Frequent urination
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Hello, I have a cardiology appointment on Friday, and instead of looking like an idiot I'd rather ask you as a community. I get sudden onset of frequent urination and go approx 5 times an hour. At night, it's at least 8 times. It's mainly after an Afib episode however it can go some days and come other days. I heard it may be to do with afib (doctor said that they traced paroxysmal afib on the holter) I'm 17 & feel this isn't anything to do with my age.
For background info, my grandparent suddenly died of heart attack and had ischemic heart disease. They know I have Afib but unsure why.
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CDM2 XoMonkey
reginald86759 XoMonkey
Hi ,
i suffer from paroxysmal a fib and only seem to have attacks at night when asleep. It always comes with many visits to the loo as CDM2 has explained it's a body safety mechanism. I have lost 2 kilos in weight overnight just due to this.
I'm currently in Afib using the app HeartRateFree as a guide, however it's varying rapidly as per usual (from 110 down to 60 and back) ! It's very irritating!
CDM2 XoMonkey
Hotrodda XoMonkey
Yes same here frequent peeing when in afib. Let's hope you grow out of it, I had it for 20 + years before it was diagnosed and was told I was a hypochondriac or suffering panic attacks.
Meds sorted it for a few years but decided 2011 to go for ablation 👍Good luck annoying but don't panic it's not heart disease.
cardiac_congo XoMonkey
CDM2 cardiac_congo
Yup.. need to rehydrate.. and you think.. sheesh.. just more liquid that's going to want to come out. One thing I am doing is consciously eating more salt. I normally have a salt-free diet and that is not good for afib.. So.. anyhoo: Thank God it's intermittent!!
cardiac_congo CDM2
More salt?? I'm the opposite. Have had to cut right back or off I go. Last weekend, got tempted by salted peanuts. Just ate about a dozen, then off we go within maybe ten minutes..........did enjoy them though!! Paid the price for the next 7hrs!!
CDM2 cardiac_congo
Interesting.. Dehydration can trigger afib. Salt can stop dehydration (marathon runners eat salt before a run).. It's balance I suppose.. Keeping all those electrolytes (magnesium, sodium, pottasium and calcium) in balance. I follow a good vegetarian whole food organic diet and did endurance sports years ago. So, I'm familiar with a lot of the theory.. But.. to tell you the truth, my afib triggers are beyond me.. Has a mind of its own!!!
bergevb XoMonkey
Funny enough, the one who just fobbed me off and gave me new medication said it wasn't related at all, so who knows. Thanks for all your comments (I've read them all)