For the dizzy ladies with migraine brains...

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Hello my fellow She-rah warriors!

I had an appointment at an eye and ear hospital with an otoneurologist. I have suffered migraines since the onset of peri. Anywhere from 3 to my record of 9 this past month. But, worse is my constant off balanced, swaying feeling. Over sensitive to smells, sounds, visual, name it!

The dr was excellent. He listened to all my weird feelings and validated that they are real. He thinks I do indeed have vestibular migraines. Did the regular neuro testing, which was ok. I had an MRI last year and he did not see the need to do another. I have to go for proper balance testing in January. It is very common when the hormones are fluctuating in peri to trigger migraines. Sometimes post meno is a trigger too. But, some of us are more sensitive...along with other triggers. Cycle, Stress, anxiety, weather, food or whatever else sets off our migraines. The dizziness or off balanced, hypersensitive feelings are our brain trying to figure out all the mixed signals.

I suffer awful from fatigue too. Chronic Migraines can cause fatigue too. He explained it like having chronic pain that never switches off. The brain is working overtime to compensate. I get terrible neck pain too, which is a migraine thing too.

I believe I started peri at 38. I was getting flashes periodically. Also, tension type headaches more often and around my cycle. Did acupuncture for 2 relief. Massages made them worse. He said that tension headaches can be a pre curser to migraine.

In the meantime, he changed my med to norotripyline. Told me to try magnesium and B2. until I get the balance testing done...which will rule out inner ear damage...I get tinnitus in both a virus, etc.

I asked about if HRT would help, he said some women do find relief that way...some do not. But, mentioned that if women are worried about risks for HRT...other meds to help that do not carry that risk...but of course hormones...not his expertise!

If you ladies have already seen an ENT and have been blown off. Please look into an otoneuro. if you have an eye and eye hospital within reach. Ear, nose, throat doc that deals with the vestibular system and the brain. It is not your imagination that you are stumbling around. Stay well, my friends!

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lou,

    I don't know what an otoneurologist is, but I had a neuro-opthalmologist appointment on Monday for my visual disturbances and he also suggested I take magnesium and B2. He said I have migraines with aura and my continued visual symptoms are due to a persistent migraine state. That's similar to what your doctor said about the chronic pain never switching off. He also mentioned all the same triggers as your doctor. The only difference is when I tried to talk about perimenopause he was completely dismissive. He did acknowledge that perimenopause can cause an increase in migraines, but refused to accept that the continued visual disturbances were related to hormones. I found that strange because I have read MANY posts on this forum and others from women experiencing visual disturbances during perimenopause.

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      In the US, females are 3x more likely to have migraines. Dr. asked me if I would participate in trials the hospital is running on the subject. Unfortunately, I live too far away 😦 But, hopefully with more research it will be better recognized.

  • Posted

    very interesting lou and thank you for sharing your info. i too am off balance, mostly eye strain feeling which i feel is related to migraines, headaches daily etc etc can you tell me how much magnesium and B2 to take ?

    thanks x

    • Posted

      hello...both up to 400mg day (200mg twice a day). Be careful of the magnesium (diarrhea). Also mentioned that some vitamins will have everything in one...migravent for example. However, there is butterbur and feverfew in them...he said there is evidence of liver problems with that. Better to take seperate. I am cautiously optomistic right now...will keep you posted!

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      check this out too...look up... "migraine more than a headache"...johns hopkins

      this is the handout I was given...very insightful.

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      I just read the Johns Hopkins pamphlet. There's some great info in there. I noticed it mentions the trigeminal nerve. A week ago, I watched a menstrual migraine video that mentioned the trigeminal nerve as the reason for migraine with aura. This, of course, struck my interest so I decided to look up the location of this nerve. It's in your head near your mandible. I was shocked because prior to my first migraine with aura a month ago, all my regular migraines have always been menstrual and included a very tight and painful jaw. I broke my jaw years ago and have severe TMJ. Every menstrual migraine has always included the jaw pain. In fact, when I wake in the morning with a jaw I have to pry open, I know I will have the migraine. So weird and oddly coincidental. I also hurt my neck at the base of my skull very close to when I had the aura. So many variables, but they all seem like pieces to the same puzzle.

    • Posted

      I hear you on the base of skull neck pain. I had an xray of mine last year. only showed Arthritis and wear tear...I am 41. But, mine is job related (when I was working). I get minor jaw pain too, but really just when cracks at my right ear. Interesting on the tri nerve...when I lay my head on my pillow I get a pulsing and weird crawly movement...I always thought it was the carotid artery ...maybe it us actually that nerve! My migraine indicators are yawning excessively, being a lot, and fatigue...then within a day or so...bam!

      I hope this is really my issue...I have been screened for so many things. Kind of at the end of the line for me. Getting depressing. I hope the med helps me sort out the migraines. I am so med sensitive too. Also, am prone to rebound headaches. I was taking OTC pain relievers, just 2 tablets every other day...then 2 days later another would hit...hence the 9 migraines this month. ugh!

      Do you have a lot of fatigue???

    • Posted

      this sounds similar to my headaches, I have a tight , sore jaw with my headaches. I have ear ringing as well. I firmly believe it's hormonal since it all started with perimenopause anxiety .

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      Hi ampat, mine started about 7 years ago when I was 37ish. I only ever got them the first day of my period. Unfortunately, a month ago I had a migraine with aura. SO scary. Now, I have visual disturbances. It all hit me like a Mack truck. I don't think menopause is fair. Instead of making symptoms worse, it should make them better....less hormones should equal less migraines, less bloating, less pms, less periods, etc.. It should be a time of betterment not of being sick and anxiety ridden. Not fair!

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      Lou, I hope you find relief! It's not fair that women have to suffer so much during this time. I never thought my life could change overnight or I would feel like this at 43. I only get fatigued around my period.

  • Posted

    wow! that is encouraging 😃

    I've experienced so many symptoms over the years and doctor just dismisses as being due to fluctuating hormones but no treatment. ive considered an ENT but have yet to go. The most frustrating symptom i have is the off balance feelings and do have increased migraines as well. Having anxiety does not help either lol. Thanks for sharing!!

    • Posted

      Hi ginger! you are welcome! I am being cautiously optomistic. I hope I am heading in the right direction. Hands down, my absolute worst symptom is the off balanced drunk feeling. Offers some hope at know how it is...we feel lousy for so long ...heaven forbid we think positively! I will update in a future discussion 😉

  • Posted

    You made it yay 🙌, good for you, I couldn't even imagine the tall buildings all the people and noises and all new territory, I think I would have bolted right back to my car for sure and headed home! All this off balance zig zag auras dizziness, all go along with the migraine, in fact as soon as I start to experience any of it wham the migraine hits me with a vengeance within a day... I'm hoping and praying that these migraines and all the crazy symptoms that go along with them just settle all on their own as soon as the Peri menopause settles... Man do I hope that... Isn't it so weird how some woman suffer so bad from one or two really bad symptoms of menopause, like some might have really bad never ending HOT flashes. And some might have the fibroids that bleed like crazy, and well we have the really bad auras with off balance migraines! All hormones just have to ride the crazy train until it stops to let us off....

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      thanks gypsy! I know you can relate! I will say... There were a lot of women in that waiting room...I was leaning against my husband having one of my pass out feeling moments. This was after the whole ordeal of getting there....add the elevator to the equation, fun ,fun! Anyways... I wanted to ask them questions and see if they feel as lousy as I do! But, my dr said that he sees this very frequently in women. My husband is very optimistic..."this is it" he keeps telling me...

      I certainly hope least the med is technically an label smaller doses for migraine...maybe it can spark my brain in case I am overloaded by stress, anxiety... I It is pretty much what I was on before, with some differences. I have not started it yet...figured I would try no meds until the end of the week....less demaands on me over the weekend...have never in my life experienced so much weariness and fatigue...but not tired though! I know a couple people with clinical depression...they sleep like 20 hours a day! OR Sleep all day up all night boozing!

      Anyways! Sorry to rant, but I know you all hear what I am saying. I slept maybe 2 hours last night. If this crazy train ever does stop...I hope I am not too tired to get off! 😉

    • Posted

      I'm sorry to butt into your conversation, but tall buildings??? Were you in NYC? I only ask because that's where my appointment was on Monday.

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