Floating stools
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I have been having abdominal issues for over a year now.
It started off with a vague abdominal pain, that has now become a lot more persistent and intense. It started off in the right hand side but is now also on the left hand side, under my right shoulder blade and my chest.
After about five months of the pain, I noticed my stools were floating a lot of the time, so I was worried about a pancreas problem, however, I have just had been tested for fecal fat/steatorrhea and it came back negative.
I have had lots of tests, multiple bloods, ultrasound, ct, mri/mrcp, eus. All have come back clear with the exception of lives cysts.
Any suggestions on what could cause the floating stools when fecal fat has been ruled out?
I am taking mirtazapine for anxiety related to my undiagnosed symptoms
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fernando90225 jamie04813
so you have a depression disorder. wow. You have to investigate what tests and make sure you are getting the right info from tests. There is something wrong with you. I just don't know why you can't get an answer. It's sounds like you need to get an new GI specialist to help you. And being on anti-depressants isn't helping you. Why did you have an MRCP for?.
jamie04813 fernando90225
My doctor requested the MRCP to try and find the cause of my pain
prakash66282 jamie04813
too much fibre or gas could also make stool float. if you are on strict diet or trying too loose weight than you should not worry much about it. though it floats most of the times, sometimes it should sink as stool is suppose to be denser. try monitoring for sometime and if all tests are negative you should not be worrying unnecessarily as this can worsened your condition.
pippa58442 jamie04813
Anti depressants can cause gut distress too. When I had high anxiety when my abdominal pain was undiagnosed, I waited out my anxiety without taking any medication for it which can cause further problems. Try coming off this medication to see if it helps your symptoms. What has your doctor suggested? What did he say about the liver cysts? Maybe that's the problem since nothing else has shown up? Was you gallbladder checked by HIDA scan?
jamie04813 pippa58442
I have been wondering if some of my symptoms are due to the mirtazapine.
Doctors don't really know, so have suggested it's psychosomatic and/or anxiety related. I know my body and an sure it's not either.
Whenever I've asked about the cysts, I've been brushed off with they are common and benign and nothing to worry about. I haven't had a HIDA yet, probably the only scan I haven't had
pippa58442 jamie04813
I would change your doctor and come off anti depressants. When doctors don't know, they say you are anxious or that your symptoms are unusual. I would suggest that you are having health anxiety which has been triggered by your doctors not helping you.I had health anxiety because no doctor could help me at first. The solution for this was getting a diagnosis and this cured my health anxiety and my gut symptoms subsided. I didn't need any anxiety medication to do this. Doctors are far too quick to prescribe anti depressants because it earns them money at our expense.
You need another opinion from a different doctor.