Foods to help inflammation of PMR

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Hi everyone...... had two hours with my nutritionist friend yesterday morning and the upshot of everything she said is here....

1. Eat as many anti-inflammatory foods as possible on a daily basis which include chillies, garlic, ginger and especially turmeric...... you can sprinkle ground turmeric over food or put it into rice when you cook it etc

2. Use olive oil

3. Pineapple is especially good but needs to be eaten away from other foods to gain the maximum benefit so a good snacking food! Tinned in fruit juice just as good as fresh.......

4. Lots of fresh fruit and veg and mushrooms especially good because of their B3/B5, cabbage, avocado.

5. Beetroot excellent for liver so eat a lot .... especially good raw ( I grate it into salads!)

6. She also recommended using a 'sea' product for the minerals especially those of us on alendronic acid and calcium tabs as they leach vital minerals away in long term use...... so look for a product in a health food store called GREEN NORI SPRINKLE which is a seaweed and you just sprinkle a teaspoon over your food as a seasoning..... tastes quite salty but is packed with vital minerals :D

7. The ONLY supplement she recommended is a Magnesium one as magnesium is excellent for relaxing muscles. She has had no experience of using this with a PMR patient as I am the first to present to her ( she works maily with cancer patients alongside the hospital) but says she feels it would be beneficial..... so start with the smallest bottle they sell and see whether it helps.

Look for MAGNESIUM MALATE and take the daily recommended dose.

Don't want to overwhelm everyone so this is the basic premise of her advice.

Hope you find it helpful.

I am being taken into town later on this morning and will buy the Green Nori and Magnesium Malate and get started......

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    How come you lot have husbands who can be fooled that easily? Mine can detect disguised veggies at a 100 paces :roll: :lol: . I should have had the camera in Andria when he ate dandelion with pasta - it's gorgeous by the way if anyone has too many wild ones in the garden (that haven't been sprayed of course!). We get to cheat, supermarkets sell them!

    Granny Moss - if you thought you could manage to get to Gatwick and take the flight to Innsbruck I could pick you up and bring you to the Dolomites. I live on the \"wrong side\" for you in Val Pusteria but it's only about an hour to Cortina from here. My husband goes over to Innsbruck regularly to work with someone there, it's about an hour and a half with the car. I'm sure the journey would be OK in small bites with a minimum of public transport.

    And yes, you are quite right - there is a lot of evidence that most autoimmune diseases have a genetic association so it is likely a parent or grandparent's generation also had sufferers. I can't identify anyone in my parent's generation but there was someone on both sides of my mother's side of the family one generation further back who I am positive had PMR.


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    [color=green:ceef4bbf01]Green Granny[/color:ceef4bbf01]....You are so right about current diets and the increase in obesity, as Ireland and the UK seem to be taking over from the USA with this problem :oops: .

    I was chatting to my Nephew's partner a few days ago ( a girl who is severely over-weight) and she remarked that her 13 month old was covered in chocolate as she had been eating cadbury's mini rolls. I have to admit to being quite shocked....since when is it acceptable to give that kind of food to a toddler :?: I know that I never gave any of mine things like that at such a young age and what they didn't have they didn't miss :wink:

    I also read recently that our ambulance service has had to order a new fleet as they were having increasing problems fitting patients into the current models......where will it all end :?: We will need double doors into all public places and extra wide beds in all our hospitals :x and with all the money that we owe Europe we simply cannot afford it :cry:

    Hope evryone has a good day. Love, Pauline

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    Pauline - I just heard some discussion on the radio that another contributor to overweight is the \"dietary advice\" that has been vogue for some years that several small meals is better for you than just 3 meals a day. Now they realise that that just makes your blood sugar go up and down like a yoyo and encourages the hunger pangs as well as making the calorie intake difficult to monitor. In the meantime, though, a whole couple of generations have got into the habit of snacking what seems to me to be non-stop. :roll: I might have given my 13 month old a tiny bit of a mini swiss roll to taste - if I were feeling VERY indulgent - but a WHOLE one? :roll:

    One of the bigger (please excuse the pun :winksmile expenditures within the healthcare systems all over the western world is to deal with the euphemistically named \"bariatric\" patients - not just extra-size ambos, trolleys, beds and the obvious things but also operating tables and hoists for moving these patients to avoid the massive problem of injured staff. However - have you ever wandered round looking at many of the staff? I take a dim view of being told I need to lose weight by a practice nurse or (even worse) dietician who is themselves overweight. On the other hand, I believe it was MrsK who was once told by a junior doctor that if she lost weight her knees would give her less trouble - she asked her in pretty short shrift if she had a) read the notes and b) had any idea what steroids are capable of doing to your waistline??? Links to our discussion about docs with no bedside manner or even manners!

    I also forgot the other bit that goes with the genetics aspect I mentioned before - PMR and many other autoimmune things also do seem to develop AFTER an environmental or viral trigger but they haven't any idea what it is yet or why.


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    Hello \"Lovely young ones ! \" 8) Dear EileenH! What a fantastic offer !Bless you !I shall now, when I have to rest, close my eyes and imagine I am there, with you ! Thank you !But, it will stay as a dream... sad My travel days are over... I absolutely agree and have said so many times, that VETS are far more clever than doctors....not all the doctors,of course :wink: My pets, dogs, cats, and even budgies...were looked after very well. I also have noticed how many overweight nurses are there in hospitals ! ? ! :? I man I heard of, when he had to be taken to hospital (where he passed away) was so HEAVY..and LARGE....A window had to be taken out, to DRAG him through....I keep my eye on the scales, they have not said : One at a time, please... :oops: Not yet....Seen the Daily Express today ? It says : FORGET FRUIT,CHOCS ARE FAR HEALTHIER !!!!! :roll: Chocs ( Dark ) are heralded as the latest SUPER FOOD\" ? \"The discovery means cocoa beens meet the nutritional criteria needed for fruits to be classed as \"SUPER FRUITS! \" :shock: :wink: :idea: I have overdone it this time, and I am going to have a good lay down..... :wink: At soon...Granny Moss :kiss:


  • Posted

    hello Granny Moss

    That was a lovely offer from Eileen wasnt it

    You at least have obviously done lots of things with your life and have some great memories wheras some people are always going to do things and put them off

    I have never forgotten hearing about a Head Teacher who worked till 65 and died at his retirement party !! My husband and I always try to do as much as possible when we can as who knows what tomorrow will bring I sometimes wish i could go riding but probably wont now but we used to ride every evening in the summer for years and sometimes for 5 hours on a Sat and Sunday in The New Forest which must be one of the best places to ride anywhere and i did fulfil an ambition to ride on a beach in Ireland !!

    Yes there is too much fast food and overeating here My niece and nephew brought up in Italy never ate many sweets and I did note on holidays there when they were little how few sweets and chocolate were for sale They are great eaters love all fruits and vegetables and certainly dont live on fast food unless you call Pasta fast food !!

    Have a nice rest

    Mrs G

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    Oh Mrs G - if you could only see the supermarkets now! I have never seen such a selection of horrible, calorie full, nutritionally empty junk cakes and biscuits! The only meal I couldn't deal with in the \"deep south\" was breakfast - half a dozen sweet biscuits with a cup of coffee! :roll: :cry:

    There isn't a decent yoghurt to be had except plain (the others are so sweet it's not true). They have even had to ban drinks in tetrapacks in school/nursery because it was all just the sweetened junk not pure fruit juice that the kids were bringing. Now it's water only! In fairness, the selection of sweets seems more restricted than in the UK but there's plenty to go round.

    It is noticeable that here the local kids (Germanic) are not particularly chubby at any age but the Italian visitors (and some local ones) are considerably bigger built (is that PC enough?).

    Our attitude to many things changed lots after David had cancer - he is quite aware that, as a result of the treatment that saved his life then, there might not be too much post-retirement time. Hence we cut and ran at the earliest possible opportunity. And I'm so glad he was willing to do so! We know we have enough to live on even if we are not working - it wouldn't be luxurious but it would be adequate. The continued work means we don't get bored or too penurious and anyway we like what we do - now!

    Granny Moss - I hope you had a couple of squares of Very Dark Chocolate with you when you went to lie down :wink: . I LIKE 87% though 75% cocoa solids is less astringent on the top of the mouth!


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    Oh Eileen

    What a shame !! My sisters husband is from the south and all their food is pretty healthy but when their nchildren were small I think they are 19 and 23 there really wasnt junk around and if you say went to a cafe there would be savoury things but quite often the only sweet thing would be something like a kitkat

    I have really noticed the difference in France last time we went to a restaurant near Boulogne which had been a fish restaurant but had changed to a eat as much as you like starter, pudding and wine was unlimited as well !! We were running too late to go elsewhere but it wouldnt have been our choice and we were really shocked !! The French really filling their plates going back for more and instead of French bread it was much more fattenning ciabatta and !!!!! there were lots of overweight French people in there !!!! We have always enjoyed really balanced meals in France before so we wont be returning to that one

    I mentioned all this to a French lady I went to Aerobics with and she said the obesity level is rising in France and if you go into a Hypermarket now the frozen food dept has grown rapidly and the fastest growing outlet for Macdonalds is now France !!!!!! So nowhere is safe blame it on the Americans !!

    Mrs G

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    Hi Girls....isn't that just so think of the French embracing McDonald's when they have such wonderful food available :cry:

    We went for a lot of holidays to France when our children were younger and I loved going to the markets and buying the fresh fish and veggies. Many is the time I scrubbed a big pot of mussels which I just steamed with a shallot and some garlic and wine and we just wolfed them down with crusty bread....very simple, very quick, and absolutely delicicious 8)

    Likewise, in Italy, we have eaten some very simple pasta dishes that took no time at all to prepare....maybe just some sun-dried tomatoes and capers & olives tossed into warm linguine.....or a bit of chicken added if feeling the need for extra protein :idea:

    I often watch Jamie Oliver's 30 minute meals on Tv as it just happens to be on channel 4 when I am preparing our evening meal....and he is so right....there is no excuse for using pre-prepared high calorie foods when lovely meals can be made from scratch just as quickly and often more cheaply too :wink:

    Need a snack now as have made myself hungry talking about yummy where did I put that celery stick :?: :?: :?: :lol:

    Love to all, pauline.

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    Could not get into site....I was barred ? ! New password....Not accepted.....Rejected......Had bad night of it....Lost contact....Tried and failed several very frustrated...thought I lost you all !.... Went to bed...This morning, did the usual cliks....and here I am !..... :roll: :? Quite exausted now...going down to breakfast and then to the City. :roll: Have a day free from pain, and behave yourselves :lol: Love, Granny Moss

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    Don't worry Granny Moss. We won't let you get lost!!

    Lizzie :D

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    Hi Pauline

    We spent years just going to France for holidays Driving stopping at small hotels and having some incredible food I think we have been everywhere in France apart from the Alps but it does appear to have changed

    We are going to Boulogne just for a quick trip soon so woul;d hope we can still get some decent fish and seafood there ! I have always loved there small farmers markets which dont seem to apply any of the Hygene rules and regs you get here !

    We too have had some great meals in italy and my husband still remembers his Pasta with the first white truffles he had had ! The only time we didnt like it too much was in Tuscany where they put so much Rocket on your plate my husband says he never wants any again and we did stop having salads there as that was all you got and a few tomatos !!

    Out for coffee and lunch with friends today but it wont be anything too exciting !!

    Have a good day

    Best wishes

    Mrs G

  • Posted

    Hello everybody - the sun's shining here :D :D but a heavy frost.

    I know the feeling Granny Moss :cry: Computers are marvellous when all is well but absolutely infuriating - and exhausting - when they don't do what you want! Youngest son still lives at home but when (or if) he finally goes I dread to think how I shall manage without him to get me out of a mess :cry:

    You are all making me so hungry with all this lovely food!

    One of my best food memories was in Israel (Arab part) where spaghetti was served with masses of chopped up coriander and very good, very fresh olive oil. It must have been over 20 years ago and I don't think we even knew what rocket and coriander were in this country. All these lovely things are really simple - must try and watch Jamie, but not a good time for me IPlayer or something.

    I've just planted some basil in a pot on my kitchen window sill

    :D :D

    Good eating everybody, [color=green:47909dabaa]Green Granny[/color:47909dabaa]

  • Posted

    Good morning girls...... Granny Moss am so pleased you managed to re-log on..... computers, just you don't love them :lol: :lol:

    Have been reading all your posts with great interest and have to agree with all that has been said.

    Even when I was working full time with school age children, came home and cooked from scratch every meal. Don't understand why people grab ready made meals with all the 'junk' they contain when good food is so much easier to prepare from scratch, so much tastier and healthier and cheaper smile

    The sun is shining this morning and we have had a frost.... friend coming over a little later to accompany me on a little slow toddle in our local woods and then lunch locally. Really looking forward to it. Pain levels almost under control on the 20 and had a fantastic nights sleep last night.... first in weeks :roll: :roll:

    Have a good day whatever you are doing :D

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    that was very informative, as I am recently ,1 year, diagnosed with PMR. one question I have is : Is goat milk ok to take ? as I have heard to avoid dairy products. I am also lactose intolerant. Love seaweed & eat it fairly often.will try turmeric in capsule I think.

    Have a beautiful day Waikiki

  • Posted

    Hello ladies, PMR newbie here, had so many problems with the calcium tablets I have been prescribed, seems I cant tolerate any of them, so looking to my diet, your posts will be invaluable to me, thank you. So glad I found this forum. Feel like I have been run over by a steam roller at the moment, is this normal with PMR? I am taking 15 mg Prednisolone (sp?) at the moment, and doctor has just this morning agreed I can stop the alendronic acid as it makes me so ill.Anyone else had these problems please?


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