For those with upper right quadrant pain. Rib and back!

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Hiya all. I have posted before about this but brief background. Had it on and off for 9 years since my sons birth. Around 7 years ago got scan on liver, kidneys, pancreas, gall bladder e.t.c told nothing there and it was muscular. About 6 months ago started with the pain aches every single day. Went back Drs, full bloods normal scan of kidneys and bladder normal so referred to physio ( I have also suffered with back problems for years ) but I'm going to go back the Drs as my physio appointment hasn't come through yet and I'm still in pain. I know alot suffer from this and was wanting to ask do any of you find the pain goes away when you lie down? I don't get it when I'm in bed, never wakes me from my sleep. My hubby tells me not to worry as if it was something serious the pain would be with me regardless of whether I'm lying down or not. I've suffered depression/anxiety/health anxiety also so could it be me making the pain worse? Just was wondering about your thoughts on this? I also have a squashed ureter on that side, so was wondering maybe it was that could be causing the pain, going to ask myDr when I see her on Friday. Thanks very much for any replies 😊

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I too get the rib and back pain. The rib pain feel like a band around that area, squeezing, and the back pain is both upper and lower. I had my gallbladder out, however, but still getting these pains. Also don't have the pains when in bed, and night time I always feel better than at night. Going to GI doctor on the 12th, so I'm sure there will be testing. Will let you know what he says. 
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      I meant I feel better at night 
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      Its awful isn't it? That's why I was thinking more muscular if the pain goes whist in bed. Its just annoying because you want answers and no one can seem to give you any. Good luck with your appointment.
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    Hi Pauline.  I've been suffering with pains on both sides around rib area for close to Four years now. Had gall bladder removed, went through a multitude of tests,diets, and meds.  Never found an answer but my depression and anxiety definitely made things worse.  My pain does not go away when I lie down so I take meds to sleep.  I'm afraid that I have no answer  but just wanted you to know that there is a multitude suffering from the same pain.   Hang in there and realize that there may not ever be an answer.
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      Is your pain constant too? Have they told you it could be muscular? Its just so annoying because you want answers. It really makes my depression and anxiety worse and then I think that makes the pain worse. Its a viscous cycle . I just don't know what to ask my Dr to do next!
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      Yes, my pain is constant.  A physical therapist told me that it might be muscular because I'm a beachcomber and sometimes carry things home that are too heavy.  That's probably the closest to the truth than any answer that I got from doctors.  By the way, I finally went on anti depressants  and limited my doctor visits - both of which have given me a better outlook on things.  Hope that you find an answer that works for you.
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      Well I went back to my Drs again. I have another water infection although I don't think that's what causing the pain because its there even when I don't have one. As this is my second infection this year she said if I get any more she will refer me to a urologist. I'm hoping I am because I keep thinking it might be my squashed ureter that's causing me pain. Anyway, she put my mind at ease as I was upset and said my bloods and scan were fine, I'm not loosing weight or have any other symptoms! So hopefully I might get to the bottom of it. It does make you feel down thought coz of the pain. Oh and I've done heavy lifting in work for years!
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      Yes, the pain does wear you down.  I have a TENS unit that helps a bit. I just try to keep my mind busy- which doesn't always work.  Good luck to you.
  • Posted

    My Dr and other Dr said its stomach acid. My blood, urine, stomach ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, stomach etc is fine

    I've had this pain and I took rabeprazole for 3wks and slowly the pain went away, after quitting for 3wks I started having sore throat, feeling sick after eating, very light ear ache and it could be acid reflux or acid rebound

    I still get stomach/abdominal pain once a while but it goes away after I pass gas

    I also have anxiety issues and it's not good cus it can cause a lot of illness in ur stomach. I do meditate and try to walk every meal, drink lots of water, don't eat anything hot or cold, cut down on caffeine, sauces, smoking, soda etc.

    I live with having carrots cabbage and Apple blend (this has helped me A LOT). Cabbage is good cure for your stomach/ abdomen. Chicken noodle soup with carrots & broccoli, Whole eggs, Bland oatmeal (no milk). Lots of apples and banana

    I highly suggest to try the carrots, cabbage and Apple juice. Good luck. You'll be just fine. Take patience and time. Don't rush.

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