Frequent Urination

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I have been urinating like crazy for almost 2 weeks. As soon as i drink water which is the only thing i drink, it comes right out. It comes out like a water fountain and I'm wondering where is all this water coming from. It is very irritated, burns and discomfort down to the point of crying sometimes. It is not inside but around the private area, more on the labia and urethra. The urethra looks a bit inflamed and feel of pressure in the urethra , like urine is always there even after using it . I also feel constipated and bloated, it seem worse during this time. But what is weird , i rarely have to get up during the night to urinate. I have an appt to Gyn on next week but in the meantime im wondering if anyone experienced this?

By the way, i had the same problem 4 months ago and it wasnt a uti, yeast, etc. But i was told that it was from lack of estrogen. Though, last time it was not to this extreme. This is awful this time! was given estrogen cream and it seem to help, this time seem different , I am using the Biest cream but no results yet. Ive only used it 2days so far. One other thing, when i eat certain foods such as with sugar in it , it triggers the burning also. This is really getting to me....

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I hated this symptom it's hormones I did that for a month straight and I didn't have uti,yeast infection or anything either.drove me nuts I got irritated alittle too from going so much

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      Pamela, you know the irritation could be from going so much because at first it was only frequent urination and the irritation came afterward. Did you do anything for it? Or di it just go away on its own?
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      It eventually went away on it's own, what we go through ugh neverending

  • Posted

    Hi Mary.. Maybe go and get a urine test to rule out infection as may need an antibiotic? .. I've had the same with frequent urination and yeast infections but are less as time has gone on... Also our immune system takes a knock once the hormones change so we are more susceptible to infection like thrush... Oh the joys.. Hope it gets better soon. CK

    • Posted

      Carolkeso, thank you for your suggestion. I got the uti test and no infection. Also, i got the yeast cream and it seem to help a bit until last night i made a big mistake by taking a bath. It aggravated it again. Well, no more baths until i can get this under control.
  • Posted

    I’ve had this and prescribed levaquin or Cipro as given for most bladder, kidney issues and gave me antibiotics gave me tendon damage.  I couldn’t use my arm. I researched for answers and cured mine with baking soda and water, prelief, aloe Vera pills, oregano pills, D mannose.  The vaginal area can become inflamed from ph being out of balance. Doctors are not much help.  Research Cystitis.  🦋

    • Posted

      Yes, this is a good strategy.  Two years ago, I went to the GP with symptoms of frequent urination and irritation; multiple tests came back negative for UTI.  A urologist did a cystoscopy and a CT scan.  He said my bladder was fine but saw “something” in the right ovary.  Gyn did surgery and removed ovary due to discoloration but all was fine.  Three months after surgery, I got an actual UTI and frequency and urgency did not go away.  Went back to gyn, had another test and it was negative for infection.  I saw a different practitioner at that visit, told her I’d had cystoscopy showing a healthy bladder, and she said it was probably interstitial cystitis and gave me information about dietary changes to make.  In addition to following an IC diet, I also take Prelief and aloe vera capsules and drink bottled water with a slightly higher pH than tap water.  The biggest thing to do is cut out as many sugary and acidic foods as possible.  You may also want to include some antibiotic foods.  Yes, it is recommended to take antibiotics for a UTI, but Cipro and similar drugs have some scary long-term side effects.  I’ve had to take them a few times in the last two years for sinus infections and UTI and really struggled some with stomach issues (I also have Crohn’s disease).  I never got infections before peri.  Take antibiotics if you must but also make dietary changes.  They can really help!

    • Posted

      My detailed post is awaiting moderation, but I just want to agree without you about pH balance.  The bladder can definitely become inflamed by anything acidic.  I use a couple of the same things you mention and try to eat a more balanced diet.  When I avoid heavily acidic and/or sugary foods, I feel much better.  I also buy bottled water with a pH just slightly higher than tap water.
    • Posted

      Oops, that should say “with you”... and I agree that doctors are no help.  The one helpful thing I got from them was a nurse practitioner’s recommendation to try a diet for interstitial cystitis, namely avoiding acid and sugar.  It helps!
    • Posted

      Sideways67 I agree about doctors are no help. Last summer I had the same thing and Dr. prescribed cipro but had no uti and i made a big mistake by taking it. OMG! I had gastristis but had finally gotten it under control until i took the cipro, returned with a BAM! Years ago I suffered with IC, but this seem a bit different. It cant be from sugary, acidic, or bad foods because i eat none of those. Though i wished i could sometimes eat what i want but my diet is very restricted. It was getting better since ive been using the Biest cream and yeast cream until last night I made the mistake of taking a epsom salt bath and symptoms reoccurring. I know not the epsom salt , so it has to be the water, the chloride in it. I used no bubbles and only natural soap. (Very little soap). I will try the vaginal probiotics.
  • Posted

    If the irritation is caused or aggravated by sugary or acidic foods and drinks, it could be interstitial cystitis.  It’s good that you’re going to see your gyn in any case.  Hope everything turns out well.
    • Posted

      Liz I have suffered with IC in the past, and I managed to rid it , never again had any problem. ( At least 15 years ago) Even my urologist wanted to know what did i do to get rid of it. I followed this author protocol who suffered with it for years. I bought all her books on it and followed everything she said. But, she discovered the root of the problem was balancing the hormones. So, hormanal could be the factor again. 🙁

    • Posted

      Mary, I’m glad you replied.  This is encouraging.  I never got infections of any kind at all until I was about two years into peri.  I did have a cystoscopy with a urologist and was told that my bladder is healthy.  It sounds definitely like hormones could be the culprit, then... it wouldn’t surprise me!  So frustrating trying to figure this out,  Since I also have Crohn’s disease, I do have to be careful with diet.  Would love to hear what you find out this time and wouldn’t be surprised if it’s hormones again.

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