Five days on Mirtazapine

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i started taking Mirtazapine five nights ago for anxiety and insomnia. I take 15mg at around 8PM and by 10PM I'm sound asleep. The first two nights were fantastic, great sleep no nightmares. But since then every night I'm having vivid nightmares which stress me out!

Also the first couple of days my appetite did increase but since then has settle back to normal.

Hoping the nightmares go away over time as they are making me feel awful the next day and leaving me more irritable and angry than usual.

good luck all!


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I was on Mirt for 8 weeks and sorry to say the nightmares stayed -very disturbing-one of the reasons I stopped cold turkey on 15mg.  Was terrified by them.
  • Posted

    Hi I have been taking Mirt 15mg 

    For 18 days and beginning to feel better. I am also taking it for anxiety and depression. I have experienced something similar and it seems to be settling down.

    It does seem to be different for everyone. I hope you’ll soon see some improvement all the best 


  • Posted

    Hi I've been taking 15 mg for 4 months and experience the same. Bad dreams and irritable all the time. I am going to taper off this drug as soon as I can. Also I wake up wet with with sweat every morning and it makes my skin feel like it's burning.

  • Posted

    Hi maz

    i was on mirtazapine for around 16 months , nightmare were really bad when I begun taking mirt they went away for round about a month then came back again and remained there until I came of mirtazapine just over 9wks ago

    Think some get the nightmares and some dont 


  • Posted

    Hi Maz - i'm one of those ones who have not had any probs with mirt. Prescribed 10 years ago, now on 45 mgs. Weight gain happened, but i could afford it, always was skinny. These sorts of drugs affect everyone differently, sorry to read all the horror stories here. If you are not happy with med, see doc to change them. 

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