Foods allergies
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hi. ladies
I started go through the change at 39 year old. I am 50 I haven't seen a period in three years, I had the hot flashes when I was 39 year old I dont have them now. now I have foods allergies, skipping heartbeats, can't sleep I lost weight from periomenpause. I went to the doctor every night trying to find out what's going. I had the upper GI and the low GI I am confused please ladies help me.
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fiona27807 kim93615
I know how it feels I have food allergies too cant sleep and weight loss bags under the eyes and anemia this is so darn crappy.. i get by by doing yoga everyday eat healthy and keep away from negative people
jackie95472 fiona27807
Do you take Iron for your anemia?
jackie95472 kim93615
Yes I developed food allergies, make sure you have BENADRYL in your cabinet and don't eat that food.Work on your SLEEP hygiene , many articles on this on the web. Use Tylenol PM on bad nights of sleep. Do not make this a habit though. Use an acid reducer (omeprazole ) for GI problems, use it till it subsides. I will be using it till my other peri-menopause issues subside. Issue of peri-menopause are transient so hopefully you won't have to do this in the future, just for now.
kim93615 jackie95472
hi, Jackie
I am allergic to Tylenol PM
maddysmom2015 kim93615
Hi Kim,
It's amazing--I was thinking of posting this same question as I was driving home tonight! My food allergies have been extra sensitive lately and I wondered how common it was to develop so many food allergies during peri. And I wanted to ask the ladies on the forum if that is something they are dealing with.
Around the time my earliest peri symptoms showed up, I became allergic to eggs, onions, nuts, and all fruits with a pit. Add to that a gluten and dairy intolerance and I am pretty miserable trying to keep my guts in order. (Bonus: I also now have an allergic dermatitis to all laundry detergents. Pro tip: vinegar is great for cleaning clothes.)
Someone on this forum a few years ago suggested I google estrogen and histamine. There does seem to be some research indicating that there is an inverse relationship between the 2. As estrogen declines histamine rises. I just googled it again tonight after reading your post. And there does seem to be a bit more information than when I looked last year.
Do you get anxiety with your skipping heartbeats? My main symptoms of food allergies is a raging anxiety and a racing heart. Do you take a probiotic? Food sensitivities change the bacterial flora and can amplify the GI upset that comes with allergies.
How is your appetite? The weight loss could be from poor absorption that comes with food allergies/ intolerances. I've had that happen.
Do you have the results from your GI scopes? Did they show anything?
Feel free to PM me. I've had to become a little bit of a self-taught expert in this subject. 😦