Freaking out about my Dr. visit
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Hi ladies,
so today I went to a fallow-up appointment I had with my gynecologist and apparently on top of all my crazy peri symptoms I have fibroids and she claims it'll be a real good idea to get hysterectomy…😱😱 I'm 46 yrs. old and I feel like she maybe moving too fast or that maybe that's not a good idea for me…! Ladies is that the norm when doctors can't figure patients out they just want to remove our organs like ?! Or am I just freaking out, my main complaint to my doctor was horrible pain in my pelvic area, so she order a ultrasound! Ladies help😭😭😭😭
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grace50455 Goddess1
Praying for you.
natallia04776 grace50455
Thanks for your reply. It wasn't easy decision.
gailannie Goddess1
Goddess, it is very hard for any one else to make this decision. Some women do say they feel better, and others are very sorry they had the surgery.
What I suggest is that you do a lot of research. Look at several women-to women sites that deal with this surgery. Read everything you can on fibroids. (They often shrink after menopause) Find out how many you have, and their size. See if you can find some ideas for alternative therapies and give them a try. (fibroids are estrogen sensitive.)
Unless you are so uncomfortable that it is ruining your life, you don't have to make this decision this minute, or next week, or next month. Take your time in making this decision. And yes, we are in a quick fix culture, and surgery is often the quick answer. But there may be many other options.
Goddess1 gailannie
Thank you so much to you reply! I sure will do all my research I felt so powerless about yesterday, that's gonna change with this support group and more education regarding my decision… I needed somebody to tell me that is ultimately is my decision…! Thanks so much Gail😘😘😘
caroline114 Goddess1
I am 51 years old and I had bleeding since last October every 2 - 3 weeks very heavy, and even sometimes every couple of days. The Gynacolgist scanned me and found out I had 2 fibroids (1.5cm and the other 3cm) not very big apparently.
He also did a biopsy on my uterus .
?The next appointment he told me I had no cancer, thank goodness, but now he is trying a Endometrial ablation ( basically is taking away the womb lining which prevents any further bleeding ) but he also asked me if I intended in having any futher pregnancies. At my age !!
If this doesn't work he will do a full hystectomy
natallia04776 caroline114
Dear Caroline, you make me smile, so thank you for that, any way some women want get pregnant at your age 😊.
Lotti1966 caroline114
Ugggh! Uterine biopsy.....I had 3. 3 too many! Praying for you to find relief and not to suffer anymore😘
Goddess1 Lotti1966
Pray for you hunny😘😘😘
natallia04776 Goddess1
Any one know?
Goddess1 natallia04776
Yea the pain is horrible… it feels close to lower back labor pain, for some time I thought it was hip or some kind of bone issues, but I notice it mainly happened around period time! However my cycles sometimes don't come at all but the pain does😰😰😰 my cycles this past year were barely there I think I only got like 4 or 5 at the most… I was a bit offended because I'm 46 and my period is gonna end in like 5 yrs or less and supposedly that shrinks them anyways why take my organs out ?!
But im going to do more research & really ask my self if want to bare this pain! So pray for me please.
Sochima822 Goddess1
Hi Goddess, I believe your doctor is moving too fast. I have fibroids and cysts as well, which during perimenopause caused me a lot of pain. My doctor recommended I go on bp pills because it would help reduce some of the pain. Which I'm happy to say that it did. Yet, I still suffer occasionally from fibroid pain. But nothing major like before. Years later and off bc pills, I again had horrible fibroid pain, this time the doctor gave a me sheet of paper and said do these pelvic exercises. After doing them for about two weeks the pain went away, that was about 4 years ago and only had the pain once recently I do some exercises and now they're gone. If I were you I would definitely look for alternatives rather than to go under the knife.
lana07071 Sochima822
Sochima822 lana07071
It's pain in your pelvic feels like your ovaries hurt and you can feel like your pelvis is so weak that it feel like it's going to fall out. You can find the exercises online. Hope this helps.
lana07071 Sochima822
Goddess1 Sochima822
Yes I do agree my Doctor is moving to fast & I don't like that at all I've only had this pain for like 3 or 4 yrs and we haven't tried no other treatments at all… she just had me do the ultra sound like 2 yrs ago & that's when the found the fibroids… she also mention that in like 5 yrs I'm probably going to on full menopause and that shrinks fibroids anyways, have you ever heard that ? What is BP pills ?
gailannie Goddess1
Fibroids are estrogen sensitive. Meaning that estrogen makes the fibroids grow. So this is why when women reach menopause, the lowered estrogen level allows the fibroids to shrink. For many women that's all it takes, and they don't need any surgery....just menopause will help.
I think it's a good thing that you did an ultrasound a couple years ago. This is wonderful for giving as baseline of their size. Do another ultrasound and see what has changed!!!! Have they grown, are there more of them, etc. This gives you some very good information.
BP = birth control pills. The reason those are often suggested is because they contain, not only synthetic estrogen, but synthetic progesterone as well. There are some limited "experts" who suggest that progesterone may be involved for keeping fibroids in check. (Do a google search on this.) So for some women, a BP may help as it is providing the progestin that could help with fibroids. (Again this isn't a 100% solution, but may work well for some women.)
Goddess1 gailannie
Thanks so much for this info! & yes I'm getting an ultra sound in 3 weeks.
Sochima822 Goddess1
Bp are birth control pills. Like Gailannie says, the progestin helps. Yes, they do shrink after menopause, and the pain subsides once you no longer bleed. My doctor at least suggested it and it worked. When pain is an issue, and if there's some way to calm it I'm willing to try it as long as it doesn't kill me. Birth control pills have been around for a few decades.
Goddess1 Sochima822
Thanks so much & yes I'm aware of birth control, I just believe or not really taking more 5 boxes in my entire life, I felt horrible on them when I did take them, once again thank u so much for your reply every reply is so useful to my life right now, hugs
Sochima822 Goddess1
Goddess1 Sochima822
I honestly didn't want no parts of birth control pills, still don't😬 & to be honest with you I'm just now finding out that they work on fibroids…! I felt like a teenager when I was taking them moody and I even developed acne😢… however if I knew for a fact that would really help my condition I would make an exception!
Sochima822 Goddess1
You were on the wrong one, it is trial & error, and finding which one works for your body. If something doesn't agree with you you need to tell your doctor.
gailannie Sochima822
While it's true that many women do well on BP, some do not. I am one of those women. From the common high dose pills in my 20s,(1970s) to what we now consider low dose pills, (1990s) none of them worked for me. I tried MANY. Always, more than a little upset, that they didn't agree with my system. On the high dose pill of the late 70s, I wound up in the ER 6 months later with severe abdominal pain. (It's listed as a side effect.)
With the low dose pill for perimenopause, I would shake like a leaf and cry uncontrollably every afternoon. A higher estrogen pill then had me bloating and dizzy. It simply wasn't worth it.
There are some women who just don't do well, or feel right, on a birth control pill. We're all different.
natallia04776 gailannie
I didn't know that. Thanks