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So, everyone talks about hot flashes, but what about "cold flashes"? I get my fair share of hot flashes, but I've also found that I am FREEZING anymore. I've never been that person - I've always been warm. Never wore a jacket (my winter coat was a hoodie), would have the heat in the house set on like 66 - now it's in the 70s! I'm currently sitting in my office wrapped in a blanket. Has this happened to anyone else??
2 likes, 14 replies
wendy36287 julee15466
have been cold for 2 days now and in between hot flushes
mrs_susan74280 julee15466
Always by 5 cold
kelly55079 julee15466
How is your Iron? There was a time that I was always cold and someone told me that's from low Iron. I did start taking supplements because my periods are so heavy. I'm cold here and there but nothing like before.
julee15466 kelly55079
I take a supplement - so it shouldn't be that. I actually fixed a mild anemia problem. =)
suzanne_0411 julee15466
I am almost 4 years post. I have never had a hot flash... I get cold flashes, too. At times so bad that I'm internally shivering ❄😔
SSekouB julee15466
Hi, there. I am 57, been post-menopausal for two years, and have never had a hot flash. Even in peri-menopause, it was always a complaint that I was constantly freezing. I asked the doctor about it and, lo and behold, there is such a thing as "cold flashes". They aren't talked about as much, because most women experience hot flashes instead. But, they are a real thing, and my guess is you are like some of the rest of us -- a small minority who experience constant or near constant physically freezing bodies. From what I hear about hot flashes, I think of the two I'd rather have the cold flashes.
Take courage! You are not alone.
tessa07451 julee15466
Hi my legs always feel cold in the evening and sometimes the end of my nose
may69987 tessa07451
me tooo my feet and my nose and my thigh too but i also get hot flashes ،so im lucky i get both
Nancy2121 julee15466
Yes! When this all started I was cold all the time. Purchased an electric blanket. Always had a heater under my desk at work. I was always thin and my mom was always cold too, even though she lives out west. So didn't think much of it. The past 6 months, the hot flashes started and I realized what was going on. Now it's hot/cold all day. Never have had night sweats, just wake up from being too warm. No period in 15 months. Hopefully the journey will end soon. This sucks!
julee15466 Nancy2121
I am thinking an electric blanket is in my future. =)
katyD211 julee15466
I have one. As I type this I have a heated shoulder wrap around me.
katyD211 julee15466
yep...i get freezer chill (my term for it) often. Then a roaring ho flash 2 hours later.
Scottish_Granny julee15466
Hi i have both hot and cold flushes. Day and Night sweats. and on HRT
The cold flushes are the worst I feel like its from the bones out... and it doesn't matter what the temperature is outside or in the room.
when they happen it can be for 10 minutes or hours.. 2 winter quits 2 hot water bottles and still cold and basically have to wait it out... its almost so cold its sore.
Thank you all! Just wanted to be sure I wasn't losing my mind! I was taking my temp thinking I was getting the flu. Now it's a couple days later and I am SO WARM. It's like I have hot and cold DAYS instead of flashes lol. I was sweating through my pajamas last night. Two nights ago I was sleeping with a heating pad because I was so darn cold. What a wild ride. I'm only 39 - I'm one of the lucky ones to have started early - I can only hope it will be over quickly.