Five months on MXT - an update
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I went to see my rheumy yesterday - I only get to see him every 2 -3 months.
A bit of history: I started on MXT in Dec as I was unable to under 20mg of pred and was feeling very poorly. I saw improvements within a couple of weeks and now 5 months in I'm down to 5mg pred. BUT, not without its own set of problems. Sigh...
My liver function tests weren't too flash a month ago, so I had another one last week - it shows slight improvement. Rheumy said that the MXT often 'upsets' the liver in the early days and that it might settle down again. Here's hoping! I was worried I'd have to go off the MXT and then have to increase my pred again. That would have been very depressing.
What was more worrying is that my CPR is higher than its ever been, even at diagnosis. I fear I've hit that point where the pred is barely able to contain the PMR. So I'm slowing my reductions to 1/2 mg a month using DSNS - which I told my rhuemy about - he was most impressed and was going to read up on it. One more rhuemy being educated by a patient! lol
I have one question for you: just about every med I'm on is supposed to decrease my appetite (except the pred, and I'm on a low enough dose that it shouldn't be a problem) so how come I can't stop eating? AAGGHHHH!!!! LOL
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LayneTX FlipDover_Aust
Today I'm struggling too. I went to grocery store to buy my healthy foods, but a big inner rage came out and I said heck, I want to eat something I'm not supposed to eat darn it! And I bought some yummy, tasty pistachio "flavored" as the package says, muffins. I scarfed one down! Yes it tasted so good. I apologized to my body, wish I had spit it out (ha, I've done that before, I've never regurgitated however). But I realize how stupid that was. So...I'm back to reading my books on being at peace, taking care of our body.
I recently learned a meditation where I close my eyes, visualize a placed I'd like to be, feel my self walk, smell the pine trees, feel the breeze, ...
I also heard our adrenals can make us crave sugars.
I also have a meditation that focuses on balancing the adrenal glands.
Also...trying to be thankful and mindful when we eat. It makes it more satisfying. Eat what we need to fuel the body then "step away from the kitchen"
Breathing meditations.
Dont know if this is your case, or if you can relate. But I can kind of understand.
Im learning it has to be practiced daily, maybe several times a day. darn it
I just want to magically feel better, ha, ha.
You work right? Maybe go in a room, or dark closet, imagine yourself on the beach, feel the sand, the warmth, feel safe, feel healthy, for 5 minutes and see if that helps.
Juno-Irl-Dub LayneTX
Life is for living and you HAVE to be able to give yourself a break and say "feck all the rules, I'm giving myself a day off today'. I absolutely hate doing floor exercises which I'm told are a 'must' for a stronger back - I find them unbelievably dry and boring. The only way I can manage is to allow myself a day off if I REALLY have had enough of behaving myself. So it's a choice to do it or not. It's just a JOY to suddenly decide ' I'm letting it go today, I'll have a sleep in - or whatever. I tell myself that this improves compliance in the long term. . . . . Keep up the good work - but not always ! J
FlipDover_Aust LayneTX
I feel so much better both physically and emotionally when I plan and eat well.... but it all goes out the window at 'weak' moments.
I AM craving sugar... you might have a point about the adrenals... worth looking in to - if I knew there was a physiological reason for my 'weakness' I might be able to cope with it better.
(you just know that anything that is 'flavoured' is not good for you!)
FlipDover_Aust Juno-Irl-Dub
And oh how I relate to the floor exercises! I just can't bring myself to do them even though I pay good money to see a phsyio who tells me to do them!
Anhaga FlipDover_Aust
EileenH Anhaga
LayneTX FlipDover_Aust
But I remember my mother-in-law watched me eat a bunch of cantaloupe and she said "you'd rather eat the cantaloupe than that pie?" She's a real sweet-olohlic. She put sugar in a guacamole dip, I asked my husband, is she trying to kill me?
EileenH LayneTX
FlipDover_Aust EileenH
linda17563 FlipDover_Aust
I like you have to lower 1/2mg a month, and still get some Rheumie has suggested Tramadol....I don`t think so!....I seem to be getting a lot of pain in my knees, I`m waiting for blood test always seem 2 steps forward 1 step back....
As for appetite, I don`t think meds work anywhere near the same for two people, take pred for example some gain lots, some lose....what`s that all about! I`v gained....mostly on stomach and face!
Sometimes I think we "reward" ourselves for our suffering.....well, that`s my excuse amyway!
Good luck....