Freaking out again. Please help!!!!
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Ive posted in here before, but it's getting really bad, and the worst it's ever been. I feel like I died in my sleep over 2 months ago after smoking weed(Im a frequent smoker), Ive had Heart Palpitations ever since the night, and my ears have started ringing really bad lately. Just starting today ive been getting really blurred vision. My brain keeps telling me I died and that this is all just my conscience. Im freaking out. Please Help!!!
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jessica39229 will54787
Try to relax and distract yourself. i find meditation to be helpful to get my mind off things. Remind yourself that you are happy and healthy and you are alive.
if it makes you feel better, go to the doctor so you ensure that nothing is wrong and that this is just your anxiety talking
will54787 jessica39229
But just curious, I have been having this 24/7 since that night. Even when Im not thinking about it, it hits me at random, then i have a big attack. How can i be 100% certain that any of this is actually real. My brain just keeps telling me that this is all my Conscience
devin1222 will54787
You're definitely alive and here. Just like Jessica mentioned above, it may be helpful to go get checked out at the doctor's for the symptoms you've been feeling. If everything comes back normal then it is most likely anxiety! I've been dealing with a tight chest and headaches for a few months now and it freaks me out every second of every day. But lately I've been telling myself that if I was really dying or something, my body would be giving me major signals. I've been to the doctor's and I've had blood tests, chest x-rays, urine tests which all have come back normal. It definitely gives me some peace of mind knowing that I'm okay, but you honestly just have to take this day by day. Find a show to binge watch to keep you distracted. Read a book. Listen to your favorite music. But just know you're here and definitely alive. You wouldn't be able to post this discussion if you weren't!
will54787 devin1222
Ive had blood work and tests done for the Palpitations, also going to get X rays next week. But my brain just keeps telling me that I'm just my conscience and that none of this is actually real. Like Idk if there will be anything I can do to ever get over this, and its scary. Im scared to talk to my family about it, Because my brain tells me that once i tell them ill pass to the other side
devin1222 will54787
I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I can't imagine how frustrating and scary it is. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis before? I read somewhere that that can cause people to feel like they "woke up dead". It also might be helpful to get in contact with a therapist or a mental health specialist who could talk you through what you are feeling. There's free ones online and at least then you could talk to someone with training in this field! I'm honestly just here for support and I am in no ways a professional at ALL. But just know that I'm here (and everyone else on this discussion board) if you need to vent or talk about what you're going through. I know that your brain keeps telling you that this is all just your conscience and you're not really here but you are here. But like I mentioned earlier, trying reaching out to some professionals if you don't feel comfortable talking about it with your family.
will54787 devin1222
Thank you so much, Ive been trying to reach out to different online therapists, most of them are a little too expensive due to me being out of a Job with Covid, and most of the ones that claim are free arent with actual therapists, Or arent actually free. Thank you though, If it gets any worse I will probably go to the Hospital and see if i can talk to a Psychiatrist there if need be
devin1222 will54787
Yes, definitely if it gets worse go seek help! And you're right, I totally just blanked on the online therapist thing lol I've tried to do them and can only go so far with them without having to pay. My bad about that, but yes I believe there should always be a 24/7 hotline for anyone who feels like they are having a mental health or medical emergency. Stay strong and just keep your thoughts positive! I'm trying to do that as well (: