Flip Flop Insomnia

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Hi Ladies,

I have been having some crazy insomnia for a few years. I went from being up all night to getting a few hours of sleep, to waking every hour and just recently waking at 3am or 4am and being up the rest of the day.

Well my body has seemed to shift gears once again and now I'm back to not being able to sleep at all. It's 12:21am here and I have been up since 9:00am yesterday morning. I am no where near sleepy. This makes me so irritable the next day and snappy with my family. Has anyone else expierenced the flip flop insomnia?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    That sucks Jamie.

    i use homeopathic melatonin drops. It's very diluted but works fairly well.

    that or I have a naturopath who does a homeopathic solution that works really well. No side effects no drowsiness etc. 


    • Posted

      My new GP told me about melatonin. I just may have to get some. I wasn't expecting to change to barely getting any sleep at all.
  • Edited

    Yes I've had it for years now periods of being unable to sleep 6 15 am now so no sleep and then like a zombie by lunchtime.

    Then a phase of sleeping at the wrong time early morning till late afternoon.

    Or I think the worst one is sleeping an hour waking so tired stay in bed takes another hour or so to get to sleep again only to wake again in another hour.

    I've become such a light sleeper too where I used to be difficult to wake.

    I've tried everything melatonin 5htp magnesium. Valerian root 900mg is the closest natural one to diazepam in my opinion but that's the maximum dose and it's not quite enough.

    Diazepam works to get you to sleep but it doesn't keep you there if you wake again after a few hours.

    Temazepam used to work but now I've had too much of it I have to take twice as much and doctors are not keen to give it out.

    Zopiclone gives me a nasty metallic taste and as I already had that with peri I can't use it because the taste keeps me awake.

    I at least know now it's definitely my hormones the first 8 nights on estrogen I slept perfectly woke up refreshed and ready for the day and felt just like I used to before it all started.

    Pity it was only 8 nights but thinking of trying a higher estrogen dose.

    They say progesterone is the sleep hormone but it has no such effect on me.

    • Edited

      I find myself doing falling asleep around the time of morning where I should be getting up. Then that is broken because I'm taking kids to school and work and by the time I get back in I may fall asleep for about 30 minutes at the most then jolted out of my sleep. It's frustrating.
  • Posted

    I too am going through this! My mind and body is tired but I can't get to sleep at a decent time. I usually wake up out of nowhere to pee around 6 am and today I finally passed out at 8 am which was 26 hours later. Unfortunately my two and four yr olds are on my same sleeping pattern . so I have to hurry up and do something because my 4 yr old will be starting kindergarten this year!
    • Posted

      Sounds like me. I lie in bed staring at the wall, then I get up and walk around the house, or do crossword puzzles and soon as it's time to get up, I doze off to sleep only to have to get up. Lately I've been falling asleep around 12:30-1:00am and wake up about 3:00-4:00am. Just getting to be frustrating. Then im tired and cranky the next day. I was really irritated with my family yesterday and I know it was because I was tired.
  • Edited

    I have suffered from insomnia and severe depression for the last 4 months. Ob/gyn put me on Lopreeza which seems to be helping but I still get alot of anxiety in the evenings I don't know why. My sleeping has improved significantly however I did wake up in a panic last night, then took a hydroxysine and fell back asleep. This whole perimenopause/meno just sucks.

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