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Can any of you ladies describe the pattern of flooding you had. Did it come and go? Did it happen after spotting? Would it happen one time then nothing for a day or so then happen again. I would appreciate anything you could tell me about your experiences. Thank you
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sarah39816 Bassilli
Hi Bassilli,
I'm 47 and in peri for 5 years. My periods are getting farther apart after being like clockwork for my whole menstrual life. I've had 3 separate incidents in the last 2 years of extremely heavy flooding for most of my period . The pattern for me was the following each time: after not having a period for 65-95 days, I'd begin to spot brown for a couple of days, then what seemed like a normal period would come on, then kind of stall out, then a day or two later the flooding would begin and last 2 weeks. So essentially I'd have a period for 17 days each time this happened. I couldn't leave the house for fear of bleeding through my clothes. I also experienced heavy cramps with these periods. I did become anemic and had to take prescribed iron from my natural wellness doctor and I also received a 4 week IV iron infusion treatment the last time it happened. I do experience some heavy flooding when I have a "normal" period (they are all over the place--I never know when I'm due for one). In this case I may experience 3-4 days of flooding with an 8-10 day period when my cycle is around 45 days or so. However the longer I go between periods the heavier the period and flooding when it finally arrives .
I'm sorry you are dealing with this! Please know you are not alone!! Big hugs--Sarah
Bassilli sarah39816
Thank you Sarah!
pinkcatfairy Bassilli
I had the flooding and then some normal periods, the spotting came later for me after the flooding episodes stopled x
Woo3353 Bassilli
I had bleeding and flooding non stop for 2 1/2 months (this was over 2 years ago) I had biopsies and ultrasounds and eventually I had a Mirena coil fitted. I couldn't stand being made a slave to the everyday fear of flooding, anxious to go out etc.
I only get occasional spotting now, still get cramps and other peri symptoms but for me it has been very successful.
amanda59745 Bassilli
Hi , i have been in peri 2 years i am 47 nearly 48. I have had one episode of flooding which came following 7 weeks without a period but, like you it would be normal then flood for a few days then light then flood, it lasted 27 days 😦, thank goodness i have only had one this bad . I have no pattern either i am a little all over the place 3 weeks between then 6/7 weeks. Spotting in between then no spotting, light period then heavy period. xx
AnnieL4 Bassilli
Oh the flooding is awful! I am 49, no period for 6 months and then 2 really heavy periods 6 weeks apart, lasting nearly 2 weeks each. The clots and pain were terrible. The bleeding was so heavy I used 4 sanitary pads at a time(changing every hour). Very difficult coping with this while at work😔 Have GP appointment later today!