Fluoride - Good or harmful Chemical Waste?
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For decades we have all been subjected to the blurb, Fluoride is added to toothpaste, mouthwash and our drinking water to help prevent tooth decay, yet there is no reliable independent evidence to support this 'prevents tooth decay' claim, in fact given the seemingly poor state of our nations Oral Health this claim seems all the more dubious.
Since what I have read on the subject is, frankly, quite alarming I am seriously considering going Fluoride free.
What do you think? Should people be worried about it's harmful effects and what are the best ways to cleanse our bodies of this questionable substance? For example I have read that a Monoatomic Gold food supplement might be the way to go?
I look forward to reading your views
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georgeGG Guest
There are two points here (maybe 3)
(1) Is it a proper function of government to dose any or sme groups or all with medication?
(2) is fluoride really benign to all the dosed population. When this fluoridination of water was mooted some "crackpots" spoke out against it. Since then the have been some scientific studies that found that there were risks to individuals. Should this policy be reviewed and a better way found to promote strong teath.
(3) with a policy of having an entire age group take hypertension and colestorol lowering drugs without clinicsl consideration being actively considered should (1) above be addressed with vigour?
joy47826 georgeGG
Here in the US fluoirde tabs given to children are prescription drug and "I think" calcium fluoirde....not so of the waste dumped in many public waters.....It's a long long history of the chemical people gettting rid of their waste....ground areas are already saturated with waste...
There are many informative sites on both sides and depending where your thinking lies, you will go there....
I've decided way back in 1991 when I first learned of "F", I want no part of it and then started my many years of research and connecting with people who thought as I did....J
georgeGG joy47826
joy47826 georgeGG
When I came here, I was rather shocked at the large number of people get hip and knee surgeries, much younger people and thought "oh, the fluoride is doing this damage so much younger to folks".... again I don't know if all of UK is fluoridated but many cities here in the US are removing and rejecting. A big rejection recently was Portland, Oregon...they fought long and hard and won their battle......So, there it is. Joy
I see where Bantry, Ireland just won their battle and now are fluoride free status....good for them and their "fight"......J
georgeGG joy47826
georgeGG joy47826
joy47826 georgeGG
Rain water has naturally occurring fluoride but it's from nature....not waste....
Then a couple yrs later the pushers just did it, fluoridated so many areas of Los Angeles area that were not fluoridated...it's a crime...
Sugars and carbs are arthritis enemies.....
georgeGG joy47826
Sugars and carbs (carbs become sugar) bad for arthritis. Trouble is my wife is focused on destroying my tumours. I cannot get her to fix her own diet although she does benefit from some of mine.
Thank you Joy
joy47826 georgeGG
I'm sure your wife's diet for you helps her too. Joy
georgeGG joy47826
frustrated61 Guest
All I can say is look at the teeth of someone born in the 50's or eariler and look at those who were born when fluoride was put in the above mentioned. Those teeth of early days, all have fillings and pretty much all after fluoride, they have teeth w/o fillings. It's amazing and to me that speaks volume. Just sayin'
Warm regards,
georgeGG frustrated61