Flu like symptoms, two left nostril nose bleeds, anxious
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Tonight i am feeling flu like symptoms, I have had two nose bleeds from left nostril and i feel anxious tonight.
My OBGYN says its okay to take my estradiol 1mg and my progesterone but i am a little on the worried side about it.
I heard the estradiol can cause nose bleeds and stomach issues and so can provera
Isn't there anything else that i can take to lessen these nose bleeds, and my flu like symptoms and my anxieties
I feel so drained i don't know what to do any more
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misty36246 susan21149
I suffer from the retched gastric problems that plague me daily and hope this to will pass with time
susan21149 misty36246
Right now i just have it on the side because i still don't know if HRTs are right for me. I have not started taking them yet, because with having diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and hypothyroidism i still feel like HRTs might not be right for me due to those problems
I am looking into a vitamin for menopause instead of the HRTs
My OBGYN knows that i have high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and hypothyroidism and he thinks its okay to take them. But with having high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and hypothyroidism i can easily have a stroke or heart attack with out the HRTs and doubling my risk if I take the HRTs i do not want to do that so i have not started the HRTs again they are still on my shelf
What do you think
misty36246 susan21149
susan21149 misty36246
misty36246 susan21149
cazjaz16 susan21149
susan21149 cazjaz16