Foot drop

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I have a existing foot drop and had a tkr 6 days ago. Would lifting my leg be effected by my foot drop? Recovery is hard as hell!

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4 Replies

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    Foot drop is an entirely different issue.  My wife has it on her right side as a result of brain aneurysm surgery and two TIAs.  She went to a local prosthetic place, had her leg casted with her foot in the correct "up" position and then had them make a brace (like the taller one in the picture...supports the calf and has special hinges at the ankle).  Cost $109 after insurance paid their share.  She even got it in her favorite shade of purple!!!  She inserts it into her shoes and sneakers whenever we do a lot of walking.  In those cases, she gets tired and her foot starts to drop again.  Brace really helps.

    There is another fix for foot drop...fusion surgery.  Foot docs can place your foot in the correct position and then fuse a small bone to prevent any future drop.  

    As far as I know, foot drop should NOT prevent you from doing your ROM and subsequent strengthening exercises.  In my wife's case, the drop caused a lot of falls resulting in two rotator cuff surgeries.  People with foot drop are ALWAYS a fall risk.  I'd try the bracing just to give you some stability and confidence but it should not hinder your knee recovery at all.

  • Posted

    I don’t know about foot drop but yes recovery is tough as nails but it gets better so hang in there. 6 mos post op doing much much better but still have work to do wink best wishes to you during this recovery smile
    • Posted

      Thanks for the info I had an "a.f.o." 4 the 1st 8 yrs of my f.d.

    • Posted

      Dig the sucker out of the closet or have a new one made.  My wife OWNS hers!!!  Got it in purple and decorated it with 60's hippie stickers!!!  Really helps...

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