Flushing (Not a Hot Flash)
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Anyone have an onset of facial flushing (no sweating, cheeks feel hot)? After eating tomato, avocado and some stuff with MSG I have really red cheeks, neck and chest. Was tested for carcinoid (HIAA urine). So strange though - never had this problem before (42, regular periods but they keep saying perimeno)
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Sochima822 desiree115
You need to start changing your diet, because as you go through perimenopause your body will react to junk. Msg is really bad to consume in the first place. Start eating wholesome real whole and you'll avoid these types of reactions.
sara97862 desiree115
Hi Desiree,
I'm 46, and I did have reactions like this to fresh tomatoes, and to several other things, for a few months about 3 years ago. At the same time, I noticed I also could no longer drink alcoholic beverages without getting a stuffed up nose and headache.
Eventually, it developed to the point where I was breaking out in rashes in my chest, and had to figure out what the deal was or go insane.
I had never had any trouble with any food or drink in my life.
For me, a daily anthihistamine tablet and following a low histamine diet strictly for about 4 months healed me up, and I haven't had that particular problem since. I can eat anything I like now, but I still can't drink alcohol. Which is fine, it wasn't a big part of my life anyway.
There are many resources describing low-histamine eating. The main thing is to eat foods as fresh as possible.... histamine is created/increased in a lot of foods as they age.
I hope this gives you a place to start your research, and come back and keep us posted on how it goes!
Sochima822 sara97862
Hi Sara, thank you for your input. I, too, took a daily antihistamine and still do at times to combat some of the food allergies I react to. Luckily, for you it was short-lived for me I'm still dealing with the allergies even upon eating fresh fruits and veggies, organically grown too, which is now going on 4 years.
At least it's not a major set back.
sara97862 Sochima822
Wow, Sochima, I am so sorry you are still battling that! It is miserable!
Did you have any food allergies before the peri that you know of?
Do you have kids with food allergies?
Trying to piece together some knowledge from people who live it, as the docs don't seem to be concerned. Of course, they aren't living it.
Hugs to you!!
Sochima822 sara97862
Hi Sara, yes I had horrible food allergies way before perimenopause ever came into my life. I couldn't even eat fruits or vegetables cooked at home. Then I decided to wash all my fruits and vegetables with soap. Mystery solved, pesticides were literally making me sick. It took about a year to get my system to flush out all the poisons that had accumulated in my body.
Later, since my stomach was still having problems with digestion I started taking probiotics. I finally started absorbing the foods I was eating and gaining weight since I was under weight for my height. Years later, perimenopause hit me and again allergies flourished. An antihistamine cures so many thing's, that it literally keeps the doctor away, lol. I worked in the medical field, retired from it, and to be honest where I live nurses and doctors are not so ignorant about hormones causing many symptoms. Some nurses seem to know the signs of perimenopause as some have said to me, this sounds hormonal. My gyne knows her stuff and is very up to date with all things perimenopause and menopause. So much I haven't seen her in 2 years. No need I'm doing well just the allergies which show up on occasion and my antihistamine takes care of it.
I feel sorry for some of the ladies here who have the worst medical services. Women here are so up to date on the latest that some question the doctors on them. It sounds to me as if a lot of women are just barely knowing what this change in life is. Good thing you're not having it difficult.
Hugs to you too!
sara97862 Sochima822