Food - I am starving following a special diet

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Will I ever be able to eat what I want again having this fissure?

I hate living like this, too scared to eat what i want incase it effects my stools the next day, which will hurt my fissure.

I am so over following this special diet.

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    its not the food. its the bowl movements themselves the keep the fissures going (I'm dealing with them now) but soft foods mixed with stool softners (and me personally not eating for days) has helped). i don't recommend the not eating part to avoid other issues. i hear betadine solution helps promote healing as well. since the dr's can't help unless i pay a HUGE fee to feel human again, i do the following to maintain:

    1. keep the area clean
    2. sit in warm baths (try to sit at least) or take long hot showers
    3. use wet wipes like peperation h instead of toilet paper
    4. soft foods
    5. stool softers
    6. try walking to loosen the muscles down there
    7. minimalize sitting (lay down or stand/walk)
    8. lay on your side when you can

    this stuff is no joke and I've tried to commit suicide three times cause of it so i feel your pain. im going on five years in August with this so yeah it sucks. not sure why we were chosen, but we can get through it, you CAN get through this. which is what I'd like to hear while going through this but I'll tell you if no one else will. YOU got this. don't let it defeat you.

    • Posted

      Hi Kurt,

      which soft foods do you suggest? and which stool softeners do you take?

      i have suicidal thoughts at times cause of this fissure. i am a new mum, this was my welcome hood to motherhood. i been dealing with this fissure for 13months, caused by giving birth.

      i had botox injections done week ago to try heal this fissure, as the creams done nothing. so far botox hasnt healed it

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      what's got me through is cereals (sweet cravings), vegetable soups, baked chicken salad, fruits (kiwis my personal favorite), beans/corn/peas as they have outer skins to break apart the bowl movements so it's not tightly compact

    • Posted

      I have the same problem.

      I have been on a liquid diet for a week.

      The pain disappeared for five days.

      But as soon as I start eating, and I go to the toilet again, it comes back.

      I no longer know what diet to follow.

      Normally he ate a diet close to the macrobiotic, with cereals, beans and vegetables.

      If someone can specify a little the foods to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

      I would be grateful

  • Posted

    u can eat wt u want but also take stool softner tht day. .and drink lots of water .

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      thanks. which stool softeners do you recommend ?

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  • Posted

    you don't need to starve! there's plenty of fissure friendly foods you can eat such as brown rice, whole grain bread, wholegrain cereal e.g. weetabix, salads, fish, chicken, sweet potato etc. you can also eat a less strict diet by using a stool softener such as magnesium citrate.

    • Posted

      thank you. which brand of mag citrate do you recommend ?

      have you managed to heal a fissure ?

  • Posted

    I treat this condition as though it's an allergy. Through trial and error and recording bad reactions I know I cannot eat foods that would be considered very high fibre such as popcorn, seeds, most nuts etc. Basically anything that has sharp edges to it that seem to scrape my insides. Everyone is different. I can eat mostly anything else. I drink lots of water, eat other softer fibre and take magnesium citrate to keep my stool soft.

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      how soft does mag citrate make them?

      which brand do you take and how much mag citrate?

    • Posted

      I take one per day of Webber Naturals Magnesium Citrate, 150 mg. For me I found they worked in about 8 hours, just soft enough to go easier but not runny and no urgency.

  • Posted

    I have been writing to anyone about my mis-diagnose... I was told that I had a fissure a year ago.

    I had all the symptoms and I was in extreme pain. I went to other doctors and no one examined me. I went to gastro and he said he thought I had a thrombosed hemmoroid. The colon surgeon said, no, it is a fissure and told me not to get a colonoscopy. So I canceled it. Last week I was determined to get a colonoscopy and my results were bad. I had rectal cancer, which no doctor caught. I now have to go through radiation, chemo and surgery. I urge everyone to get a colonoscopy to make sure. A year ago my story may have been different. I'm not telling you this to scare you, just to get you all to make sure it is a fissure.

    • Posted

      i had a sigmoidoscopy, didnt show up anything other then a fissure.

      the sigmoidoscopy made my fissure worse. regret getting it done, will never get one again.

    • Posted

      Please don't regret getting a sigmoidoscopy done. You at least know that it is not cancer. There has got to be someone out there that knows what to do for fissures. I was recommended to take 600mg ibuprophen with a 325mg Tylenol at the same time, gave me relief for hours.

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