For Danielle

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How are you today - you feeling any better - hows it going with the 15mg Mirtazapine ?

Hope you are ok.

Dave X

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    Aggitaion and aggression where getting worse by the day on this med, so I went to doctors on thursday and asked to be put on seroxat.

    I have been on this in the past and it worked very well for me, the only side effect I had on it was head sweats.( small price to pay if it does the job), so at the moment Im coming off mirtazapine using the liquid, and started taking a small dose of seroxat . I feel a lot calmer today, no diazapine so far, but the doctor explained that I could be in for a rough 2 weeks, withdrawel from mirtazapine and side effects from the new one, got to back to doctors next friday for a review.

    Many Thanks for your concern

    Danielle x

  • Posted


    Glad to hear your going back to something thats right for you - I'm not ready to give up on it just yet as its done quite well for my anxiety - and I really don't want to try and SSRI again after my experience with Cipralex!!! after three days that was all I could take. I'm debating weather to take the whole 30mg Tab of Mirtazapine tonight or wether to just stick with the 15mg as most of the side affects have worn off but still not feeling myself.

    I have a feeling if a up the dose that agitated feeling is gonna get worse before it gets bettter :-( - half the battle is if you beleive that then your head makes it happen - so my councilor says anyway!!!


  • Posted

    Thats what happened with me, I started the 30 mg and got more aggitated, so I dropped the dose back to 15 mg but the aggitation didnt go away, hence the doctors visit.

    Regarding one of your other postings, my anxiety always lessens later on in the day, especially after tea, as I know I wont be getting any visitors, my anxiety is worse when I am around people.

    All the best


  • Posted


    Dear Danielle an Dave,

    I've just been catching up on your latest discussion, hope you on't mind me making some comments.

    The first few weeks on 30mg Mirtazapine had me close to being a nervous wreck, the depression abated but anything out of the ordinary (eg like a tap leaking needding repair) had my anxiety level through the roof. This is a lot better now, but still not what woul be considered normal.

    The great strength I have gained from Mirtazapine has been a return to a night's sleep, for that I am very grateful.

    For me the drug appears to give me the impression I am only 70% functioning, I know that may sound daft, but I definetly do not have the clarity of mind and thought I used to have. The Daily Telegraph Quick Crossword was always my early morning starter, three minutes being my goal to finish it. Alas, that's no longer possible.

    This week has been a horror, both my wife and I have had quite bad flu, the first few days my sleep was all over the place, but last night was a good night ... thank goodness.

    I am due to see my team next week, I don't envisage changing medication or dosage as of yet but for the first time for some months I can now see that the time to scale-down the dosage is coming. I'll leave that decision to them.

    This site for Mirtazapine is a great blessing for us all, we are a patients forum who meet regularly, but have never met! The little snippets I hear of individuals progress, and sometimes relapses, gives me a lot of confidence that I am not the only sufferer on this planet. Depression has that effect, doesn't it?

    One thing I am avoiding at present is unnecessary association with others, you are so right, meeting up with others can be a nightmare. But I have some close family and friends who know what I've been going through and are kindness itself, they do me a lot of good ... make me feel normal again.

    Alcohol, I've never drunk much, but I do know enough that booze and medication just don't mix. I feel it's as important to avoid that as it is to avoid stress.

    I hope I've not wittered on too much, have a nice holiday weekend (get your skis out for Sunday!).

    Best wishes to you both,


  • Posted

    Stiofain are you taking any other medication besides the mirtazapine? I was just wondering as you indicate that your psychiatrist might reduce that soon as you are feeling better? I will create a new thread about this I think. Take care Pooh bear.

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