Food sticking in throat??

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I'm not sure if this is a peri symptom but I've only being experiencing it for the last 6 months. Everytime I'm just about due for period time it feels like my food is getting stuck in my throat. It only happens for a couple of days, then all back to normal. I've also noticed that acid reflux is worse around this time - does anyone think the hormones/ period, the reflux and the sticking sensation are linked please. Thanks in advance xx

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Donna,

    I believe it is linked some way. I also expierence food stuck in my throat feeling and sometimes it feels like it's stuck in my chest. Once my menses starts and ends I don't have that feeling anymore. It's been like this for about 3 months now when Al my million other symptoms started. I'm scared to eat sometimes because of it.

    • Posted

      Aww thank you for replying, I'm sorry you too are suffering. It's got to be the worst time ever this and I thought puberty was bad, gimme zits, greasy hair and thinking my parents were the dullest people on this earth (they're not btw lol) over this charade any day of the week. My symptoms started when I was around 34, I'm 40 now and they're definitely getting worse with a new one every week, sometimes daily. Another thing I've noticed my palpitations are worse when the food stuck feeling/ reflux and period are around or nearly around. I'm coming back as a bloke, I seriously hope my daughter doesn't have to go through this when she's older and my 3 boys should count their lucky stars they're boys smile x
    • Posted

      I noticed that my palps are worse at that same time also and it doesn't help that when I feel like that here comes the panic attacks. My body takes so long to come down off of a panic attack. I came out to the store to get a few things before we get some snow and I can't wait to get back to my house already as I have the flu like symptoms along with some other ones today.
    • Posted

      How odd!! I was aching everywhere yesterday, then I had a sore throat, earache and sneezes, today my little monthly friend has arrived and I'm starting to feel slightly better (cept palps, sticking food and the usual cramps and headache). Xx
  • Posted

    Sorry you are suffering i have had acid reflux myself durring menopause and stomach issues it is getting somewhat better off and on my stomach will act up 

    We ladies just have to accept the chamnge of life its a new life for us 

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. Yes it is a trying time, I'm trying my hardest to embrace it, but I hate feeling so poorly all the time. I reckon I get 4 or 5 good days a month. I hope you continue to have good days smile xx
    • Posted

      Hi Donna,

      Your comments put a smile on my face😊. Yes that sounds about right, 5 maybe 6 days a month if we're lucky, of feeling semi normal. How completely crazy. Yes I too have some acid reflux and I think that acid reflux can also cause heart palpitations at times. Lucky us 😜. I'm 49 in April and my gynecologist said my FSH are high and that means I should be entering into menopause shortly. Average age is 51. We'll see when I can get off this daily roller coaster ride.


    • Posted

      Ahhh. I'm glad I made you smile, we need a few laughs to see us through this, according to my nana, laughter is the best medicine smile oh hopefully you've not got to go. I really hope it all gets better for you xx
  • Posted

    Hi Donna, Yes, it happens even in menopause. The acid reflux is worse too. I just had it last night where the acid literally comes up my throat while standing up and drinking water. Had the sticking in my throat sensation happen a few times as well, since I use to like to eat large portions at a time, now I take small bites and try to keep my throat wet, drinking liquids with my food to avoid the choking thing. As for feeling it stuck in my throat or esophagus, if it doesn't go down with liquids I eat a banana and that takes that feeling away. Well, another one on the chalkboard to check off, yet, I  don't think I've seen in the list of 66 symptoms.  Have a nice day. Pat xxx
    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply Pat. Oh my, we'll be hitting one hundred and sixty six symptoms at this rate haha. It was quite bad tonight but I drank a pint of water taking big gulps that seemed to help. Xxx
  • Posted

    I've had this problem on a very irregular basis for about 15 years. I don't think in my case it's related to menstruation, but I suppose anything is possible. For me the food gets stuck way down in the esophogus, I think right before it gets passed into the stomach. I mentioned it to my doctor at my last physical, and he told me it could be that the esophagus is narrowing at times.

    I've found that it mostly happens when (a) I'm talking while eating and (b) when I don't thoroughly chew my food, in particular meat and raw carrots seem to get stuck. I'm really careful now when I eat both. I cut meat into very small pieces. I nibble small bits from raw carrots. It hasn't happened since last summer (knock on wood).

    • Posted

      It's definitely a strange one. It only seems to happen to me intermittently but it's definitely around menstruation. I've come to my own theory that my womb is that swollen it's pushing everything upwards causing dysphagia and indigestion, I suppose a bit like when I was pregnant, everything gets all squashed up lol

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