Fluttering heart jumping at the drop of a needle.

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4:10am and can't sleep i try laying down and there comes the fluttering and weird feeling in my chest so i sit up and it goes away also i have a weird pain under my left breast upper rib cage I'm thinking my heart and it's scaring me I'm also sick with the flu my sinus is horrible but what's really worrying me is the fluttering and pain I'm sitting in bed and it stopped but once i lay down it starts up again can any of you ladies relate to this this is really worrying me.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Could've written everything you just said! The fluttering has not been as bad as it was, but it really scared me too. I'm 50 and almost 2 years into menopause. Some days are better than others, but I never really feel well. I hope you feel better knowing you're not alone. I've been up since 4:30 am. Am lucky to get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time these days. Hope you feel better!

  • Posted

    Yes every now and then my left breast aches which I'm assuming it's my heart. When it feels weird I'm sure those are heart palpitations. I tend to get them when I have my period. I hate when I get this feeling but I do my best to take a few deep breaths and hope they go away soon. I hear you with the sinus stuff--those headaches are awful and I take OTC sinus head pressure for those.

  • Posted

    If you are really worried best to go see someone ...doctor/hospital. But it sounds like a response to being sick. I had a fast heartrate before I caught the flu, the day before actually. I was up in the middle of the night scared. I hope you are feeling somewhat better though.

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