Food intolerances ?

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Hi Ladies, has anyone found that while they are peri menopausal they cannot eat certain foods any longer or become very allergic to specific foods ? I had a very bad reaction to nuts ( walnuts) last week , I've eaten nuts for years , I'm 56. I've been told that as you get older and with the hormone changes you can suddenly for no reason become unable to eat something you're used to. Would love to hear your experiences, Ive just had a blood test to have a full list of foods I'm able to eat ( or not ) thanks in advance 💙💙

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I have found myself being allergic to most foods now. I only eat chicken ground turkey spanish butter beans, green beans. I cant eat any fruits but bananas since I've been in menopause not only am I allergic to foods I'm allergic to a lot of medicine
  • Posted

    Hi Deborah,

    Yes bread made me very bloated and too much of it gave me stomach pains so I eat very little of it. Eggs made me feel so sick, I stopped eating them it got as bad as being pregnant at one point even the smell of them cooking made me want to throw up.

    I started eating them again a few years later when I was post and I'm OK now with them but the bread still the same I can have 2 slices every now and then but if I had 2 a day for a few days really bad stomach pain.

    • Posted

      Hi Zigangie, isn't it weird that this can happen - even strong smells like candles burning can make me feel sick. So you said you're now post meno - would you say you're back to your old self, and how long was your meno in total ?
    • Posted

      Hi Deborah,

      Yes that reminds me I hated the smell of matches too, just like things made me feel when I was pregnant.

      Another odd thing that happened I've always hated peanut butter and suddenly the smell of it was like that pregnancy thing and had to try some sure enough became addicted to it, lucky really I had to avoid too much bread or I'm sure I would be fatter than I am.

      Lost lots of weight early peri and have gained it all back and some now post.

      I was a good 10 years with symptoms (I didn't know it was peri just thought I was dying from some rare undiagnosed illness).

      Some things did improve on their own but I was left just feeling hot. I didn't have sweats just felt boiling all the time.

      I decided to try HRT for that plus zero libido and so many things improved, depression and anxiety heart palpitations have gone some aches and pains and I feel loads better.

      I've been on it almost 6 months.

      I have some sleep problems still but not as bad as it was and also shoulder pain that doesn't seem to be getting any better.

      Probably my worst part was about halfway through but not really sure if it got that much better or more that I just got used to feeling that way.

      I was surprised at just how miserable and uptight I was without realising until it all started going away after a few weeks on HRT.

      I'm certainly not back to my old self but pay way there I think die more to the HRT than anything else.

    • Posted

      How much weight approximately did you lose? Were you nauseous most days? I hate this feeling! How long did the nausea and weight loss last?
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      I was always just under to just over 9 St. The lightest about 7 and a half.

      Now post 10 and a half.

      I think anti depressants helped put it on, I haven't had any for a few years though.

      I was at 11 St and lost 7 Lbs the first month on HRT.

  • Posted

    Yes, in fact, I'm struggling to find things I can eat! I also have developed reflux, so my tummy hurts a lot. Really wish this would all be finished, so I can have my old, semi normal life back. 
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      Hi Debbie, when you say your struggling to find things to eat do you mean they give you reflux or a rash ? I hope too that soon things will go back to normal - it's so awful 24/7
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      Just finding things that don't make me sick or nauseous. Haven't got a rash from anything. Have you had any weight loss?
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    Only a bit , but the food thing only started last week, if I loose weight I suppose that could be looked on as a slight positive. Although if I'm honest I'd rather things were as they were so I know what to eat 😲
  • Posted

    Hello Deborah

    I started to get heartburn about a year ago. I couldn't work out what was causing it but I didn't fancy using the meds my doctor prescribed on anything but a short term basis so I went to see a nutrionist. She immediately suggested gluten sensitivity as I have slight excema and hayfever,  which suprised me. She definately didn't think I was allergic which is very different and much more serious than sensitivity.  So I cut gluten from my diet and the heartburn stopped - immediately. 

    I also did the blood test as you have done. Mine was for gluten allergy (which indeed was negative) and another blood test for 250+ different food sensitivies and showed I was sensitive to wheat (though not actually gluten itself), egg white (tricky!) and to cows milk a little. I had no idea about the egg white or cows milk because I not noticed any previous symptoms but for sure cutting out gluten has made a difference.

    To be honest I am not sure how much my hormones have contributed. Probably my senstivity was there for quite a while and I suspect it is more likely that very many of us have food sensitivies but aren't really aware of it. 

    Takes a while to adapt to cutting quite basic items out of your diet though. I think I miss the eggs most though. Annoyingly I can tolerate the egg yolk perfectly and thats the part I like most but obviously it comes as a job lot with the egg white! We also got our own chickens about a year before I found out. Grrrr!


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