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Hi ladies, since starting the menopause Ive noticed that my memory is really bad. I'm referring to my short-term memory. For example I will put a load of washing in the washing machine. Whereas before I know it takes roughly a couple of hours and I intuitively seemed to know the wash had finished and would put it in the tumble dryer. Now I just forget. Many times. If my daughter and I are chatting I frequently say mid sentence "what was I saying" my short term memory is bad. Does anybody else suffer from this?
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Guest Donna23316
Hi Donna, Definitely! On more than 1 occasion, I have started the bathtub, and walked outside, forgot and flooded the bathroom. That started a couple of years ago. I just didn’t put the pieces together. I also have no short term memory, mostly because I’m so tired all the time! If I don’t write it down its gone. I’m only 41. 😊
CarolKelso Guest
Hi lou... Same happened to me with kitchen sink... I work with dementia and think I'm gonna be in the same boat soon... Hope not... 😉.. Go easy. CK
jackie92665 Donna23316
Hi, yes! It's so annoying 🙁
kelly55079 Donna23316
ImagineOneDay Donna23316
Certainly. I even forget that I already loaded the machine and running. I then realise when I go to load it again. Then I say 'who loaded the machine?' SAD
jennifer85442 Donna23316
Every single day. Often every conversation. And my husband has to frequently say "Hun you JUST told me that" because I didn't remember saying it out loud. Thought I said it to myself. Haha. I can literally have something in my hand and forget why I picked it up. I also have put things away in spots that make no sense. It is my pregnancy all over again. Menopause is pregnancy in reverse! Funny, not funny. Ergh.
jo67532 Donna23316
Hi Donna! Yes, I have the short memory problems too. I have even started the wash and forgotten to throw in the laundry! I've gone to the grocery store and forgotten the main item I was going in there for! I don't trust myself to remember things anymore, so i usually jot what I need to remember into my phone or write a list on paper! It can get annoying, but you just have to roll with it!
trude_18321 Donna23316
CarolKelso Donna23316
Hi Donna... Oh I'm hearing you and the same..
At times I've left the tap running and forget so many things... Part of the course... Hormones eh... CK
Guest Donna23316
LouiseScotland Donna23316
Oh yes, SO familiar! I've really wondered from time to time if I could have the beginnings of dementia but I honestly think it's menopause related. Just a few minutes ago I gave my OH a row for using 'my' mug and filling it from the hot drinks maker he usually uses (I normally prefer to use the kettle). It was only when he said he hadn't and I looked in the mug I remembered that I had decided to use the machine to make myself a drink - about 2 hours ago, and then forgotten it. That's par for the course, I've even forgotten things in the oven for example, which is not good
My biggest fear is that I will forget to collect my grandchildren from school when it's my turn to do so, but oddly enough that's never happened or even come close. It seems to be more boring, mundane things but it's so annoying and I hope it stops soon!
loretta63638 Donna23316
Ditto. It is ridiculous! I write down my errands for the weekend when I need to drive somewhere because I won't remember all the stops - even when it's only 2 stops! Walking from one room to another and I totally forget what I was walking into the other room to do. I set timers for most things I cook because I will forget to check on them. I had a mini stroke in May and I also understand I am still recovering from that but this has been happening for the past 2 years. It's been 6 months since I had a real period so I remain hopeful I am finally on the final train ride of a year without one.
lori92895 Donna23316
HI! I went down to my sister's in April. I thought I would take my birthstone necklace, the one she bought me for my 50th birthday, with me, But since the chain is so very delicate I didn't want to risk it getting tangled so I left it behind. I remember thinking when I was at my sister's that I hope I remembered where I put it. Because I think I hid it and I can not remember for the life of me where I hid it at. It's gone, my memory and the necklace. It was so special and perfect and beautiful. I am just heartbroken about it. I just don't know where to look. I feel stupid having hid it from myself. I feel sure I'm getting dementia. Both my grandmothers suffered from such at the end of their lives. But they lived to be 91 and 90. Woe is me, I still have another 40 years.
I hope I find that necklace. Lori
LouiseScotland lori92895
You know it's not lost Lori, simply mislaid, so you will come across it eventually. I do this all the time - my son sometimes tries to find something of his and I haven't seen it, and then when it's found I remember it was me who put it wherever it is...not that I confess, mind you! This really is the pits, it's awful, but it seems we are not alone!