Fluffy, yellow stool. Intermittent steatorrhea
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Hello friends!
long time reader but I have never made an actual account. Today I need help lol. The past few months I have started to have some gastrointestinal problems, and obsessing about my poop. Like I'm fishing it out of the toilet to look through it. I have been having intermittent steatorrhea movements....at night only. like 11 or so. I have about 5 or 6 a month. Used to be 2 or 3 a month, or once a month maybe. In between those type of bowel movements I will have soft blobs about a 5 on the Bristol Stool chart to a 4 on the Bristol chart. My main concern is there is a yellow liquid when I wipe my bum....and I have to wipe it a lot....with a wet wipe. Toilet paper wont do the job. I have an appt with a gastroenterologist may 6th. to see what may be going on. I've been worrying myself to death thinking I have pancreatic cancer or gallbladder cancer....(which I do have a polyp in my gallbladder) I've been trying to look back on my diet, and what I eat daily. I have had to give up dairy, because my stomach cant handle it anymore. that just started about a month ago. I have lost my appetite worrying about my poop, and almost scared to eat because I'm scared I'll have another bad poop, that floats, or disintegrates in the water, or is slimy....(yes, I had a BM that was the consistency of pudding slime.....it was stretchy like eggwhites, but with a pudding consistency) I eat one main meal a day with my family. I cook all of our meals. examples include...hamburger steak, mashed potatoes with brown gravy and green beans. We are from the south so we eat our meat and potatoes. During the day I may munch on a few corn tortilla chips or have a banana. like I said I have lost my appetite with worry. I just wonder if I have a malabsorption problem, or if I just eat too much fat, starch, and carbs and my body cant digest it all. Maybe I'm not eating enough fiber? I just dont understand the intermittent steatorrhea stools I pass that seem to be coming more often now.
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johny16999 nicole23310
Well how old are you ?
And having a steatorrhea or a yellow stool occasionally indicates that the food you are eating has too much fat and maybe you are over eating too.
Aside from having a yellow stool, is there any other symptom other than that
And do you have any rectal problems ? Hemorrhoids, ano fistula, or ano fissure
nicole23310 johny16999
Hey Johnny16999
Sorry, I left that out. I'm 35. No other symptoms that come to mind. I do not have daily stomach pains. I just have random times I will get sick. like driving home from my daughters volleyball game my stomach started to hurt and I got the strong urge to throw up. luckily I made it home. I hate throwing up, so I just went and layed in my bed on my stomach...that usually will help. The next morning I had a very mushy green stool...( I had a big spinach salad with some ranch few hours before her game) so that would have been about 4 hours between the time I ate and got home from her game. When I get the steatorrhea stools it's usually anywhere from 4 to 6 hours after we have eaten and are asleep in bed. I'll either wake up nauseous with a dry mouth and my gut bubbling or sometimes I just wake up and it sounds like water is bubbling through my intestines.....like I can literally follow it and know that I'm gonna need to go to the bathroom soon. as soon as I get all stool out of me I'm fine! Like nothing ever happened. Although every now and then I will have a little nausea in the morning. That may be right that I am over indulging since I normally dont eat much during the day if anything at all. The other day I had a Turkey and ham sub loaded with veggies and about 6 hours later it sounded like someone was pouring out a soda....just gurgling liquid in my gut, and I had a steatorrhea stool. I had not ate anything since dinner 24 hours before. just drinking water. I wouldnt think that would be considered a fatty meal? sorry my reply is so long just looking for some insight.
nicole23310 johny16999
I have no rectal problems. I've never seen any. blood in my stools. I do have to slightly strain to get BM out. it doesnt just slide out like they are supposed to.
johny16999 nicole23310
Well first of all waking up feeling nausea is very normal because you sleep on your stomach, and steatorrhea is normal after a fatty meat, and yes even if you didnt eat for 24 hours, the last stool that comes out of your body is gonna be the last meal that you ate which was a fatty meal. And the bubbles sound in your abdominal area is due to gas and bloated intestine, which is totally normal. Just sleep on your back with 45° upright and regarding the nausea feeling is gonna be alot better. Never sleep on your stomach again. And try to eat less fatty meals. Just for extra assurance check with the doctor on the 6th and no worries i hope you get better.
nicole23310 johny16999
Johnny16999, thank you for the advice! hopefully it's nothing serious and I can work on getting control of the problem.