Fluttering/Spasm feeling upper right abdomen

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hi, just looking for support really. about 5 years ago i had a suspected gallbladder attack - it was agony..scans showed no stones but GP said i had experienced bilary colic and probably passed a gallstone. It left me with Health anxiety which i have successfully managed ever since. over the last few years ive experienced pain when eating a big fatty meal - particularly desserts while over indulging on holiday.

Around 4 to 5 weeks ago i noticed a fluttering/spasm/twitching feeling coming from my upper right abdomen, it feels deep inside and is not painful just worrying. accompanied with this i have excess wind and a feeling of bloating but i cant say i have pain, well maybe a very slight ache. I also have so much gurgling going on all over my abdomen constantly. the fluttering feeling really feels like a baby kicking under my rib cage but it def not pregnancy related.

i have a doctors appointment this week. its taken a long time to pluck up the courage to book one to be honest.

my health anxiety is rampant again, worrying what could be wrong and im not certain if some of the symptoms are anxiety related now.

anyone else on here experienced anything similar


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes me ! I was diagnosed with mild gastritis which anxiety came with it . They go hand in hand . Mine was the cause of low vitamin D levels , which now im on 50,000 iu a day ,plus a bland duet of green veggies , no dairy , no sugar , and i drink water and aloe vera juice .. Its to help the symptoms while it heals . I also drink hot ginger tea fir healing . Also gas x for bloating gas relief ... It takes a while but it shall pass

    • Posted

      hi Vicky, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate you taking the time to post. After my last bout with anxiety i know how powerful the mind is and it can be hard sometimes to work out what is an actual symptom. I did visit Dr Google, which is always ill advised but couldnt help myself. Along with possible gallbladder issues i was thinking gastritis might be a culprit i hope the doc can ease my mind on Friday

    • Posted

      Yes me too ! Im sure you will get some answers . You need to request a vitamin D levels check as well , low levels causes gastritis , IBS ,AND anxiety .. That is how i got mine .

    • Posted

      hi Vicky

      How long did it take for things to settle for you?

      Joanne x

  • Posted

    I have had a twitching sensation in my abdomen with IBS and it occurred all over my abdomen and the sensation moved about if that helps you at all. However, you could ask for a HIDA scan to check your gallbladder function since you have a problems with fatty foods. Some people with gallbladder trouble have problems digesting fats. Others can't tolerate them because of their IBS. I have had problems digesting greasy foods but this was related to my acid reflux problem which started long before my IBS.

    The worst thing you can do is worry because it will irritate your gut. Instead, raise the things I have mentioned with your doctor, list all your worries and ask your doctor to disprove them one by one. I did this and it eventually cured my health anxiety a d my JBS went into remission. Avoid looking up your symptoms on google because this will increase your health anxiety. Only listen to your doctor.

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    I found you when googling my own symptoms and yours are exactly like mine. Did the you ever sort out the cause?

    • Posted

      I was experiencing a flutter in the right upper abdomen and went for a sonography which did not show gallstones. Then I had a HIDA scan which was normal.

      I started thinking about anything I added to my diet that could be a problem. The only thing was peppermint tea. I though it would help with bloating but I stopped drinking it 2 days ago and all fluttering is gone. I can't be 100% sure that was the cause but I am leaning that way.

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