For ladies in meno

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when you were getting closer to meno did your symptoms seem to get worse with each cycle the closer you got? since may things has just been so bad and unbearable ive notice the past three cycles they are way lighter then they have been in a few years i was having very heavy periods seems lighter they are becoming the worse the symptoms is getting. i started yesterday and symptoms is off the charts then usual my whole body is def being put through hell twitching,jitters,palps, insomnia has gotten worse always hot and cold and the off balance dizziness is unreal. my eyes and mouth is so dry nothing seems to relieve it i drink plenty of water i drink so much water im constantly pee'in. i get numbness tingling it seems only when im on my cycle weird. and every morning when i wake up before getting out of bed i take a bad heat wave makes me nauseous its horrible. i hope this is coming to an end cause i dont know how much worse i can take of all this.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela,

    I anxiously await the replies, as I am in the same boat. Hardly spotting with each " period" but all other symptoms are x100 now. Since June for me, and really bad since July. Thank you for posting what I was thinking, and hugs to you.


    • Posted

      god its horrible isn't i never in all my life would have imagined the change to be like this, puberty i sailed through no symptoms pregnancies was a breeze as well, but this has been pure tormenting hell. sorry your suffering so bad too its unfair to women having to deal with this if it wasnt so horrible i could deal with it but nothing about this has been mild for me and just keeps getting worse.hugs to you too sara hang in there im in same boat as you i hooe we at the finish line soon with all this

  • Posted

    HI Ladies, I am going through the samething!! Its horrible!! My periods are very light but seem to last longer and come closer together! And my symptoms are so bad!!! hugs to all!!

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      mine use to be heavy and come closer together, now they coming lighter and further apart i hope i start skipping soon and then they just stop ive had enough.

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      mine too, much lighter and dont last long, I just want all these symptoms yo be over.

  • Posted

    Pamela how many yrs have you been dealing with all this ? I entered peri with bad symptoms in January and reading you ladies post scare the living daylights out of me.

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      ive been going through this for 9 years and counting hit me at 34 i just turned 43 yesterday no end in sight with all this misery like tonight im laying here hot as crap and tired not much sleep these days, my poor hubby freezes to death at night as i keep the air conditioner blasting on high in my room and im still hot. if i would sweat like some ladies do i wouldn't stay hot constantly its torment. i dont want to scare you but i won't lie this perimenopause is straight up kick your a** drop you to your knees and keep kicking you while your down over and over. well thats how its been for me no symptom that ive dealt with from the beginning til now has been easy or mild. it straight up put it on me and just keeps giving no breaks, ive begged and pleaded and prayed and prayed no relief ever comes. i done started trying to prepare my girls i tell them prepare for the absolute worst and pray for the best. cause this time of life is like that the quote Tom Hanks says in Forrest Gump " momma always says life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get" and boy do i believe that.

    • Posted

      Belated Happy Birthday Pamela .Wish u great year ahead .

      Hang is there

      wishing u better days my dear friend .

  • Posted

    oh honey, i hear you . I've had no periods now for about 3 months. My eyes are si dry,I have to think of something sad just to moisten them. At night I sweat snd 5 minites later Im freezing my ass off. I'm exhausted but after an hour of sleep I'm wide awake stating st my damn ceiling. I've googled heart palpitations cause i feel like I'm dying and , according to google, Imight be. I get dizzy and nauseaus for no apparent reason. my tits deflated and are falling, I could use my skin as crepe paper . im getting knee wrinkles, didn't think that was possible. And i could use my under eye bags as luggage. The joys of menopause are too many.

  • Posted

    I am now three months with no period, and my symptoms have definitely changed, but are still brutal. I now am in "rage mode", where I literally want to smash things and tell people to "f*** right off". It feels totally out of control. Thankfully, these times are interspersed with feeling "normal":)

    It is a crazy ride!

    We should all marvel at our awesomeness in being able to get through the days!! Women rock!

  • Posted

    Helloo my dear

    same with me

    earlier periods r light and i skip few then they become heavy and long..

    my symptoms increases drastically..and now from last month again light ...i donot know what going on...i donot understand what they r indicating.

    i still have :

    Heavyness in head

    drunk feeling

    Falling forward feeling


    jelly legs




    Low mood

    Good Luck for ur journey dear

    Hang is there.

    Hoping for better days


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