993
Hi reb1993
Glad to read you are doing so well after just a week. Its so important mentally to hear a positive experience.
I will most likely have to just commit to surgery. I have doubts phenol injection is working. Still in pain everyday. Its been going on for so long and only getting worse. I literally havent done anything in 3 months. Sounds like recovery from surgery will be a lot quicker. Just feels like this will never get better at the moment. Its so depressing.
Please keep us updated.
reb1993 bella04946
i really think you should do it! it feels like for people in your and my position, you have already experienced so much pain that this surgery recovery won't be as bad as you expect it to be. i'm so sorry nothing has worked - make that appointment!
kyle2020 reb1993
Thank you for sharing this!
It really is crazy how varied the stories are by people on YouTube and around forums like these. The way you described it OP, it sounds painful and uncomfortable, but nothing like other stories where they say when you poop it feels like glass coming out. Even one person on here said that it felt like someone was constantly sticking a hot knife up your backside and slowly twisting and turning it, that's how he felt for a week or two he said!!!!!!
I don't know what I'll do. I don't know how many I have, I definetely have at least one that is a grade 3 that comes out every bowel movement. I've been taking metamucil daily and drink a bunch of water daily, so I never strain anymore. The hemorroids as of now don't really hurt or interfere in my life, it's just uncomfortable every morning when I have my bowel movement but that's it.
That said, I really would like them gone. I know that if I got them gone I don't think they would come back as long as I kept up the water and metamucil routine since I rarely get stomach aches anymore and rarely strain.
If the pain was like the banding, I would go for this surgery in a heartbeat. Honestly, if I knew the pain would be like you described OP, I would go for it too. But those horror stories, like someone on here saying for 1-2 weeks it constantly feels like someone is twisting and turning a hot sharp knife up your backside 24/7........... Those stories just scare me so much.
Not sure what I'll do. I am a bit scared that if I wait, maybe one day my hemorrhoids will get worst and WILL start interfering in my daily life, thus not only forcing me into the surgery but possibly making it more painful. Don't know what I'll do.
reb1993 kyle2020
hi kyle! i totally get your concern. these forums freaked me out before i had my surgery BUT i will say preparing for the worst actually helped me, because when my recovery was easier i was pleasantly surprised. have you tried the banding and it hasn't worked? in that case, i would recommend the surgery.
my advice is to get it - in my experience, hemorrhoids that don't go away after improving your bowel habits (which it sounds like you have) will likely only get worse. im not a doctor but it seems to me that the people who have the toughest time with their hemorrhoidectomy recovery are people who have IBS- if i had not been able to have one clean non-strained bowel movement per day, i'm sure my recovery would've been fair more painful- or are significantly older and therefore their bodies take more time to heal and bounce back into shape. it sounds like you might have a similar situation to mine.
also even the people who say recovery was god awful, a lot of them still say they're glad they did it!
a little over 2 weeks in and i'm happy to say there's not much to report! as i said in my previous post, the only pain remaining seems to be related to the external stitches in a skin tag. that pain has improved - though slowly - with the use of hot baths, occasional advil and keeping the area dry by wearing a pad or pantyliner at all hours of the day ←- that last part is important! in my last post i said i was using Balneol to relieve irritation, but touching the area seemed to cause more irritation so i stopped and i think that helped. i can now sit up and walk around, though still trying to take it easy just to be safe. and i'm eating basically whatever i want, though still light on the meat and alcohol. i even had spicy indian food the other day,a nd it was fine! still taking baths after BM's.
will update again in a week!
kyle2020 reb1993
Great to hear Reb1993! I got your last reply to me and thank you for the advice. To answer your questions, yes I had 3 separate bandings done, and while they helped a little, every single BM that I have (despite being off the toilet in under a minute and not straining at all) I have a hemorrhoid about the size of a grape that comes out. I usually have to kind of push it back in by clenching my butt cheeks together. So it's not bad enough where I have to shove it back in with a finger or anything. But yeah, it's about the size of a small grape, so yeah it's big.
Surprisingly it only feels uncomfortable during BM but I don't really notice it the rest of the time. It normally doesn't bleed either, although I've had stretches where it acts up and starts bleeding more than normal after a BM. If I have more than 1 BM in a day it hurts though and is very, very uncomfortable (but I wouldn't really call it painful though, but it does hurt a little bit).
I read over your OP again, and a few more questions if you don't mind:
What are you doing for entertainment since you can't move around much? You said mobility is getting better so I suppose I should ask, what did you do for entertainment the first week or so when you couldn't or didn't move around much? Even sitting up and using the computer while sitting on a chair must've been painful, right?
In your OP you stated you took your first bowel movement in the sitz bath then hopped into a regular bath. Are you still doing this for every bowel movement? Furthermore, when people talk about their first bowel movement after the hemorrhoidectomy feeling like sharp glass is cutting their bottom, do you think having your bowel movement in the sitz bath helped to ease this pain a little bit?
I read your diet advice in your OP. For me, I take Metamucil everyday and drink at minimum 68 ounces of water each day, sometimes more. As a result, I am literally never on the toilet for more than 1 minute and it's been this way 99% of the time for the past 5 months since I've been on the Metamucil.
That said, while I don't strain at all now, the poop is solid. When people talk about taking stool softeners, is the poop supposed to come out liquidy like diarrhea or something? I guess what I want to ask is, and of course I'll ask a doctor if I do get this surgery, but do you think I should continue taking the Metamucil and maybe mixing Stool Softeners with it to make the poop liquidy? Or just stick with the Metamucil even if the poop will be solid?
reb1993 kyle2020
hey kyle -
yes that situation you described is almost exactly what i was experiencing, although i had to manually push mine in. for me it was worth it to get the surgery so as to not feel uncomfortable during a BM! in answer to your questions....
i watched a lot of netflix etc on my laptop while lying down on my stomach, read a few books, spent a lot of time on twitter/instagram on my phone. slept. it gets a little boring but not too bad. and my boyfriend's been great, bringing me whatever i need etc. at a certain point, i could lie on my back and put my laptop on my lap and watch that way.
i'm no longer still taking my BM's in a sitz bath! i still hop in a bath right after to soothe and clean the area, but i am totally fine having a normal BM on my own (aided by help of a squatty potty). i definitely think having a BM in the sitz bath eased the pain - i would not describe my pain as glass cutting, as i've experienced fissure pain that was far worse. it was painful, though.
your diet sounds great! i really think this means you'll be in ok shape for this surgery recovery, as i think it's having difficult BM's that prolongs recovery. stool softener does not make your BM's liquid-y, or at least it isn't really supposed to if you don't overdo it. i take 2 colace a day and all it does is make it easier to push out BM's. i think the way to go is solid poops that are easy to pass - too liquidy and you'll irritate the stitches and make them harder to heal.
*so yes, stick with the metamucil and add in the stool softeners to make it even easier. that's what i did (though i take fiber gummies). but sounds like your bowel habits are pretty ideal!