Freaky creepy Crawley burny skin
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Just another day of this creepy crawly burning skin with numbness in legs... had quite a doozy of a day. A few adrenaline rushes, anxiety, emotional moments and some light headache... so over this... tell me someone else gets like this... I trust the Lord immensely to get me through this... I find myself just talking to God praying for relieve ...not helps me calm down before I hit panic mode.
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pamela2016 tamsin00119
I have the burning skin most days at times its very bad its like a bad sunburn my face will go on fire and ears for hours as well sick of it all. your not alone and I've found nothing to help its miserable
Sgt.lindalee pamela2016
Hi Pamela...Have you seen a Dr yet? I would at least have a consult, you shouldn't have to suffer like this, could be a few things but, maybe you could get a diagnosis rather quickly...Best Wishes๐๐๐๐โฎ
pamela2016 Sgt.lindalee
i have they say anxiety but i know different worse on ovulation week and cycle week its hormones for me
Sgt.lindalee tamsin00119
Hi Tamsin, First of all, book a Dr. appt. there are MANY things this could be, some minor & temporary, try not to panic(it wont help & can cause OTHER symptoms) It sounds like something neurological(burning/crawling/numbness) or possibly spinal(lower back issues can cause weird sensations in the legs)sciatica, pinched nerves, or even things like Lyme Disease or skin disorders...etc...but, like I said, you should see a Dr. ASAP, before you start having other issues from sounds like when this starts it is causing you fear, stress, pain and the uncertainty is causing you severe anxiety, it probably is making your blood pressure elevated, then fight or flight response kicks in and you get panic(we need to prevent THAT)...seeing the Dr. & working toward a diagnosis can help with that. Since you don't know exactly what is going on, when this happens... sit down, relax, try slow deep breathing, see if anything helps like; elevating your legs, cool compresses, warmth, massage, keep a journal of WHEN, WHERE, HOW LONG it lasts & TIME between attacks, write down how it feels(if it begins in one spot & spreads, if it hits all at once & if it always happens the same way, feels the same) THIS will totally help your Dr. and give you some sense of control, that you're working to figure it out...Don't give up or just accept it...Drs. will have to figure it out...If you have WEAKNESS, difficulty walking, paralysis, sharp pain, dizziness, fever...anything NEW and worrisome....go to your ER!! Praying & talking to God helps you feel heard and not alone...I will pray too & I wish you all the best, you shouldn't have to suffer like this!!๐๐๐๐โฎ
tamsin00119 Sgt.lindalee
Thank you so much... I have been to my Dr.. he believes it is related to my hormones.. he is booking me an appt with a menopausal specialist... my honest opinion on the matter is that the hormonal imbalance has triggered it yes... but that the underlying cause is due to one of the BP meds I am on... one of the rare side effects is flushing (I call it burning) and numbness... dr does not want to change the meds yet because he had recently changed one BP meds... so in the meantime I have to live in this hell..
Shana_P tamsin00119
i have all your same symptoms and was diagnosed with Mold Toxicity/Lyme Disease/EBV.... Don't Always assume its Menopause I did and then i found out..
tamsin00119 Shana_P
Hi Shana
Were they able to help you? Or are you still suffering?? I will ask dr to test...
thank you so much for your feedback.
oh and what is EBV?
malina55946 Shana_P
hello shana! you ve mentioned that after assuming you re having menopause symptoms, they diagnosed you with mold toxicity and lyme disease and Epstein Bar virus. what tests did they run and how you tested positive for lyme? all the other tests before were good? what made you still investigate? i am also thinking i have lyme, but i don t have the antibodies. Thank you! malina