Freckle or melanoma
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hi everyone. ive had this thing in my chest that looks like a freckle for a very long time. i knkw that its at least been two years, maybe even longer. i never have really paid attention to it. i jkst wanted to make sure it was normal. incase the picture is hard to see, its very small.
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michelle70460 mikey91833
Hi. Whilst i am no expert, your mole looks completely normal. It appears to have even borders, no irregularity in colour. When looking at moles always remember the ABCDE. A stands for asymmetry. B stands for border. C stands for colour. D stands for diameter. E stands for evolving. If it bothers you get it checked out by an expert who can give you a more definitive answer. But from what i can tell it looks fine. Good luck.
mikey91833 michelle70460
thanks fot the reply. im not sure why i jjst started thinking about it more. its been there so long, hasnt caused problems, and has stayed the same. i looked up the ABCDE method, and i would have to agree with you. its been the same size, and never changed. i guess i only started thinkng about it because its a little bigger than some of my other frckles/moles.
kim12266 mikey91833
the abcde rule dosnt apply to some for example nodular melanoma is symetrical and also all one colour if in doubt see a doctor
michelle70460 kim12266
Hi there. Although i respect your comment, you are right about nodular melanoma,. But nodular melanoma is not as common as the more common melanomas. The ABCDE rule does apply to these. I should know i work in a skin cancer clinic.
kim12266 michelle70460
i never said it didnt ?? i said it dosnt apply to nodular
if u work in a skin cancer clinic why did u say to get checked out by an expert should u not already know with working in a skin cancer clinic that it was melanoma he had surly u should be an expert at these things
michelle70460 kim12266
You actually did say that the ABCDE rule doesnt apply. Please dont insult my intelligence when i told you i work in a skin cancer clinic. Cos i do. What i said was looking at it in a photo is not the same as having it looked at PROPERLY. His mole does not look like a melanoma but it needs looking at properly. Not just a photo. Whilst you were right about nodular melanona you are wrong about the other 3 more common melanomas that the ABCDE rule does apply to. Just because i may work in a skin cancer clinic does not mean i can give him a definitive answer without assessing it properly. Dont come on here to argue with people. People come on this site looking for advise. Not to pick fights with people. Have a good day/ night. Where ever you come from.
kim12266 michelle70460
but u state u are no expert im not arguin i said it dosnt apply to to some melanoma can u not read ??
theres nothing in my replies that states that the abcde rule does not apply to all melanoma ? its states that it does not apply to some melanoma eg nodular please re read my comment and stop making out that i put something which i clearly did not !!
theres what i said were does it say it dosnt apply to all melanoma ??
michelle70460 kim12266
You said that the ABCDE rule doesnt apply to all melanomas, namely nodular melanoma, which is the only one you are right about. I state to you that i do work in a skin cancer clinic but dont always like to advertise it. Simple as that. Oh, & i can read very well. What do you suggest i do, get the bloke to come through the phone so i can look at him! The ABCDE rule DOES apply to almost all melanomas . The only exception is nodular. ABCDE rule. Look it up. If the place i work for found out i was giving advice without a proper assessment could land me in hot water. THATS why i tell people to get it checked if not sure.
kim12266 michelle70460
you ate a lier because if u read my comment that is not wat i put and fr everyone else that can read properly it states for some melanomas eg nodular please re read the comment because u are clearly blind goodnight
michelle70460 kim12266
Dont be fooled cos the ABCDE rule doesnt apply to some forms of melanoma. Sound familiar. Go back & read your own comments. Whos the liar now!
kim12266 michelle70460
yes thats eat i put because it dosnt apply to some forms of melanoma because it dosnt apply to nodular melanoma i dont get what u are still carrying this rubbish on for grow the hell up
i havnt lied it clearly states it does not apply to some forms of melanoma which it dosnt
this is a forum for anyone to comment the reply was not even for u it was for the person who made the post as the abcde rule does not apply to some melanoma eg nodular
not once did i put that the abcde rule does not apply to other melanoma because it does apply my reply was that it dosnt apply to all u seem to have some kind of an issue
michelle70460 kim12266
If i recall correctly i simply replied to your post in the beginning & YOU were the one who keeps replying. So you grow the f**k up! You wanna argue! That was not my intention to begin with. You state that i can't read, well if you can read properly i DID say that you were right about nodular melanoma just not the others. But i guess you seem to know it all einstein.
michelle70460 kim12266
Your post may have been for the other guy but others are allowed to reply to others posts as well. Get that!
kim12266 michelle70460
i never mentioned the abcde rule does not apply to the others in my comment just that the abcde rule dosnt apply to all melanoma because thats the truth admitted by urself it does apply to others iv not disputed that anywere on this post like you suggested i did when u replied to my first comment that wasnt even for you ,😂😂
there is not just nodular melanoma that dosnt follow the abcde rule amelanotic melanoma dosnt either theres a few that dont including melanomas that arise from sores on the skin
michelle70460 kim12266
Yep. Have a nice day/night. Didn't you say goodnight earlier. Goodnight. 藍藍
desmoplastic melanomas dont fit the abcde rule either being an expert i thought ud at least know this
mikey91833 kim12266
guys no need to argue. im fine, its a mole, that settles it. everyone get along please haha
Couldn't agree more mikey. Apologies.