Follow up appointment with hospital .

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very confused about follow up appointment after having a camara procedure ? Reading about people's problems before and after they  had the camera down they all seem to have follow up appointments   But I wasn't given one is this normal or should I check up on this with the hospital ?? Not sure what I should do . Confusing . 🤔

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Everything will have been clear no cancer etc but the specialist should have explained it all to you after the procedure

    After I perform a colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy I explain as much as I can what I have seen and a follow up appointment is made to explain the results of biopsies etc but everything will be clear for yourself with the upper endoscopy

    • Posted

      Hi Kevin 

      thats for your reply, I did get given a discharge letter to take home saying a small amount of Barrett's and taking some tests so that why I thaught I would have been given follow up ??? . 🤔

    • Posted

      That's different Anne you should definetly have had a biopsy as it means cells in the cells in your oesophagus (food pipe ) is changing

      make an appointment with your doctor as I'm not saying it will so don't get frightened but can turn into Adenocarcinoma which can turn to cancer of the oesophageas but it is very very rare and rarely happens

      What they will do is have you go for endoscopes on a regular basis to make sure it doesn't change I honestly dont know how they can diagnose it without the biopsy and you will be given medication to treat the gerd reflux

      But make a follow up appointment

    • Posted

      Thank for the information Kevin it's quiet worrying when you look up Barrett's  will make a appointment to see my doctor to see what the next step .
    • Posted

      Hi Anne

      It's very scary when nothing is explained to you also Google can be very helpful but remember it's worse case scenario with Google

      Yes it's not anything to worry about but yes see your doctor and ask him / her what iyou have been diognosed with?

      what your worry is ? Etc worrying about things can also contribute to reflux etc

      I'm sure you will get it under control

    • Posted

      Hello Kevin 

      So I have just come back from my doctor and she was running realy late with bookings so I didn't get to ask everything I needed to , but did confirm the results confirmed Barrett's and to up my pipi to 40mg a day and that was it , but I asked her do I have a follow up in time for another camara down to keep checking in the future she then said that is what usually happens but hospital never made any notes to say about follow up 😦Then was told for me to mention it in a year or so 🤔As you can tell from all this she was in a hurry to see other people . 

    • Posted

      Yes it getting really bad now it's all rush rush next patient yes you should honestly get one every 12-18 months as I said it's not really anything to worry about but there's different stages of Barrett's syndrome that can let us know if it's starting to turn cancerous just you make sure they do follow ups with you and uping your dose will help with the reflux it's the acid that goes into the lining of your food pipe that irritates the lining making cell changes but it's very rare to cause cancer

      enjoy the sunshine

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