Fluid retention in feet/ankles
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Hi - I am in perimenopause and my periods have become irregular, at the same time as this my PMS symptoms have changed. I used to get some sense of bloating before my periods, generally around my tummy and slight puffy ankles.
I have now periods of quite pronounced ankle and foot swelling and also a general sense of clothes being tight around my thighs. Then I will feel 'thinner' a while later.
When the ankles first 'blew up' I was freaked out, the GP said it was idiopathic edema (I'd recently had screening blood tests and hormone tests) so he said it was age and lack of excercise and perhaps I would need support stockings. I asked if it was hormone related and he said no.
These episodes happen before a period and during it and then subside - I am wanting it to be hormone related because somehow, the swollen feet and ankles are really effecting me. I feel old and actually quite uncomfortable with it all.
So far I have upped my water intake, wondered if I am actually low in salt (I never add it to food and don't eat a lot of prepared foods), I elevate them and this helps a bit - but basically the pattern so far has shown they go down after my period.
Anyone have this and any remedies that might help - I have read epsom salt helps with fluid retention.
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anita31460 Beetle1965
Yes I definitely went through a period of swollen feet. It was like I'd sprained something but I knew I hadnt. Has calmed down on its own now so no magic solutions I'm afraid
Beetle1965 anita31460
Perimenopause has kicked of health anxiety at times, although I have been good about that for a few months, this latest ballooning of my ankles/feet in the past few days has got me feeling anxious about all the changes I have been through already and what is also going on that I don't know about.
Totally ridiculous to panic but with all these changes it is sometimes hard to believe or discern which are ones that come and go and what you are supposed to be checking out at this 'age' as things that are actually failing! Do you know what I mean?
I want to be proactive with my health but not fearful I am falling apart, although it feels like it. I'm eating well, excercise and trying to manage the stress. Some days I am convinced that my WHOLE body is failing, that I must be about to have a heart attack or my blood pressure is high etc I never expected such sudden shifts in my wellbeing during perimenopause, it's so hard, especially when you read that risks for this and that increase at menopause.
I've scared myself lol I will go and raise my feet and see if I can't get this water to go - it hasn't really worked before, but I'll try
anita31460 Beetle1965
Beetle1965 anita31460
I don't think everything just falls out suddenly and I don't think high blood pressure happens overnight. I seem fixated on this because of the ankles and my mind is running riot - had it tested a while ago and borderline (whitecoat) and an eye test recently that can show high BP - listen to me checking in that everything is OK!!!
I am sure this is anxiety increase is hormonal and really does remind me of adolescence when everything seems scary and you don't quite know what to check and not what to check! hideous that rational brain is 'weakened'.
Elephantitus?! I hadn't thought of that - but it sure looks similar - yuk